Noticias sobre las Magulladuras en las Papas de Bélgica

Belgian retail Chain Colruyt evaluates hyperspectral imaging to detect bruising in unpeeled potatoes
Junio 12, 2021

Belgian retail Chain Colruyt evaluates hyperspectral imaging to detect bruising in unpeeled potatoes

It's easy to see a bruise on a person. Not so, on a potato. The bruises are under the product's skin and so not easily detected during processing. Science, however, has found a solution that gives the Belgian Colruyt Group a peek under potatoes' skins.
Potato growers propose pan-European approach to resolve contract issues with processors due to extreme weather
Agosto 14, 2018

Potato growers propose pan-European approach to resolve contract issues with processors due to extreme weather

The North-Western European Potato Growers (NEPG) conclude that the potato production this year in North-Western Europe will be much lower than average and that quality issues will be a main challenge.


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