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Febrero 18, 2009

US Potato Growers fear Over-production in 2009

Anyway you slice it, dice it, mash it or fry it, a new survey by the Idaho Potato Commission reveals American's favorite vegetable is the potato. And, despite February being Potato Lover's Month, growers are worried they won't break even on this year's...
Febrero 18, 2009

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This publication has been removed from our database
PEI Potato Board hires Greg Donald as new General Manager
Febrero 12, 2009

PEI Potato Board hires Greg Donald as new General Manager

The Prince Edward Island Potato Board has found a new General Manager to lead the organization. Greg Donald will take on the senior role with the Board, effective Monday, February 16th.  Board Chairman Boyd Rose made the official announcement.
 National Potato Council
Febrero 06, 2009

National Potato Council elects Washington Potato Grower Ed Schneider as 2009 President

Washington potato grower Ed Schneider has been elected to lead the National Potato Council. The organization advocates for the economic well-being of U.S. potato growers on federal legislative, regulatory, environmental and trade issues.  In addition,...
 Washington State Potato Commission
Enero 28, 2009

Voigt gives potato progress report at Washington State Potato Conference

Chris Voigt, executive director of the Washington State Potato Commission, addressed a group of roughly 120 growers at the Washington State Potato Conference in Kennewick Tuesday, where he provided an update on key issues for the potato industry.One of...
Enero 26, 2009

Antoon Wallays herverkozen als algemeen voorzitter van Belgapom

Ter gelegenheid van de algemene vergadering van Belgapom in Lokeren werd uittredend algemeen voorzitter Antoon Wallays, bedrijfsleider van het aardappelverwerkingsbedrijf Agristo in Harelbeke, herverkozen.Tevens werd de raad van bestuur voor 2009 – 201...
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
 Washington State Potato Conference 2009
Enero 23, 2009

'Classic Russet' (formerly known as A95109-1) served at Washington State Potato Conference

When potato growers line up for their potato bar lunch at the 48th annual Washington State Potato Conference, they will be meeting and eating an old acquaintance with a new name.The new Classic Russet being topped and served by Commissioners this year ...
 Nederlandse Akkerbouw Vakbond
Enero 16, 2009

Ruim honderd aardappeltelers aangemeld bij aanbodverenigingen

Er worden tien verenigingen opgericht in Nederland die het areaal consumptieaardappelen vrijwillig willen beperken.Het initiatief komt van de Nederlandse Akkerbouw Vakbond. De vakbond heeft achttien bijeenkomsten belegd, zegt bestuurder Keimpe van der ...
Enero 11, 2009

Evaluacion sensorial de papa frita en bastones durante el almacenamiento

Con el crecimiento del mercado de papa procesada ha aumentado el interés en las características que están relacionadas con el producto final. Tanto para la selección de la papa en el mejoramiento genético como en las plantas procesadoras, es necesaria...
Enero 07, 2009

Doug McMillon Named President and CEO of Wal-Mart International

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT) announced today that Doug McMillon, 42, will be promoted to president and chief executive officer of Wal-Mart International, the company’s second largest operating segment. McMillon, currently president and CEO of Sam’...
 European Snacks Association (ESA)
Enero 04, 2009

European Snack Association claim causes UK Health Minister to threaten with regulation

The Government is threatening to regulate the food industry to stop firms promoting unhealthy eating habits among the nation's seven million schoolchildren, the Health minister, Ben Bradshaw, warned yesterday.He described as "completely unacceptab...
 Washington State Potato Commission
Enero 03, 2009

USDA's Western Regional Research Center offers Potato Research ideas to Washington Potato Commission

Members of the Washington State Potato Commission's research committee recently returned from a trip to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Western Regional Research Center.Commission Research Director Andy Jensen said the reason for the trip to the A...
Contenido Patrocinado

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Diciembre 31, 2008

North Dakota's potato production lower in 2008

Potato production in the state is expected to reach 22.7 million cwt in 2008 from 81,000 harvested acres, which is down 11 percent from last year. The average production per acre was higher, however, with the 2008 average yield pegged at a record high ...
Diciembre 27, 2008

50 potato facts

Fact sheets / flyer / leaflet-2008 (PDF, 434 kb)
Diciembre 27, 2008

50 verdades sobre la papa

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 Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie (NAO)
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Noviembre 20, 2008

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