Papas para el Procesamiento

Patatas Meléndez aumenta un 25% su plantilla en plena crisis sanitaria del Covid-19 y continúa incorporando nuevo talento
Junio 01, 2020

Patatas Meléndez aumenta un 25% su plantilla en plena crisis sanitaria del Covid-19 y continúa incorporando nuevo talento

Patatas Meléndez ha ampliado su equipo de trabajo incorporando a 91 personas más a su plantilla, lo que supone un aumento del 25%. Garantía de abastecimiento y atención a la demanda han sido los objetivos de la compañía en estas semanas de crisis sanitaria.
Europa: Autorregular el mercado de la patata podría generar perturbaciones negativas
Junio 01, 2020

Europa: Autorregular el mercado de la patata podría generar perturbaciones negativas

Europa: Autorregular el mercado de la patata podría generar perturbaciones negativas.
Mayo 11, 2020

NEPG estima en un 5% la reducción de la superficie de patata en los países que la componen

La fuerte bajada de la demanda de producto en los restaurantes, bares y hoteles que habrían caído en un 50/60% y el descenso de la demanda de la exportación está provocando que la industria mundial de procesamiento de patata ha reducido su capacidad y necesidad de materia prima. Probablemente no se procesen más de 2 millones de toneladas solo en los países productores de patata que agrupa NEPG en el continente: Francia, Bélgica, Alemania y Holanda.
Belgian potato sector grows again in 2019
Abril 13, 2020

Belgian potato processing sector continues growth in 2019

Last year, despite the difficult growing conditions as a result of the extreme heat and drought during both the 2018-2019 and the 2019-2020 seasons, the Belgian potato-processing industry once again improved the record for processed potatoes.
Perthshire farmer wins £1m bank backing for new potato sorting machine
Abril 09, 2020

Perthshire farmer wins £1m bank backing for new potato sorting machine

A PERTHSHIRE farming business which supplies table and seed potatoes to the UK, Europe, North Africa and Middle East will increase throughput by up to 100 percent by modernizing operating processes after securing £1 million in support from banking giant
COVID-19 crashes European potato processing
Abril 07, 2020

COVID-19 crashes European potato processing

In mainland Europe the widespread closure of restaurants and other food service outlets has meant that demand for processed potato products has fallen significantly.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Marzo 24, 2020

Free market for potatoes in Belgium collapsed due to COVID-19

Due to COVID-19 the free market of potatoes has completely collapsed. The PCA/Fiwap and the Belgapom price quotation has been suspended because of a lack of transactions on the free market of potatoes.
Febrero 11, 2020

Aviko Potato starts to pay more for long storage

Aviko Potato starts to pay more for long storage. A potato grower who stores his potatoes until July and qualifies for all bonuses receives € 220,- per ton.
QV Foods rebrands as AH Worth
Diciembre 20, 2019

Potato company QV Foods rebrands as AH Worth

AH Worth CEO Duncan Worth speaks to Ed Leahy about his company’s rebranding as it sheds its old name, QV Foods
Patatas Meléndez inaugura un puesto propio en Mercamadrid
Diciembre 09, 2019

Patatas Meléndez inaugura un puesto propio en Mercamadrid

Patatas Meléndez, la empresa vallisoletana líder en producción de patata fresca en España, ha inaugurado hoy su presencia en el mercado central de Frutas y Hortalizas en Mercamadrid, con un puesto situados en la nave E del mercado mayorista de la capital.
Extreme weather hits potato processors in the UK for the second year in a row
Diciembre 02, 2019

Extreme weather hits potato processors in the UK for the second year in a row

Potato processors in the United Kingdom and their growers express again extreme concern about the potato supply, due to wet weather and potato varieties grown for processing in particular affected.
Nuevos hábitos de consumo en España revolucionan el sector de la patata
Diciembre 02, 2019

Nuevos hábitos de consumo en España revolucionan el sector de la patata

Los nuevos hábitos de consumo están brindando al sector de la patata inéditas oportunidades para poner en valor este producto, que a pesar de ser considerado un básico en la cesta de la compra, puede todavía reinventarse.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Agrico shows its professionalism during the variety exhibition
Noviembre 14, 2019

Dutch cooperative Agrico highlights 'professionalism' during their show of new potato varieties

On 7 and 8 November, Agrico held its annual variety show at its research station in Bant. During this show, the cooperative presented its new, innovative varieties and inspired visitors to work together to maximise professionalism in the chain.
Patatas Meléndez creará 50 empleos en Medina del Campo
Noviembre 11, 2019

Patatas Meléndez creará 50 empleos en Medina del Campo

Meléndez invertirá 15 millones en ampliar en 21.000 metros su fábrica de Medina del Campo con la creación de 50 empleos.
Agroplant: 'No customer wants to depend on only one or two varieties for processing.'
Octubre 29, 2019

Agroplant: 'No customer wants to depend on only one or two potato varieties for processing.'

Jeroen Kuin, Agroplant, Medemblik: 'No customer wants to depend on only one or two varieties for processing.'
C. Meijer BV: 'There's a constant need for new potato varieties, also for French fries.'
Octubre 29, 2019

C. Meijer BV: 'There's a constant need for new potato varieties, also for French fries.'

Willem in 't Anker, C. Meijer BV, Rilland: 'There's a constant need for new potato varieties, also for French fries.'
Norika/Binst: 'For every interesting potato variety that performs better than what we already have, there's a chance in the market.'
Octubre 29, 2019

Norika/Binst: 'For every interesting potato variety that performs better than what we already have, there's a chance in the market.'

Tigran Richter, Norika/Binst, Sanitz (D): 'For every interesting potato variety that performs better than what we already have, there's a chance in the market.'
Breeding Company Kooi: 'In order to increase a possible success, we focus mainly on the early segment.'
Octubre 29, 2019

Breeding Company Kooi: 'In order to increase a possible success, we focus mainly on the early segment.'

Rindert Dankert, Breeding Company Kooi, Leeuwarden: 'In order to increase a possible success, we focus mainly on the early segment.'


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