
More British Crisps coming to the United States: Pipers Crisps Potato Chips
Junio 27, 2017

More British Crisps coming to the United States: Pipers Crisps Potato Chips

World Finer Foods, a premier marketer of specialty foods in the United States, partners with Pipers Crisp Co. to bring more of the award-winning British Pipers Crisps potato chips to the US
New Russet varieties - Castle Russet and Echo Russet will help US potato industry meet more stringent regulation
Junio 27, 2017

New Russet varieties - Castle Russet and Echo Russet will help US potato industry meet more stringent regulation

Two recently released new Russet varieties - Castle Russet and Echo Russet - should help the potato industry in the Pacific Northwest cope with more stringent regulations on soil fumigants
Starch-based Food ingredients made simple with this Q&A by Starch Europe
Junio 27, 2017

Starch-based Food ingredients made simple with this Q&A by Starch Europe

Today, Starch Europe launched a new online Q&A platform “Starch in Food: Your Questions Answered”
Key Technology Presents VERYX® Digital Sorters to Australian Food Processors at FoodPro
Junio 27, 2017

Key Technology Presents VERYX® Digital Sorters to Australian Food Processors at FoodPro 2017

Key Technology introduces its VERYX® family of digital sorters to the Australian food processing industry with the VERYX C140 on exhibit at the FoodPro trade show in Sydney 16-19 July, 2017.
To protect crops, farmers could promote potato beetle cannibalism
Junio 27, 2017

To protect crops, farmers could promote potato beetle cannibalism

UMaine scientists say farmers could try to protect their potato crop by utilizing agricultural practices — including crop rotations and push-pull strategies — to create field conditions that favor Colorado potato beetle cannibalism.
Presentan guía para selección participativa de variedades de papa con perspectiva de género
Junio 22, 2017

Presentan guía para selección participativa de variedades de papa con perspectiva de género

Profesionales y técnicos interesados en metodologías y procesos de selección participativa de variedades de papa cuentan desde el 22 de junio con una nueva guía que les permitirá complementar los procedimientos de evaluación que se requieren antes de poner a disposición del mercado semilla de la variedad seleccionada.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Perú importa 35 mil toneladas de papa para abastecer el negocio de la pollería
Junio 22, 2017

Perú importa 35 mil toneladas de papa para abastecer el negocio de la pollería

La industria de pollería en el Perú consume 250 mil toneladas de papa al año. De ellas, 35 mil son importadas. Para reducir esa cantidad se debe mejorar su oferta de calidad, afirma el especialista en la cadena de papa de la DGA del Minagri, Miguel Quevedo.
Making a potato variety heat tolerant could be as simple as switching a single gene
Junio 22, 2017

Making a potato variety heat tolerant could be as simple as switching a single gene

Scientists have identified a version of a single gene involved in the heat stress response that is more active in potato types that can tolerate high temperature, potentially providing potato breeders a tool to make potato varieties less vulnerable to increased temperature.
Tong launches new Fieldloader options for easier transport
Junio 22, 2017

Tong launches new Fieldloader options for easier transport

Tong Engineering is pleased to announce new design options on its popular Fieldloader, including unique automatic transport-mode features, allowing users to make the machine even more compact for road transport.
New TOMRA ACT User Interface helps Food Processors to Optimize Workflow and Improve Profitability
Junio 22, 2017

New TOMRA ACT UI helps Processors optimize Workflow and improve Profitability

TOMRA Sorting Food has unveiled a powerful new graphical user interface (UI) to help food processors get the most from their sorting systems by optimizing work flows and reducing waste to deliver improved profitability.
Recuperan en Perú variedades de papa perdidas por factores climáticos, sociales y comerciales
Junio 21, 2017

Recuperan en Perú variedades de papa perdidas por factores climáticos, sociales y comerciales

Cuarenta productores de la comunidad de Santa Cruz de Pichiú, en el departmento de Ancash, realizaron la primera cosecha de una gran diversidad de papas nativas, que habian perdido por diferentes factores.
Argentina: Pepsico traslada su planta a Mar del Plata
Junio 21, 2017

Argentina: Pepsico traslada su planta a Mar del Plata

Luego de conocerse la noticia que la productora de bebidas y alimentos Pepsico había cesado las operaciones de su planta ubicada en Florida, donde empleaba a 600 personas, la firma anunció que se trasladará a Mar del Plata, por la mayor “cercanía en la relación con los agricultores y proveedores de papa”.
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Pueden convivir la papa, la ganadería y el turismo en los páramos colombianos? (Opinión)
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Pueden convivir la papa, la ganadería y el turismo en los páramos colombianos? (Opinión)

El Acuerdo de Paz [entre la guerrilla y el Gobierno] permite que los páramos, antes vedados para el turismo bogotano y los empresarios de la papa como inversionistas extractivitas, ahora estén abiertos y sean atractivos.
Europatat Conference on plant health and potato trade was, well... GREAT!
Junio 20, 2017

Europatat Conference on plant health and potato trade was, well... GREAT!

Last week on 15 & 16 June, the Europatat Congress 2017 took place. Feedback on the congress and side events has been extremely positive.
Fry Factory Inc adjusts automatic restaurant french fry cutter to North American potatoes
Junio 19, 2017

Fry Factory Inc adjusts automatic restaurant french fry cutter to North American potatoes

An entrepreneur in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island has modified an automated restaurant french fry cutter to the North American market.
Good News for Potato Chip Lovers in Japan
Junio 19, 2017

Good News for Potato Chip Lovers in Japan

Calbee, Inc. the largest potato chip manufacturer in Japan, had some good news for Potato Chip Lovers in the country: it will resume sales of three brands of potato chips it suspended in April because of the potato shortage.
Potato Cyst Nematodes threaten crop in Kenya
Junio 19, 2017

Potato Cyst Nematodes threaten crop in Kenya

A survey done in 20 counties in Kenya released earlier this month, shows that Potato Cyst Nematode infestation has reached 80 to 100 per cent in some of the potato growing areas.
IPM approach seed potato growers Kangaroo Island hops to mainland Australia
Junio 19, 2017

IPM approach seed potato growers Kangaroo Island hops to mainland Australia

Seed potato growers on Kangaroo Island - an island off the mainland of South Australia - are successfully adopting a new strategy to manage the aphids and thrips pestering their crops, taking on expert advice from agronomists and entomologists to adopt integrated pest management for these insect pests.


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