Noticias sobre Pata Negra Bacteriana y Pudrición Húmeda / Pectobacterium

Building regional capacity to manage invasive pests and diseases to safeguard sustainable seed potato trade
Enero 28, 2025

Building regional capacity to manage invasive pests and diseases to safeguard sustainable seed potato trade

Potatoes are increasingly traded globally, raising the risk of spreading quarantined pests and diseases. Organizations like EPPO and national bodies regulate many of these threats, necessitating a unified approach to pest and disease management.
PCN and blackleg main topics at Cambridge potato conference
Enero 21, 2023

PCN and blackleg main topics at Cambridge potato conference

Potato industry challenges posed by PCN and blackleg were among the topics discussed at the recent Cambridge University Potato Growers’ Association (CUPGRA) annual conference.
UK Potato Storage: regular checks vital this season for reducing risks
Noviembre 22, 2020

UK Potato Storage: regular checks vital this season for reducing risks

The continued wet weather in late October/early November in the United Kingdom has extended the harvesting season beyond eight weeks for some, which is clearly not good news where stores have been part-filled and cooling systems unable to function correctly.
World Potato Congress Inc. Webinar: 'Above and Below Ground: Diseases threatening sustainable potato production'
Octubre 21, 2020

World Potato Congress Inc. Webinar: 'Above and Below Ground: Diseases threatening sustainable potato production'

The World Potato Congress is pleased to be beginning its Fall webinar series on November 12, 2020, with Professor Jacquie van der Waals from the University of Pretoria, South Africa.
Important Potato Diseases and Tips to Manage them in Storage
Septiembre 18, 2020

Potato Diseases and Tips to Manage them in Storage

A key requirement for a longtime potato storage is that the storage conditions match the needs and end use of the crop. These requirements of can be assessed before harvest by doing several test digs which allow to determine the distribution and level of tuber infection.
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