
TOMRA announces launch of Chinese-Language Website
Febrero 13, 2015

TOMRA announces launch of Chinese-Language Website

TOMRA Sorting Food is pleased to announce the availability of the Chinese langcode version of its website the newest addition in TOMRA’s effort to be closer to the customer and to serve them in their own langcode.
China, el imperio del arroz, se rinde a la papa
Enero 24, 2015

China, el imperio del arroz, se rinde a la papa

China, tras muchos años de deliberaciones, ha designado oficialmente a la patata (o papa) como su cuarto alimento básico principal, junto al arroz, el maíz y el trigo, una decisión que podría ser trascendental para la producción agrícola, el comercio exterior y la dieta del país más poblado del mundo.
Potato can be grown on land unsuitable for rice, grain cultivation
Enero 22, 2015

Are Potatoes the Answer to China's Food Security Problem?

In a meeting on January 6th, the Ministry of Agriculture of China announced plans to double the total area of land devoted to potato cultivation from just over 5 million hectares to 10 million hectares.
ConAgra Foods Lamb Weston Celebrates Grand Opening of Potato Processing Plant in China
Noviembre 20, 2014

ConAgra Foods Lamb Weston Celebrates Grand Opening of TaiMei Potato Processing Plant in China

ConAgra Foods, Inc., joined with distinguished local and regional government dignitaries to celebrate the grand opening of its Lamb Weston potato processing facility in Shangdu, Inner Mongolia.
WPC International Advisor Dr. Peter VanderZaag Honored in China
Noviembre 05, 2014

WPC International Advisor Dr. Peter VanderZaag Honored in China

Last month, in recognition of his years of leadership, potato specialist Dr. VanderZaag was awarded China’s prestigious Friendship Award by Premier Li Keqiang.
Farm Frites signs joint venture with Inner Mongolia Linkage Potato Co. Ltd
Septiembre 28, 2014

Farm Frites signs joint venture with Inner Mongolia Linkage Potato Co. Ltd

Farm Frites has signed an agreement with Inner Mongolia Linkage Potato Co. Ltd (Linkage) to set up a joint venture in Wudan Town, Chifeng City in Inner Mongolia in China
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Baked Lay's Salad Chips: How R&D Helps Drive China Business
Julio 16, 2014

Baked Lay's Salad Chips: How R&D Helps Drive China Business

PepsiCo research and development leveraged Lay’s potato chips’ strong equity in China to introduce a new and unexpected snack for consumers.
ConAgra Foods Acquires Chinese Potato Processor TaiMei Potato Industry Limited
Julio 14, 2014

ConAgra Foods Acquires Chinese Potato Processor TaiMei Potato Industry Limited

ConAgra Foods, Inc., announced that it has acquired TaiMei Potato Industry Limited, a potato processor in Shangdu, Inner Mongolia. The acquisition expands ConAgra Foods Lamb Weston operations in a market that has growing demand for frozen potato products.
Aviko-Snow Valley
Junio 05, 2014

Aviko invests in Chinese Fries Factory Snow Valley

Aviko has acquired a majority interest in a fries factory in the north-east of China, which will be renamed Aviko-Snow Valley. The company plans to expand french fry production and add manufacturing of potato flakes.
Aviko investeert in Chinese fritesfabriek Snow Valley
Junio 05, 2014

Aviko investeert in Chinese fritesfabriek Snow Valley

Aviko neemt een meerderheidsbelang in een fritesfabriek in het noordoosten van China, die nu Aviko - Snow Valley zal gaan heten. Het bedrijf verwacht de produktie capaciteit fors uit te breiden en een vlokkenlijn toe te voegen
Steven Van Geel, sales director for China, TOMRA Sorting Food
Mayo 16, 2014

TOMRA Sorting Food appoints Steven Van Geel Sales Director China

Current and planned expansion across the globe has led to TOMRA Sorting Food appointing Steven Van Geel its sales director for China.
From left to right: Feng Yanbin and Feng Xingyuan (previous owners), Dieter Vögtli (President Region Asia), Robert Zhu (new General Manager).
Febrero 23, 2014

Bühler acquires majority stake in the Chinese company Yaoxian Machinery Guangzhou

Bühler Group has acquired an 80% stake in Yaoxian Machinery Guangzhou, a Chinese company which is well positioned in Southeast Asia in the market for Asian Pasta production systems.
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 McDonald's Shanghai. Potato in China
Agosto 02, 2013

How potato invaded China

It may surprise many people to learn that China has been the world's largest producer of potatoes since 1993. But it should not be entirely unexpected. The Chinese diet has changed drastically since the economic reforms of the 1980's.
 Developing China Peru relations
Julio 27, 2013

Using the Potato to Develop China-Peru Relations

For over 30 years, the International Potato Center (CIP) has played a significant role in developing Sino-Peruvian relations through the introduction and promotion of various varieties of drought and disease resistant potato and sweet potato to China.
 World Potato Congress 2015
Julio 27, 2013

9th World Potato Congress to be hosted by Yanqing County of Beijing City, China

David Thompson, President of World Potato Congress Inc., recently announced that Yanqing County, Beijing City, China, has been selected as the site of the 9th International World Potato Congress to be held July 28-30th, 2015.
China Essence Group issues profit warning
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China Essence Group issues profit warning

The Board of Directors of China Essence Group Ltd announces that the Group expects to register a net loss for FY2013.
Marzo 26, 2013

Colorado Potatoes Approved for Taiwan

As of April 1, 2013, fresh potatoes from the state of Colorado are approved to be shipped to Taiwan.
Major revenue drop at potato starch manufacturer China Essence Group
Febrero 07, 2013

Major revenue drop at potato starch manufacturer China Essence Group

China Essence Group Ltd. , a leading manufacturer of potato starch and derivated products in China, recently announced its results for the third quarter (“3Q FY2013”) and nine months (“9M FY2013”) of the financial year ending 31 March 2013 (“FY2013”).


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