Papas para el Procesamiento

Caithness Potatoes Nederland: 'New French-fry varieties must excel in at least one characteristic, but in fact have two good ones.
Octubre 28, 2019

Caithness Potatoes Nederland: 'New French-fry varieties must excel in at least one characteristic, but in fact have two good ones.'

Jan-Eric Geersing, Caithness Potatoes Nederland, Emmeloord: 'New French-fry varieties must excel in at least one characteristic, but in fact have two good ones.
The Potato Company: 'What you want to find in the end is a practical potato with a simple user manual.'
Octubre 28, 2019

The Potato Company: 'What you want to find in the end is a practical potato with a simple user manual.'

Jos Bus, The Potato Company, Emmeloord: 'What you want to find in the end is a practical potato with a simple user manual.'
Royal-ZAP/Semagri on potato breeding: 'It's a matter of starting somewhere and waiting for a chance hit.'
Octubre 28, 2019

Royal-ZAP/Semagri on potato breeding: 'It's a matter of starting somewhere and waiting for a chance hit.'

Lammert Buwalda, Royal-ZAP/Semagri, Wieringerwerf on potato breeding: 'It's a matter of starting somewhere and waiting for a chance hit.'
Robert Graveland, HZPC research, Metslawier: 'Marker-assisted classical potato breeding is going to change a lot in the range of varieties over the coming ten to fifteen years.'
Octubre 26, 2019

HZPC research: 'Marker-assisted classical potato breeding is going to change a lot in the range of varieties over the coming ten to fifteen years.'

Robert Graveland, HZPC research, Metslawier: ‘Marker-assisted classical breeding is going to change a lot in the range of varieties over the coming ten to fifteen years.’
IPM: 'We feel an obligation to produce varieties that can be grown in an environmentally friendly way.'
Octubre 26, 2019

IPM: 'We feel an obligation to produce varieties that can be grown in an environmentally friendly way.'

Colm McDonnell, IPM, Deinum: ‘We feel an obligation to produce varieties that can be grown in an environmentally friendly way.’
Agrico Research: 'As soon as a French-fry manufacturer accepts a [potato] variety as a raw material, things move fast.'
Octubre 26, 2019

Agrico Research: 'As soon as a French-fry manufacturer accepts a potato variety as a raw material, things move fast.'

Sjefke Allefs, Agrico Research, Bant: 'As soon as a French-fry manufacturer accepts a variety as a raw material, things move fast.'
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Stet Holland: 'The point is to achieve significant improvements and not to have more of the same.'
Octubre 26, 2019

Stet Holland: 'The point is to achieve significant improvements and not to have more of the same.'

Jaap Brondijk, Stet Holland, Emmeloord: ’The point is to achieve significant improvements and not to have more of the same.’
Den Hartigh: 'For growers, it's important to offer harvest and quality assurance.'
Octubre 26, 2019

Den Hartigh: 'For growers, it's important to offer harvest and quality assurance.'

Jacob Eising, Den Hartigh, Emmeloord: 'For growers, it's important to offer harvest and quality assurance.'
GPS Potato Breeders: ‘As Scottish growers, we focus mainly on the home market.’
Octubre 26, 2019

GPS Potato Breeders: 'As Scottish growers, we focus mainly on the home market.'

David Murdie, Potato Manager at GPS Potato Breeders, Angus: ‘As Scottish growers, we focus mainly on the home market.’
Schaap-Holland BV: ‘There’s always room for new French-fry varieties, as long as it’s a 2.0 or 3.0 version.'
Octubre 24, 2019

Schaap-Holland BV: 'There's always room for new French-fry varieties, as long as it's a 2.0 or 3.0 version.'

Dirk Stellingwerf, Schaap-Holland BV, Biddinghuizen: ‘There’s always room for new French-fry varieties, as long as it’s a 2.0 or 3.0 version of existing ones. The demand for this is growing especially now...'
Octubre 16, 2019

Temporada de patata complicada en Polonia, la escasez ha hecho necesario importar

La sequía del verano pasado ha tenido un fuerte efecto sobre la temporada de patata europea. Estos desafíos también se han dejado notar en Polonia, pues los comerciantes han tenido que importar patatas para poder cubrir la demanda nacional.
The French company Select’Up joins Europatat
Septiembre 03, 2019

The French company Select'Up joins Europatat

Europatat warmly welcomes the French company Select’Up specialised in growing, importing and exporting potatoes, who joined the Association at the beginning of the year.
Contenido Patrocinado

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