
Lutosa rebranding emphasizes worldwide ambition
Octubre 07, 2020

Lutosa rebranding emphasizes worldwide ambition: Potatoes to the world

Lutosa is a proud Belgian Brand, selling its Belgian Fries and a wide range of additional potato products to no less than 136 countries. No less than 94% of its production is exported.
HZPC organizes Potato Days Live
Octubre 06, 2020

HZPC organizes Potato Days Live

The Potato Days are a well-known event in the potato sector. Every year in November the event is organized by various companies, including potato breeder HZPC. Also this year.
HZPC closes eventful year with a healthy result
Octubre 06, 2020

HZPC closes eventful year with a healthy result

The 2019/2020 financial year has been eventful in many respects for seed potato supplier HZPC. Despite the consequences of COVID-19, the company has had an operationally successful season. The coming season, however, may well be more of a challenge.
Rick Peters, vegetable pathologist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Charlottetown, says scab is increasing on P.E.I. because of changing weather patterns. (Kirk Pennell/CBC)
Octubre 06, 2020

Canadian Scientists Look for Ways to Grow Scab-Resistant Potato

Two research scientists on P.E.I. have spent their summer trying to grow a better potato, more resistant to scab and greening, which are both costly problems for potato growers.
ParmCrisps Launches Plant-Based, Dairy-Free Cheese Crisps
Octubre 06, 2020

ParmCrisps Launches Plant-Based, Dairy-Free Cheese Crisps

ParmCrisps, the nutritionally on-trend snack brand, has once again broken through the confines of the cracker category. The brand is eager to announce its newest line, Plant-Based ParmCrisps, made from 100% dairy-free cheese.
Snack and Potato Processing Lines Expert Rosenqvists Food Technologies expands Sales Team
Octubre 06, 2020

Snack and Potato Processing Lines Expert Rosenqvists Food Technologies expands Sales Team

Anticipating a positive future for the food industry, Snack and Potato Processing Line Expert Rosenqvists Food Technologies continues to invest in its sales team. A Sales Manager and an Area Sales Manager have been appointed.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Fairfields Farm Set to Supply Leading Meal Kit Player, HelloFresh
Octubre 06, 2020

Fairfields Farm Set to Supply Leading Meal Kit Player, HelloFresh

Essex potato grower, Fairfields Farm, is excited to announce that it will be supplying HelloFresh with its low carbon footprint potatoes from October.
Exitoso desarrollo de la papa como nueva opción en Ñeembucú, Paraguay
Octubre 05, 2020

Exitoso desarrollo de la papa como nueva opción en Ñeembucú, Paraguay

La papa ya es una opción para la economía de los pequeños productores de Ñeembucú, Paraquay. Proyecto productivo respaldado por el Gobierno Nacional, a través de la Entidad Binacional Yacyretá (EBY), se desarrolla con éxito en este departamento.
Nueva plaga afecta los cultivos de papa en la provincia Ecuatoriana del Carchi
Octubre 05, 2020

Nueva plaga afecta los cultivos de papa en la provincia Ecuatoriana del Carchi

Nueva plaga afecta los cultivos de papa en la provincia Ecuatoriana del Carchi. El insecto detectado en laboratorios de agro- calidad, luego de varios análisis y tomas de muestras en cultivos de papa es combatido a través de un manejo integrado con escuelas de campo.
Papas Colombianas: ¡Papa pa’ ti! ¡Papa pa’ mí! ¿Y a ti cuál papa te gusta?
Octubre 05, 2020

Papas Colombianas: ¡Papa pa’ ti! ¡Papa pa’ mí! ¿Y a ti cuál papa te gusta?

En esta conversación con Óscar Rene González, líder del proyecto 60 Nativas, conocerás papas que probablemente no sabías que existían y a un ser humano que le apuesta a lo nuestro.
Alza ha sido posible tras tres temporadas de participación en el proyecto 'Incremento de la productividad del cultivo de la papa'.
Octubre 05, 2020

Agricultores de la provincia Chilena de Arauco Cuadriplican sus Ingresos al Comercializar Semillas de Papa Certificadas

Como un hito para un grupo de productores de semillas certificadas de papa, fue calificada la primera venta en conjunto a la Municipalidad de Cañete, Chile, de más de 14 toneladas de semilla certificada de papa de la variedad Patagonia-INIA.
En Otuzco, provincia de Perú se Instalarán más de 50 Reservorios para Riego de Patata y otros cultivos
Octubre 05, 2020

En Otuzco, provincia de Perú se Instalarán más de 50 Reservorios para Riego de Patata y otros cultivos

Ejecutarán el proyecto de mejoramiento del Servicio de Agua para Riego de Patata y otros cultivos Mediante Reservorios en el ámbito de los 10 distritos en la provincia de Otuzco, Perú, valorizado en más de 98 mil soles.
Contenido Patrocinado

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La investigadora Ximena Silveyra del Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas en Mar del Plata, Argentina
Octubre 05, 2020

Investigación: Antioxidantes en las patatas nativas para prevenir el Alzheimer

La investigadora Ximena Silveyra del Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas en Mar del Plata, Argentina, lleva adelante el proyecto que estudia el efecto protector de neuronas de moléculas presentes en la papa.
World Potato and Europatat Congresses, Ireland, 2021 – Postponed until 2022
Octubre 01, 2020

World Potato and Europatat Congress, Ireland, 2021 – Postponed until 2022

World Potato Congress Inc., Europatat and the Irish Potato Federation have announced the postponement of the World Potato Congress (WPC) and the Europatat Congress planned for May/June in Dublin in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
New CIP System cleans during operation and sanitation – dramatically reducing downtime
Octubre 01, 2020

Vanmark introduces Clean-In-Place system for its Peeler/Scrubber/Washers

Vanmark has introduced a Clean-In-Place (CIP) system for its Peeler/Scrubber/Washers. This CIP System cleans during operation and sanitation – dramatically reducing downtime.
Construction Potato Processing Plant Expansion McCain Foods - Othello to resume early October
Septiembre 29, 2020

Expansion Potato Processing Plant McCain Foods in Othello to resume early October

McCain Foods USA announced the restart of construction of its 170,000-square-foot expansion at its Othello, Washington potato processing facility. Paused due to COVID-19 restrictions, construction will resume in early October.
Chinese researchers identify a new potato disease
Septiembre 29, 2020

Chinese researchers identify a new potato disease

Undescribed disease has been observed on potato plants during the growing season, and in tubers during the storage period, from Nileke County, Qitai County and other locations in Xinjiang, China.
Utz Quality Foods, LLC has entered into a definitive agreement with Conagra Brands, Inc. to acquire certain assets of the H.K. Anderson business, a leading brand of peanut butter-filled pretzels.
Septiembre 29, 2020

Utz Brands to jump-start its entry into the filled Pretzel segment with acquisition of specific H.K. Anderson assets

Utz Quality Foods has entered into a definitive agreement with Conagra Brands to acquire certain assets of the H.K. Anderson business, a leading brand of peanut butter-filled pretzels.


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