Noticias sobre las Nuevas Variedades de Patata

Agrico presenteert 10 nieuwe rassen tijdens 'Portugese' show
Noviembre 11, 2017

Agrico presenteert 10 nieuwe rassen tijdens 'Portugese' show

Donderdag 9 november jl. opende Agrico haar jaarlijkse rassen- en zaailingenpresentatie bij haar kweek- en researchbedrijf Agrico Research in Bant. Jan van Hoogen presenteerde tien nieuwe rassen die onlangs zijn opgenomen op de Nationale Rassenlijst.
Seed Potato Company HZPC sees increasing trade in its certificates and - once again - a maximum increase in value
Noviembre 04, 2017

Seed Potato Company HZPC sees increasing trade in its certificates and - once again - a maximum increase in value

The value of the share certificate of HZPC Holding B.V. (HZPC), the world leader in potato breeding and seed potato trade, has been determined after the bi-annual stock trading day November 2017 at €182.20.
Analyzing the genes of ancient potatoes helps to improve future varieties
Noviembre 01, 2017

Analyzing the genes of ancient potatoes helps to improve future potato varieties

Examining the ancestors of the modern, North American cultivated potato has revealed a set of common genes and important genetic pathways that have helped potatoes adapt over thousands of years.
India: Lanzan variedad de papa que soporta altas temperaturas
Octubre 18, 2017

India: Lanzan variedad de papa que soporta altas temperaturas

Desarrollada en colaboración con el CIP y el CPRI, Kufri Lima, como se llama la variedad, es temprana, tolerante al calor y resistente a los virus, características muy apreciadas por los agricultores locales.
New potato variety in India, Kufri Lima, to take on the heat...
Octubre 16, 2017

New potato variety in India, Kufri Lima, to take on the heat...

Farmers in India can expect higher yields and profits with the release of a new potato variety, Kufri Lima, developed by the International Potato Center (CIP) and the Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI)
International Potato Center (CIP) and Blackpace Group to cooperate in advancing potato production in Africa
Octubre 16, 2017

International Potato Center (CIP) and Blackpace Group to cooperate in advancing potato production in Africa

The International Potato Center (CIP) and BlackPace Africa Group (BPA) executed a Technical and Scientific agreement to advance potato production in Africa, with focus on Rwanda.
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Nederland is heel goed in friet
Octubre 09, 2017

Nederland is heel goed in friet

Op Zaterdag 7 oktober was in het Groningse Hornhuizen het Aardappelfeest, georganiseerd door vrijwilligers. Met eten, cultuur en sprekers, onder wie Jan van Hoogen.
Idaho Potato Breeders aim to develop PCN Resistant Russets
Octubre 05, 2017

Idaho Potato Breeders aim to develop PCN Resistant Russets

A project underway in Aberdeen, Idaho, aims to develop russet potatoes with resistance to pale cyst nematode, while identifying new molecular markers associated with resistance.
Czech Potato Research Institute announces a new blue-purple potato variety 'Val-Blue'
Octubre 05, 2017

Czech Potato Research Institute breeds a new blue-purple potato variety 'Val-Blue'

The Czech Potato Research Institute in Havlíčkův Brod has announced that it has bred a new potato variety they named “Val Blue”. And yes! It has a striking blue-purple colour.
Potato Expo 2018 will feature live streaming Potato TV 'The Eye'
Septiembre 23, 2017

Potato Expo 2018 goes live with streaming potato TV 'The Eye'.

Potato Expo 2018 announces live streaming Potato TV throughout the event. Voting for the presentations on the Innovation Hub 'Main Stage' is now open.
Liberan en Panamá nueva variedad de papa
Septiembre 19, 2017

Liberan en Panamá nueva variedad de papa

El IDIAP dio a conocer las propiedades de su nueva variedad de papa, idiap roja- 17. Es una variedad que presenta altos rendimientos (de hasta 55 toneladas por hectárea) y tolerancia a las plagas más comunes del cultivo en la Provincia de Chiriquí (tizón tardío y a mosca minadora).
Agrico celebrates growth during stormy Potato Europe
Septiembre 14, 2017

Agrico celebrates growth during stormy Potato Europe

On Thursday 14 September, Agrico participated in a rainy Potato Europe in Emmeloord. Agrico celebrated its latest results together with its affiliated growers
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Nagasaki hopes to boost recognition as potato producer with new variety 'Nagasaki Kogane'
Septiembre 11, 2017

Nagasaki hopes to boost recognition as potato producer with new variety 'Nagasaki Kogane'

Potato growers in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan's second-largest potato-producing region hope to boost their name recognition as a potato producer with a new variety, "Nagasaki Kogane" (Nagasaki Gold), which it filed for registration in 2015.
Potato Varieties in Great Britain in 2017: Maris Piper still King, New Retail Varieties see growth
Agosto 30, 2017

Potato Varieties in Great Britain in 2017: Maris Piper still King, New Retail Varieties see growth

In Great Britain, Maris Piper is still by a wide margin the most grown potato variety. But potato growers have planted an increased area of emerging varieties to serve the fresh packing market
Fredericton Potato Research Lab invites the public
Agosto 29, 2017

Fredericton Potato Research Lab invites the public

More than 300 people stopped by Fredericton Research and Development Centre's open house
New potato varieties available for farmers in Cordillera, Phillipines
Agosto 24, 2017

New potato varieties available for farmers in Cordillera, Phillipines

Two leading research institutions have partnered to help increase potato production in the Philippines, in order to meet the increasing demand for the crop
Solynta's revolutionary hybrid breeding technology protects potato from late blight by multi-resistance
Agosto 23, 2017

Solynta's revolutionary hybrid breeding technology protects potato from late blight by multi-resistance

The breeders of Solynta have succeeded in making potato plants insusceptible to the dreaded potato disease Phytophthora infestans, using their revolutionary hybrid breeding technique.
Solynta develops a blight resistant potato variety (non-GMO)
Agosto 22, 2017

Solynta develops a blight resistant potato variety (non-GMO)

The Dutch company Solynta has developed a potato variety that is resistant to late blight (Phytophthora Infestans). As a result, it could greatly reduce the use of pesticides in agriculture.


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