Noticias sobre las Nuevas Variedades de Patata

Rwandan farmers help validate and disseminate new potato varieties
Agosto 02, 2021

Potato Farmers in Rwanda help validate and disseminate new varieties

The triadic comparisons of technologies – or tricot – approach is being used in a citizen-science project funded by the CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB) to identify and scale up best cassava and potato varieties in Rwanda.
'Amber Delight' : An Early Bulking Variety Bringing Prosperity to Table Potato Farmers in India
Julio 28, 2021

'Amber Delight' : An Early Bulking Variety Bringing Prosperity to Table Potato Farmers in India

Technico Agricultural Sciences Limited (TASL), India has been carrying out extensive varietal evaluation trials under its Varietal Advancement program across the potato producing states in the country.
Lotus, la nueva variedad de Agroplant.
Julio 26, 2021

Lotus, la nueva variedad de Agroplant, es similar a Spunta pero más productiva

Tal y como hemos comentado en anteriores publicaciones, posicionar una nueva variedad de semilla de patata en el mercado requiere de un trabajo intenso y continuado.
Azerbaijan starts growing a new potato variety, 'Murovdag'
Junio 08, 2021

Azerbaijan starts growing a new potato variety, 'Murovdag'

A new variety of potatoes named ‘Murovdag’ has begun to be grown in Azerbaijan, according to Elmar Allahverdiyev, director of the Research Institute of Vegetable Growing under the Ministry of Agriculture.
Pioneering potato breeder Dave Holm retires
Mayo 13, 2021

Pioneering potato breeder Dave Holm retires

Dave Holm was destined to work with potatoes. He was raised on a potato farm in southeast Idaho, where his dad and grandfather instilled in him a love of one of the world’s most important crops.
Latest updates from our H2020 project 'ADAPT'.
Mayo 07, 2021

El proyecto ADAPT sigue avanzando en la búsqueda de variedades de patata más resistentes a la sequía

Europatat es parte de un consorcio internacional involucrado en el proyecto de investigación ADAPT que tiene como objetivo desarrollar nuevas estrategias para hacer que las patatas se adapten a las desafiantes condiciones de crecimiento del futuro.
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Royal Avebe and Solynta join forces: hybrid breeding in starch potato production
Abril 15, 2021

Royal Avebe and Solynta to joinly work on hybrid breeding of potatoes for starch production

Averis Seeds B.V., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Royal Avebe, will be working together with the hybrid potato breeding company Solynta on the hybrid breeding of starch potato varieties.
Agrico's Next Generation potato varieties now available on its online platform
Marzo 27, 2021

Agrico's Next Generation potato varieties now available on its online platform

Last November Agrico built an online news platform to support its buyers and growers with important knowledge and information. Agrico now also shares the latest insights and successes of its Next Generation potato varieties on this online platform
Honduras: Evaluarán de siete variedades de semilla papa
Marzo 01, 2021

Honduras: Evaluarán de siete variedades de semilla papa

La firma del convenio de cooperación fue realizada por el director de Dicta, Gerardo Murillo Gale y el gerente general de Bioquimsa, Ramón Salinas Orellana.
Febrero 08, 2021

Investigadores en Ucrania desarrollan una variedad de papa que puede producir hasta 100 toneladas por hectárea

El Instituto de Cultivo de Patata de Ucrania ha desarrollado una variedad de patata de alto rendimiento “Kniagynia” (Princesa), que rinde alrededor de 100 toneladas por hectárea.
Goodbye to potato late blight
Enero 10, 2021

Bangladesh imports two blight resistant (GM) potato lines developed at Michigan State University for a field trial

Bangladesh is importing two blight resistant (GM) potato lines developed at Michigan State University for a field trial. Success will save 20% yield loss and Tk100C in fungicide cost.
Enero 07, 2021

De la siembra de papa a la semilla : Optimización de la germinación de Semilla de Papa Verdadera (TPS

Este año HZPC, una empresa holandesa obtentora y comercializadora de patatas de siembra, espera poder presentar el prototipo de una variedad de patata híbrida, la cual se siembra a partir de semillas.
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El agricultor Peter Imle intenta reducir a la mitad su cantidad de cromosomas para abrir el camino a muchas nuevas variedades con características más útiles
Enero 04, 2021

El hombre que intenta llevar el cultivo de la patata al siglo XXI

El agricultor Peter Imle intenta reducir a la mitad su cantidad de cromosomas para abrir el camino a muchas nuevas variedades con características más útiles.
Diciembre 21, 2020

INIA y Rustikas.Uy firmaron convenio para el desarrollo de nuevos cultivares de papa de origen Uruguayo

​El Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA) firmó un convenio con la empresa local de agrobiotecnología Rustikas.Uy mediante el cual trabajarán conjuntamente.
Maine researchers are developing genomic tools for potato breeders
Diciembre 08, 2020

Maine researchers are developing genomic tools for potato breeders

Two University of Maine researchers, Greg Porter and Han Tan, are part of a team of plant geneticists and breeders working to develop tools that will help Maine scientists and farmers become more efficient in bringing novel, improved potato varieties to market.
HZPC closes eventful year with a healthy result
Octubre 06, 2020

HZPC closes eventful year with a healthy result

The 2019/2020 financial year has been eventful in many respects for seed potato supplier HZPC. Despite the consequences of COVID-19, the company has had an operationally successful season. The coming season, however, may well be more of a challenge.
Milestone Digital Transformation Agrico: New Website Live
Septiembre 28, 2020

Milestone Digital Transformation Agrico: New Website Live

For potato cooperative Agrico 2020/2021 is the season of its digital transformation. The first major milestone in this process is the new website that was launched last week.
Cavendish Farms opens Potato Research Centre in New Annan, PEI
Septiembre 19, 2020

Cavendish Farms opens Potato Research Centre in New Annan, PEI

Cavendish Farms’ new Potato Research Centre in New Annan, Prince Edward Island officially opened on September 17, 2020 with a ribbon cutting with Dennis King, Premier of Prince Edward Island, and company officials.


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