Papas en el Menudeo

Cómo conservar las patatas y que duren más tiempo
Septiembre 28, 2020

Cómo conservar las patatas y que duren más tiempo

Si quieres almacenar las patatas del modo correcto y evitar que les salgan brotes, aquí te vamos a dar los mejores trucos para que no se estropeen.
Australia’s leading potato supplier will invest AUD 35 million in a new potato packing facility at Parilla, 210 kilometres east of Adelaide in South Australia’s Mallee.
Septiembre 28, 2020

The Pye Group AUD 35 Million Expansion Will Boost Regional Economy

The Pye Group's multi-million-dollar investment in its Parilla Premium Potatoes and Zerella Fresh brands will help feed growing demand for potatoes in Australia. It will inject an estimated AUD 42 million into the regional Mallee economy and create 40 new local jobs.
Potandon introduces Minute Mashers: quick-and-easy shelf-stable mashed potatoes
Septiembre 17, 2020

Potandon introduces Minute Mashers: quick-and-easy shelf-stable mashed potatoes

It was just 18 months ago that Potandon Produce LLC in Idaho Falls, ID, introduced an innovative value-added potato product in the Green Giant Fresh brand called One Step … Done!
Plant seed potatoes now and you’ll be digging up your own buried treasure in just a few months.
Septiembre 17, 2020

Potatoes from plot to plate: how to grow the perfect spuds in your New Zealand backyard

While in the Northern hemisphere we are harvesting potatoes and getting ready for winter, this is not the case in the Southern hemisphere. This article offers tips on how to grow potatoes in your New Zealand backyard.
Alain Betancourt, nuevo Director Comercial de Patatas Meléndez
Septiembre 14, 2020

Alain Betancourt se incorpora a Patatas Meléndez como nuevo Director Comercial

Un profesional con larga trayectoria en retail y productos frescos, principalmente en Carrefour España, compañía en la que ha desarrollado conceptos completamente novedosos que han supuesto un antes y un después en el mercado retail.
Daly Potato Company acquired by Pure Foods Tasmania Limited
Septiembre 11, 2020

Daly Potato Company acquired by Pure Foods Tasmania Limited

Pure Foods Tasmania Limited has agreed to buy the business and assets of Daly Potato Company Pty Ltd (DPC) for $1.8M with a mixture of cash and shares, subject to working capital adjustments.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
MountainKing Potatoes adds longtime fingerling farmer, packer Cindy Adkins to sales team
Septiembre 09, 2020

MountainKing Potatoes adds fingerling farmer, packer Cindy Adkins to sales team

MountainKing Potatoes has added Cindy Adkins, a former owner and operator of the nation's largest certified organic packer of fingerling potatoes, to its team of sales representatives, the company says in a press release recently issued.
As Idaho's potato harvest gets underway, a look back at how it got started
Septiembre 04, 2020

As Idaho's potato harvest gets underway, a look back at how it got started

Farmers all across Idaho will be in their fields from now through most of October collecting the state's signature crop.
Tasteful Selections releases new online feature to help consumers find bite-size potatoes near them
Septiembre 01, 2020

Tasteful Selections releases a new feature for consumers to find bite-size potatoes near them

As part of their 10-year celebration and in response to their consumers, Tasteful Selections®, a pioneer and leader in the bite-size potato category, has added a new feature to its recently revamped website.

RPE launches a new red-skin potato variety, RPE Golden Red
Agosto 24, 2020

New potato variety, RPE Golden Red , will debut on store shelves this fall

This fall RPE launches a new red-skin potato variety, RPE Golden Red. They will be available in a three-pound, poly light-blocker, bilingual bag.
Potatoes Packed in 100% Compostable Paper Bags
Agosto 04, 2020

EarthFresh offers Potatoes Packed in 100% Compostable Paper Bags

EarthFresh’s Paper Revolution offers retailers a full potato product line in 100% compostable paper packaging.
La Patata Regina Permitirá a los Supermercados Diferenciarse
Agosto 03, 2020

La Patata Regina Permitirá a los Supermercados Diferenciarse

Mientras que las patatas de la antigua cosecha ya no están disponibles, el productor y envasador Terroir d’Origine espera con impaciencia la nueva cosecha. 'Hay mucha demanda, pero la oferta es limitada en este momento'.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Management buyout at Puffin produce
Julio 28, 2020

Management buyout at Puffin produce

Farmer shareholders at Haverfordwest-based Puffin Produce have relinquished control of the co-operative in a management buyout deal.
Ibérica de Patatas, unas de las principales empresas comercializadoras de patata de consumo en España, lleva de nuevo a la gran distribución la patata nueva de la Comunidad de Madrid
Julio 27, 2020

Ibérica de Patatas comercializará 600.000 kilos de patata nueva en Madrid

Se caracteriza por su frescura y calidad, ya que es recolectada y dispuesta en el lineal al día siguiente. Cuenta con el distintivo M Producto Certificado, que identifica los alimentos de calidad de la Comunidad de Madrid.
US Potato Sales at Retail See 32% Increase in Volume Since March 16
Julio 23, 2020

US Potato Sales at Retail See 32% Increase in Volume Since March 16

Retail potato sales in the United States are soaring, increasing 31% in dollar sales and 32% in volume sales between March 16, 2020 and June 14, 2020, according to IRI.
El Sector de la Patata Debe Adaptarse a los Gustos del Consumidor y a las Nuevas Formas de Venta como el Canal Online
Julio 20, 2020

El sector de la Patata debe Adaptarse a los Gustos del Consumidor y a las Nuevas Formas de Venta

Dar una respuesta a la demanda del consumidor es uno de los grandes objetivos de la industria agroalimentaria. Para ello es necesario adaptarse a sus necesidades reales, lo que obliga a una continua evolución y modernización de las producciones agrícolas y alimentarias, así como a desarrollar avances en la presentación del producto.
Tomra Food Publishes New E-Book For Potato Fresh Packers
Julio 15, 2020

Tomra Food Publishes New E-Book For Potato Fresh Packers

Free, downloadable publication by TOMRA Food for Potato Fresh Packers addresses challenges intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic.
7 things to know about P.E.I.'s 'new' potatoes
Julio 14, 2020

7 things to know about P.E.I.'s 'new' potatoes

New potatoes are a veggie lover's early-summer dream — the tender little spuds, some around the size of golf balls, others the size of a crabapple, melt in your mouth when steamed, buttered and lightly seasoned. Heaven. And they're now popping up at roadside stands across P.E.I.


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