
Octubre 02, 2009

Piden dejar de promocionar comida rápida entre los niños

Consumers International (CI) hace un llamado a las empresas a detener la promoción de alimentos con alto contenido de grasas, azúcar y sal, dirigida a la población infantil, como parte de una estrategia para abordar esta crisis de salud pública. Recie...
Septiembre 24, 2009

Obesity may soon become the top cancer cause in women

At least 124,000 new cancers in 2008 in Europe may have been caused by excess body weight, according to estimates from a new modelling study. The proportion of cases of new cancers attributable to a body mass index of 25kg/m2 or more were highest among...
 Slendesta potato protein
Septiembre 15, 2009

Kemin's Slendesta Potato Protein awarded Global Weight Management Ingredients New Product Innovation Award

The 2009 Frost &Sullivan Global Weight Management Ingredients New Product Innovation Award is presented to Kemin Health. Kemin Health's Slendesta is the only appetite suppressant in the weight management ingredients market to be sourced from pota...
 Obesity in the US up to 2008
Julio 03, 2009

New obesity data from the US: obesity continues to increase

Prevalence of obesity among adults aged 20 years and over: United States, 1997–2008 The CDC has recently released these and other data on the Obesity in the United states, up to 2008.   Follow the link for details of the data and additional informat...
Mayo 08, 2009

Increased food intake alone explains the increase in body weight in the United States

New research that uses an innovative approach to study, for the first time, the relative contributions of food and exercise habits to the development of the obesity epidemic has concluded that the rise in obesity in the United States since the 1970s wa...
Abril 05, 2009

La crisis aumenta el consumo de comida rapida en chile... y asciende el sobrepeso

as noticias de que la crisis golpeaba al mundo en el último trimestre de 2008 no disminuyeron los ingresos de las grandes cadenas de comida rápida ni el apetito de sus clientes. Por el contrario, la gente siguió comiendo como antes e incluso más. Así l...
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Enero 08, 2009

La obesidad se lo pone dificil al marketing

Con la obesidad ocupando las páginas centrales, ¿cuál debería ser la respuesta de las empresas que fabrican, venden y/o hacen publicidad de alimentos con alto contenido calórico y graso? Se estima que en Estados Unidos el 10% de los niños que aún no v...
 Obesity socially contagious
Julio 25, 2008

Research Says Fat Friends And Poor Education Helps People Think Thin

Research by economists at the University of Warwick, Dartmouth College, and the University of Leuven, finds that people are powerfully but subconsciously influenced by the weight of those around them.
Julio 09, 2008

New Yorkers altering eating habits in reponse to calorie postings

Two months after many New York chain restaurants began posting the number of calories in their food, customers are shying away from their calorie-laden favorites and opting for lighter fare. All New York City restaurants with 15 or more branches were f...
Julio 09, 2008

EU Companies Doing More Than US to Prevent Obesity

European-based food companies are edging ahead of their US rivals in addressing health and wellness concerns relating to their businesses, says a recent report from Insight Investment and JP Morgan. The report looked at the effectiveness of 10 of the w...
ridged potato chips
Julio 02, 2008

Do small snack package sizes increase snack consumption?

Controlling portion size is one of the corner stones in the efforts to reduce Obesity. In an effort to help consumers control portion size, snack manufacturers are increasingly offering these small packages.

That is a step in the right direction. Right? Maybe not....
Julio 02, 2008

Study: smaller bags of potato chips more readily opened

Mini packets of crisps, sweets and biscuits, are becoming increasing popular among children and those keen to watch their weight. However, new research suggests that the size of the packaging could actually be counterproductive. Scientists gave diff...
Contenido Patrocinado

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Julio 01, 2008

Snacks players must embrace health and wellness to beat obesity

Only a true health and wellness vision can enable global snack players to tap into the booming market for obesity solutions, claim experts. A new report from Credit Suisse projects the market for obesity fighting consumer staples could hit a massive $1...
Junio 11, 2008

Exercise still combats obesity

Review by the National Health Service (NHS) of the publication "Physical activity energy expenditure has not declined since the 1980s and matches energy expenditures of wild mammals"in the International Journal of Obesity: The researchers c...
Junio 04, 2008

Sedentary Lifestyle Not To Blame For Obesity

Obesity researchers have discovered we burn the same calories on physical activities as we have done over the last 20 years. They found that there has been no reduction in the energy we expend on day to day activities, suggesting increased food intake...
Mayo 10, 2008

No hay relación entre Sabritas y obesidad. La empresa no colocará advertencias a sus productos

Pedro Padierna Bartning, presidente de PepsiCo Región Sabritas, dijo que no colocarán etiquetas en sus productos que adviertan sobre efectos de obesidad al ser consumidos, "porque no existe una relación entre la obesidad y el consumo de nuestros p...
Marzo 17, 2008

Global Initiative Launched To End Junk Food Ads

More than 50 consumer groups have launched a worldwide campaign to reduce the marketing of unhealthy food to children. Among other things, the new voluntary code calls for tight restrictions on both television and Internet advertising, prohibits the ma...
Febrero 28, 2008

Burger King retirara los menus hipercaloricos y fabricados con grasas trans de su publicidad para niños

Burger King Europa dejará de publicitar entre los niños menores de 12 años aquellos menús que no cumplan ciertos requisitos nutricionales impuestos por la propia compañía.   Según la cadena de comida rápida, esta iniciativa tiene como objetivo promove...


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