Noticias sobre las Nuevas Variedades de Patata

Royal-ZAP/Semagri on potato breeding: 'It's a matter of starting somewhere and waiting for a chance hit.'
Octubre 28, 2019

Royal-ZAP/Semagri on potato breeding: 'It's a matter of starting somewhere and waiting for a chance hit.'

Lammert Buwalda, Royal-ZAP/Semagri, Wieringerwerf on potato breeding: 'It's a matter of starting somewhere and waiting for a chance hit.'
Robert Graveland, HZPC research, Metslawier: 'Marker-assisted classical potato breeding is going to change a lot in the range of varieties over the coming ten to fifteen years.'
Octubre 26, 2019

HZPC research: 'Marker-assisted classical potato breeding is going to change a lot in the range of varieties over the coming ten to fifteen years.'

Robert Graveland, HZPC research, Metslawier: ‘Marker-assisted classical breeding is going to change a lot in the range of varieties over the coming ten to fifteen years.’
IPM: 'We feel an obligation to produce varieties that can be grown in an environmentally friendly way.'
Octubre 26, 2019

IPM: 'We feel an obligation to produce varieties that can be grown in an environmentally friendly way.'

Colm McDonnell, IPM, Deinum: ‘We feel an obligation to produce varieties that can be grown in an environmentally friendly way.’
Agrico Research: 'As soon as a French-fry manufacturer accepts a [potato] variety as a raw material, things move fast.'
Octubre 26, 2019

Agrico Research: 'As soon as a French-fry manufacturer accepts a potato variety as a raw material, things move fast.'

Sjefke Allefs, Agrico Research, Bant: 'As soon as a French-fry manufacturer accepts a variety as a raw material, things move fast.'
Stet Holland: 'The point is to achieve significant improvements and not to have more of the same.'
Octubre 26, 2019

Stet Holland: 'The point is to achieve significant improvements and not to have more of the same.'

Jaap Brondijk, Stet Holland, Emmeloord: ’The point is to achieve significant improvements and not to have more of the same.’
Den Hartigh: 'For growers, it's important to offer harvest and quality assurance.'
Octubre 26, 2019

Den Hartigh: 'For growers, it's important to offer harvest and quality assurance.'

Jacob Eising, Den Hartigh, Emmeloord: 'For growers, it's important to offer harvest and quality assurance.'
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GPS Potato Breeders: ‘As Scottish growers, we focus mainly on the home market.’
Octubre 26, 2019

GPS Potato Breeders: 'As Scottish growers, we focus mainly on the home market.'

David Murdie, Potato Manager at GPS Potato Breeders, Angus: ‘As Scottish growers, we focus mainly on the home market.’
Schaap-Holland BV: ‘There’s always room for new French-fry varieties, as long as it’s a 2.0 or 3.0 version.'
Octubre 24, 2019

Schaap-Holland BV: 'There's always room for new French-fry varieties, as long as it's a 2.0 or 3.0 version.'

Dirk Stellingwerf, Schaap-Holland BV, Biddinghuizen: ‘There’s always room for new French-fry varieties, as long as it’s a 2.0 or 3.0 version of existing ones. The demand for this is growing especially now...'
Complex potato genome further unveiled
Septiembre 21, 2019

Further potato genome details unveiled by Solynta and Wageningen University & Research

Scientists from Solynta and Wageningen University & Research (WUR) have published the most complete genome sequence for potatoes to date. A unique aspect is that both sequence and plant material are made available for research.
Eleven new potato varieties approved for commercial cultivation in Pakistan.
Agosto 28, 2019

Eleven new potato varieties approved for commercial cultivation in Pakistan

The Variety Evaluation Committee (VEC) of Pakistan Agriculture Research Council (PARC) has recommended 11 new potato varieties for commercial cultivation in Pakistan.
New Canadian potato variety named after Alliston, spud capital of Ontario
Agosto 07, 2019

New Canadian potato variety named after Alliston, spud capital of Ontario

In mid-July, a new variety of potato named Alliston was officially registered with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, making it the first tater in history to take its name from the potato capital of Ontario.
Cavendish Farms to open Potato Research Centre in Prince Edward Island
Agosto 05, 2019

Cavendish Farms to open Potato Research Centre in Prince Edward Island

Canadian potato processing company Cavendish Farms, a subsidiary of J.D. Irving, announced last week that it will build a new potato research and plant breeding centre in New Annan, Prince Edward Island.
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Julio 31, 2019

Cuatro genes de 'resistencia' de tizón tardío en variedades comerciales actuales de papa ya derrotadas por Phytophthora Infestans

Investigaciones recientes en el Instituto James Hutton sugieren que las diferencias genéticas en los linajes de la papa han dejado a las papas británicas y estadounidenses vulnerables al tizón tardío, la enfermedad que causó la hambruna irlandes.
En ocho años el salto de calidad dado por el cultivador de patata es espectacular
Julio 17, 2019

En ocho años el salto de calidad dado por el cultivador de patata es espectacular

De la mano del Director de Operaciones de Patatas Meléndez, Juan Manuel Coello, AgroNews ha visitado una de las parcelas en las que Santiago Domínguez, uno de los agricultores de referencia para el sector ha iniciado los arranques.
Ayrshire potatoes granted EU protected status
Julio 15, 2019

Ayrshire potatoes granted EU protected status

Ayrshire potatoes have been granted special status under EU rules to protect them from imitation.
España: Comienzo inminente de la campaña de patatas de Castilla y León
Julio 10, 2019

España: Comienzo inminente de la campaña de patatas de Castilla y León

Esta semana comenzará la campaña de patata en Castilla y León. Eduardo Arroyo, presidente de la Asociación de Productores de Patata de Castilla y León (APPACYL)
Cornell University improves global access to potato breeding material
Junio 11, 2019

Cornell University improves global access to potato breeding material

Plant breeders and geneticists of Cornell University have released more than 50 potato varieties since 1908. Now they are expanding their efforts to make more wild potato seeds available to potato breeders around the world.
Mayo 29, 2019

Los Agricultores Etíopes ayudan a los investigadores a seleccionar las variedades de papa que el mercado demanda

La papa es importante para la seguridad alimentaria y un cultivo comercial en Etiopía con un alto potencial para mejorar los medios de vida de los pequeños agricultores, que representan el 83% de la población total y el 95% de las tierras agrícolas.


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