Papas GM

Junio 11, 2013

Teagasc GM potato study to begin second phase

Irish Research Institute Teagasc hopes to begin planting out more than 5,000 potato plants in the next two weeks, in the second phase of its study into the environmental impact of blight-resistant genetically modified (GM) potatoes.
 Potato Genome
Agosto 29, 2012

Legal challenge refused over first genetically modified potatoes in Ireland

A group of campaigners in the Irish Republic has been refused a legal challenge over the first trial of a genetically modified potato crop. In July, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gave the go ahead for a gm blight-resistant potato crop to be tested in County Carlow.
Agosto 28, 2012

Greens in Ireland seek to sue over trials on potato

Moves will be made in the High Court today to launch a legal challenge to a decision by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to allow trials on a genetically modified (GM) potato to be carried out.
Agosto 01, 2012

Blight-resistant GM spuds to save Irish growers €450/ha, says lead researcher

Potato growers could achieve potential savings of more than €450/ha if they used a blight-resistant genetically modified (GM) potato variety instead of a conventional variety.
Agosto 01, 2012

GM potato trial 'threatens Ireland's image'

Ireland's environmental protection agency has approved the first trial of a genetically modified potato crop.
 Potato Genome
Julio 30, 2012

En Irlanda se ensayarán papas transgénicas

La Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA) dio su visto bueno para las pruebas de una papa genéticamente modificada (GM) que es resistente al tizón de la papa. En los próximos cuatro años se sembrarán en Irlanda dos hectáreas con esta papa genéticament...
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Contenido Patrocinado
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Contenido Patrocinado
Julio 27, 2012

Angry reaction to GM potatoes go-ahead in Ireland

Top names from the food, restaurant, and tourism sectors have sharply criticised the Environmental Protection Agency for potentially destroying Ireland’s 'clean, green'agricultural image by allowing GM potatoes to be grown in Ireland.
Julio 26, 2012

Green light for growing GM potatoes in Ireland

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today given consent to Teagasc, Oak Park, Co Carlow, to carry out field trials on a genetically modified (GM) potato line with improved resistance to late potato blight.
Mayo 11, 2012

Decision due on GM potato trial in Ireland

The Environmental Protection Agency in Ireland is expected to decide by the end of this month whether to allow a field study on genetically modified potatoes.
Marzo 26, 2012

Why Ireland needs to test GM potatoes

A major new European Union study is set to examine the effects of growing genetically modified, blight-resistant potato plants on biodiversity and the environment in agricultural ecosystems.
Febrero 29, 2012

Teagasc applying to field test GM potatoes as part of EU Research Study

Teagasc are applying to the EPA for a licence to undertake a series of field studies using GM potatoes resistant to potato late blight disease to determine the potential impact this technology could have on our ecosystems. As part of the 22 partner ‘A...
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