
 Oregon State University
Junio 05, 2013

Research: Infected volunteer potato plants unlikely to spread zebra chip disease

Volunteer potato plants growing from seed infected with zebra chip are likely too few in number and survive too briefly to contribute to the spread of the crop disease, according to new Oregon State University research findings.
 Ploeger potato harvester
Junio 04, 2013

Ploeger Oxbo Group acquires Bourgoin Group

Harvester specialist the Ploeger Oxbo Group announced in June it had acquired all the shares of SAS Bourgoin Investissements, the Bourgoin Group, headquartered in Bournezeau, France.
 Luis Montesdeoca (Conpapa
Junio 01, 2013

Se realizó la primer reunión de negocios entre productores y empresas de la cadena de la papa en Ecuador

Se trata de la I Rueda de Negocios entre productores y empresas de la cadena, cuyo principal objetivo fue el de concretar negocios entre quienes producen y compran diferentes clases de papa.
PinguinLutosa: Sales of Lutosa to McCain completed
Mayo 31, 2013

PinguinLutosa: Sales of Lutosa to McCain completed

McCain Foods and Pinguin NV have completed the sales agreement of the Lutosa division.
 tna robag® FX 3ci
Mayo 29, 2013

tna unveils evolution in seasoning at Snackex

Leading global food packaging specialist, tna, will unveil its intelli-flav® model, the new addition to its ground-breaking seasoning range at Snackex 2013.
Carátula de la guía que el CIP acaba de publicar para identificar las plagas que afectan a la papa
Mayo 28, 2013

El CIP publica guía para identificar las plagas que afectan a la papa

Guía diseñada para proporcionar información actualizada de las principales plagas que afectan al cultivo de la papa a los facilitadores encargados de la capacitación con agricultores.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Mayo 28, 2013

Actualizado el listado de productores de semilla certificada en Colombia

El Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA) acaba de actualizar el listado de productores de semilla de papa con registro en dicha institución.
 Muestra de papa nativa
Mayo 23, 2013

“La Papa es Nutrición”, mensaje principal del Día Nacional de la Papa en Perú

La Comisión Multisectorial de Celebración del Día Nacional de la Papa 2013 dio a conocer las actividades que se realizarán este año en la novena edición del Día Nacional de la Papa que tiene como mensaje principal “La Papa es Nutrición”.
 La investigación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la Universidad Nacional se centró en la papa criolla
Mayo 22, 2013

Una investigadora colombiana descubre una bacteria capaz de controlar la Rizoctoniasis de la papa

La bacteria, nombrada como IBUN 4P-03, segrega una sustancia que presenta efectos fungicidas contra el hongo causante de esta enfermedad,
fines from heat and control micron pro filtration
Mayo 22, 2013

Heat and Control introduces Micron-Pro, sub-micron frying oil filtration

Heat and Control has introduced Micron-Pro, a new frying oil filtration system capable of removing sub-micron particles from hot cooking oil.
 Kiremko french fries industrial fryer front
Mayo 22, 2013

Kiremko's recently delivered fryer shows 'Size really does Matter!'

Equipment manufacturer Kiremko recently produced and delivered a complete French fry line including a substantial 2-stage fryer to one of the largest fries producers in Western Europe.
Mayo 21, 2013

Potato cultivation in Karnataka begins with seeds from Punjab

Wholesale merchants in Karnataka have started selling their stock of over 30,500 tonnes of potato seeds brought from Punjab.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Mayo 21, 2013

Late North Florida potato volume brings higher prices

As north Florida begins spring volume up to two weeks late, buyers can expect lower red potato supplies to keep demand high and prices above normal.
 Keystone Potato Producers Association
Mayo 21, 2013

Manitoba Potato Growers unhappy with Contracts

Manitoba potato growers signed a contract with McCain Foods last week, but their prices won’t increase from last year.?
Mayo 21, 2013

Germany probes suspected potato price fixing

The chips are down as Germany launches a probe into suspected potato price fixing (table potatoes) over the past decade which may have cost consumers and farmers hundreds of millions of euros, according to local media.
 Semagn-Asredie Kolech with Ethiopian farmers
Mayo 21, 2013

Potato may help feed Ethiopia in era of climate change

Semagn-Asredie Kolech, a Cornell doctoral candidate in the field of horticulture, studies the potato and bridges the tradition of Ethiopian farming with the modernity of agricultural science.
 Innate Potato
Mayo 21, 2013

Simplot hopes to avoid Monsanto's mistakes with biotech potato

A dozen years after a customer revolt forced Monsanto to ditch its genetically engineered potato, an Idaho company aims to resurrect high-tech spuds.
Simplot's Moses Lake potato processing plant
Mayo 21, 2013

Simplot's Moses Lake potato processing plant received Environmental Excellence award

Several green initiatives in place at J.R. Simplot's Moses Lake facility were highlighted during a recent Association of Washington Business meeting.


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