Papas GM

Breakthrough in fight against devastating potato disease
Abril 25, 2023

Breakthrough in fight against devastating potato disease

Potato is the third most important food crop in the world after rice and wheat in terms of human consumption. But potato world production is threatened by potato late blight
Agricultores, cooperativas, industriales y semillistas apoyan el uso de las nuevas técnicas genómicas en la patata para adaptarse al cambio climático.
Junio 29, 2021

Agricultores, cooperativas, industriales y semillistas apoyan el uso de las nuevas técnicas genómicas en la patata para adaptarse al cambio climático

Declaración de Copa-Cogeca, Europatat, Euroseeds y Starch Europe sobre las nuevas técnicas genómicas en el mejoramiento de la patata.
European Commission's positive conclusion on continued use of CRISPR for a competitive and green future.
Mayo 07, 2021

Swedish Starch industry pleased with European Commission's positive conclusion on the use of CRISPR

On 29 April 2021, the European Commission published a study into new genomic techniques and the consequences of the European Court of Justice's July 2018 judgment.
Febrero 22, 2021

Un nuevo gen hace que las patatas sean resistentes a 19 aislamientos de Phytophthora

Un equipo internacional de investigadores, incluido el de WUR Wageningen, ha logrado avances significativos en la lucha contra la infame enfermedad de la papa Phytophthora infestans.
From 'ridge' to 'bed' – the next step in HZPC potato innovation
Junio 25, 2020

From 'ridge' to 'bed' – the next step in HZPC potato innovation

Increasing food security in areas that are hard to access. This is one of the ideas behind an important potato innovation by HZPC: hybrid potato breeding.
Wageningen University & Research (WUR) studies wild potatoes for new pest-free potato varieties
Mayo 14, 2020

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) studies wild potatoes for new pest-free potato varieties

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) is to study wild potato varieties for resistance to a wide range of potato-diseases and plagues. This broad approach should yield breeding material that can be used to develop disease-free potato varieties.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Mayo 15, 2019

Investigación de vanguardia: las papas pueden crecer a altas temperaturas

Si hay algo que no le gusta a las plantas de papa, es el calor. Si la temperatura es muy alta, las plantas de papa producen un número significativamente menor de tubérculos o, a veces, ninguno. Los bioquímicos de la FAU ahora han descubierto la razón.
J.R. Simplot partners with Iden Biotechnology in a search for genes to enhance nutritional properties of the potato
Noviembre 18, 2017

J.R. Simplot partners with Iden Biotechnology in a search for genes to enhance nutritional properties of the potato

Iden Biotechnology - a Spanish biotechnology company - and J.R. Simplot Company, a potato processor and developer and marketer of Innate® Potatoes, recently entered into an agreement to explore the potential for nutritional enrichment of the potato.
Reino Unido desarrolla papa genéticamente modificada resistente al tizón tardío
Octubre 26, 2017

Reino Unido desarrolla papa genéticamente modificada resistente al tizón tardío

Científicos financiados por el fondo público del BBSRC y radicados en el Norwich Research Park, han desarrollado una papa genéticamente modificada con resistencia al tizón tardío.
First field trial with GM Maris Piper resistant to late blight went brilliantly
Octubre 26, 2017

First field trial with GM Maris Piper resistant to late blight went brilliantly

A genetically-modified (GM) Maris Piper designed to resist the devastating plant disease late blight has worked “brilliantly” during the first year of field trials, according to scientists of The Sainsbury Laboratory (TSL)
Solynta develops a blight resistant potato variety (non-GMO)
Agosto 22, 2017

Solynta develops a blight resistant potato variety (non-GMO)

The Dutch company Solynta has developed a potato variety that is resistant to late blight (Phytophthora Infestans). As a result, it could greatly reduce the use of pesticides in agriculture.

Reino Unido controlará el tizón tardío con papa genéticamente modificada
Mayo 11, 2017

Reino Unido controlará el tizón tardío con papa genéticamente modificada

DEFRA ha aprobado la solicitud del Laboratorio Sainsbury, Norwich, para llevar a cabo ensayos de campo con cultivo de papa genéticamente modificada (GM) en un sitio de ensayo designado en el Norwich Research Park entre 2017 y 2021.
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The Sainsbury Laboratory received approval for a four-year trial of genetically modified (GM) potatoes
Mayo 11, 2017

The Sainsbury Laboratory received approval for a four-year trial of genetically modified (GM) potatoes

In the United Kingdom, farming minster George Eustice (DEFRA) has approved a four-year trial of genetically modified (GM) potatoes at The Sainsbury Laboratory in Norwich.
La agricultura orgánica debería incluir la papa genéticamente modificada con resistente al tizón tardío
Febrero 22, 2017

La agricultura orgánica debería incluir la papa genéticamente modificada con resistencia al tizón tardío

El Reglamento de la UE sobre la agricultura orgánica no permite el uso de organismos genéticamente modificados (OGM).Pero..... puede distinguirse un cultivo de papa cisgenico de un cultivo de papa que es el resultado de la producción convencional?
Bayer to Acquire Monsanto
Septiembre 14, 2016

Bayer to Acquire Monsanto

Bayer and Monsanto today announced that they signed a definitive merger agreement under which Bayer will acquire Monsanto for USD 128 per share in an all-cash transaction.
Agricultural Giant in the making: Bayer offers USD 62 Billion in Cash for Monsanto
Mayo 23, 2016

Agricultural Giant in the making: Bayer offers USD 62 Billion in Cash for Monsanto

In response to further market speculation and stakeholder inquiries, Bayer is publicly disclosing the contents of its private proposal to acquire Monsanto.
New technique accelerates isolation of late blight resistance genes from a wild potato relative
Abril 25, 2016

New technique accelerates isolation of late blight resistance genes from a wild potato relative

A team of scientists from The Sainsbury Laboratory (TSL) and The Genome Analysis Centre (TGAC) have developed a new method to accelerate isolation of plant disease resistance genes and - using their new method - a brand new source of blight resistance genes in Solanum americanum, a wild relative of the potato.
Durably resistant potatoes with wild potato genes offer 80% reduction in chemical control
Marzo 21, 2016

Durably resistant potatoes with wild potato genes offer 80% reduction in chemical control

Research to develop potatoes with sustainable resistance against phytophthora via genetic modification with genes from wild potatoes and good resistance management ended with the publication of the scientific results. The approach resulted in potato plants which require 80% less chemical control.


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