Papas GM

Many of us remember RNA from high school biology, where we were taught that the RNA molecule reads DNA, then makes proteins to carry out tasks
Julio 25, 2021

RNA breakthrough creates crops that can yield 50% more potatoes, rice

Manipulating RNA can dramatically increase the yield of potato plants, as well as increasing drought tolerance, announced a group of scientists from the University of Chicago, Peking University and Guizhou University.
US pushes Mexico for approval of GM crops, access to potato market.
Julio 12, 2021

US pushes Mexico for approval of GM crops, access to potato market

The United States pressured Mexico on Wednesday to allow genetically modified crops into the country and to open up access to U.S.-grown potatoes. Trade talks were held Wednesday in Mexico City.
China produce primera generación de papas híbridas a través de diseño de genoma.
Julio 05, 2021

China produce primera generación de papas híbridas a través de diseño de genoma

Un equipo de investigación del Instituto de Genómica Agrícola de Shenzhen, dependiente de la Academia China de Ciencias Agrícolas, avanza en un plan de diseño del genoma para papas híbridas.
Agricultores, cooperativas, industriales y semillistas apoyan el uso de las nuevas técnicas genómicas en la patata para adaptarse al cambio climático.
Junio 29, 2021

Agricultores, cooperativas, industriales y semillistas apoyan el uso de las nuevas técnicas genómicas en la patata para adaptarse al cambio climático

Declaración de Copa-Cogeca, Europatat, Euroseeds y Starch Europe sobre las nuevas técnicas genómicas en el mejoramiento de la patata.
European Commission's positive conclusion on continued use of CRISPR for a competitive and green future.
Mayo 07, 2021

Swedish Starch industry pleased with European Commission's positive conclusion on the use of CRISPR

On 29 April 2021, the European Commission published a study into new genomic techniques and the consequences of the European Court of Justice's July 2018 judgment.
USDA Announces Deregulation Extension of Potato Developed Using Genetic Engineering
Abril 29, 2021

USDA Extends Deregulation of Simplot Potato Varieties Developed Using Genetic Engineering

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is extending deregulation to J.R. Simplot Company’s (Simplot) potato variety developed using genetic engineering, designated as Snowden Z6 (Z6 potato).
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Febrero 22, 2021

Un nuevo gen hace que las patatas sean resistentes a 19 aislamientos de Phytophthora

Un equipo internacional de investigadores, incluido el de WUR Wageningen, ha logrado avances significativos en la lucha contra la infame enfermedad de la papa Phytophthora infestans.
Argentina: Sector productivo en contra de la aprobación de la papa transgénica 'Spunta Ticar'
Enero 18, 2021

Argentina: Sector productivo en contra de la aprobación de la papa transgénica 'Spunta Ticar'

El primer transgénico nacional aprobado para consumo humano directo finalmente fue aprobado, a pesar de la oposición de toda la cadena vinculada al cultivo.
Goodbye to potato late blight
Enero 10, 2021

Bangladesh imports two blight resistant (GM) potato lines developed at Michigan State University for a field trial

Bangladesh is importing two blight resistant (GM) potato lines developed at Michigan State University for a field trial. Success will save 20% yield loss and Tk100C in fungicide cost.
Why a new potato variety could be a game-changer for farmers in East Africa
Diciembre 17, 2020

Why a new potato variety could be a game-changer for farmers in East Africa

Imagine being a potato farmer in Ethiopia, Kenya, or Nigeria. On a small piece of land, which you depend on for food and income, you have spent months planting, weeding, and watering.
Close-up of late blight infected potato leaves collected in Indonesia
Diciembre 15, 2020

Researchers map late blight strains in potato on Java, Indonesia

A new study published in Plant Pathology identifies for the first time the genotypes of P. infestans, causing late blight in the main potato-growing regions in Java, Indonesia.
El Perú tiene más de tres mil variedades de papa, una riqueza a preservar.
Noviembre 02, 2020

Se prolonga la Polémica Moratoria al ingreso de cultivos transgénicos al Perú hasta el 2035

La semana pasada se prolongó la moratoria al ingreso de cultivos transgénicos al Perú hasta el 2035. El tema suscita el debate a favor y en contra desde hace nueve años, cuando se estableció una primera moratoria que vencía el 2021.
Contenido Patrocinado

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All Hail the Rise of the Climate - Smart Potato
Septiembre 08, 2020

Potato Potential - in all climates

The potential of the potato has only just begun to be realized. Some 368 million metric tons of potatoes were harvested globally in 2019, as people from Vietnam to Kenya, the Peruvian Andes to Rwanda produced a wide variety of the root vegetable, helping feed an estimated 1.3 billion people who rely on them as a staple food.
From 'ridge' to 'bed' – the next step in HZPC potato innovation
Junio 25, 2020

From 'ridge' to 'bed' – the next step in HZPC potato innovation

Increasing food security in areas that are hard to access. This is one of the ideas behind an important potato innovation by HZPC: hybrid potato breeding.
Wageningen University & Research (WUR) studies wild potatoes for new pest-free potato varieties
Mayo 14, 2020

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) studies wild potatoes for new pest-free potato varieties

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) is to study wild potato varieties for resistance to a wide range of potato-diseases and plagues. This broad approach should yield breeding material that can be used to develop disease-free potato varieties.
Biodiversidad genética: 223 variedades de papas nativas en MIL Centro
Marzo 09, 2020

Biodiversidad genética: 223 variedades de papas nativas en MIL Centro

Uno de los primeros intercambios entre la población andina y la tierra, fue a través de la papa. Los primeros indicios de su cultivo datan los 8000 años de antigüedad. Desde entonces, generaciones de agricultores han domesticado miles de variedades.
El INTA Balcarce siembra papas modificadas genéticamente que no se oxidan
Febrero 10, 2020

El INTA Balcarce siembra papas modificadas genéticamente que no se oxidan

Luego de editar el gen y de obtener tubérculos sin pardeamiento enzimático, un equipo de investigadores del instituto avanza con el cultivo de los primeros ensayos a campo de líneas seleccionadas.
WPC Webinar - January 24, 2020 with Dr. David Douches
Enero 13, 2020

World Potato Congress Webinar: January 24, 2020 with Dr. David Douches

The World Potato Congress (WPC) continues with its webinar series in its 2020 on January 24, with a webinar featuring Dr. David Douches of 'Feed the Future – Biotechnology Potato Partnership'


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