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National Potato Council takes USDA staff on Potato Production Tour
Septiembre 01, 2016

National Potato Council takes USDA staff on Potato Production Tour

USDA staff from the AMS Plant Variety Protection Office and APHIS Biotech Regulatory Services on a tour of the Sterman Masser Potato Farm facilities in central Pennsylvania on August 23.
Potato plantings by variety in Great Britain in 2016
Agosto 31, 2016

Potato plantings by variety in Great Britain in 2016

AHDB Potatoes has produced provisional estimates of planted areas by variety for Great Britain for 2016.
Belgapom now provides pricing for potato varieties Challenger and Fontane in addition to Bintje
Agosto 28, 2016

Belgapom now provides pricing for potato varieties Challenger and Fontane in addition to Bintje

Starting from the 2016 – 2017 season, the Belgapom quotation will be made up of three parts, each supplemented by their own market sentiment: Bintje, Challenger and Fontane.
Dr. Potato Is Always On Call For Idaho Potato Questions
Agosto 23, 2016

Dr. Potato Is Always On Call For Idaho Potato Questions

When reviewing the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) website analytics for the past year (August 2015-August 2016), IPC staff wasn’t surprised to find that Dr. Potato (alias Don Odiorne, Vice President-Foodservice) had garnered 959,328 page views, nearly 50% of all views.
How Potatoes USA is restructuring the Alliance for Potato Research and Education (APRE)
Agosto 23, 2016

How Potatoes USA is restructuring the Alliance for Potato Research and Education (APRE)

During the Potatoes USA Summer Meeting held in Seattle August 10, it was announced that the Alliance for Potato Research and Education (APRE) has been restructured in an effort to minimize overhead costs and expand research on potato nutrition.
Belgium's family potato business vital force in land of fries
Agosto 15, 2016

Belgium's family potato business vital force in land of fries

Potatoes are the second largest cultivated crop in Belgium and a key ingredient in Belgian cuisine. It's the base of the world-famous French fries, and is considered by Belgians as part of their national pride.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Rachael Lynch Joins Potatoes USA as Global Marketing Manager
Julio 25, 2016

Rachael Lynch Joins Potatoes USA as Global Marketing Manager

Potatoes USA is pleased to announce Rachael Lynch has joined its staff as a Global Marketing Manager for institutional foodservice
National Potato Council joins US Agriculture Coalition for Cuba
Julio 25, 2016

National Potato Council joins US Agriculture Coalition for Cuba (USACC)

The National Potato Council has joined more than 100 prominent national grower organizations, state grower associations, and agribusiness members as part of the U.S. Agriculture Coalition for Cuba, whose goal is to reestablish Cuba as a market for U.S. food and ag exports
AHDB Potatoes Next Generation education program follows supply chain relationships from field to fork
Julio 25, 2016

AHDB Potatoes Next Generation education program follows supply chain relationships from field to fork

AHDB Potatoes’ Next Generation educational programme continued to explore GB’s diverse potato industry with a processing-focussed, whole supply chain day at McCain GB Foods Ltd Headquarters in Scarborough recently.
Potato and Onion Producers Association of Namibia elects new board
Julio 24, 2016

Potato and Onion Producers Association of Namibia elects new board

Members of the Namibian Potato and Onion Producers Association (Popa) recently met at Tsumeb to elect a new board.
Maureen Storey leaves Alliance for Potato Research and Education (APRE)
Julio 19, 2016

Maureen Storey leaves Alliance for Potato Research and Education (APRE)

After five years as the president and CEO of the Alliance for Potato Research and Education (APRE), Maureen Storey, Ph.D., is no longer leading the organization.
Michigan Potato Industry Commission appointments, re-appointments
Julio 17, 2016

Michigan Potato Industry Commission appointments, re-appointments

On July 15, Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan announced a series of appointments and re-appointments to the Michigan Potato Industry Commission
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International Potato Center (CIP) publishes Annual Report
Julio 11, 2016

International Potato Center (CIP) publishes Annual Report

The International Potato Center (CIP) has published its annual report for 2015.
Display of a wide range of potato products
Julio 06, 2016

Potato Trade show Interpom | Primeurs 2016 focuses on Precision Technology

Interpom | Primeurs 2016 promises to be the biggest edition of this potato event ever and the 2016 theme is: 'Growing through precision technology'.
Romain Cools, Belgapom: "Damage to potato harvest can't be estimated at the moment"
Junio 30, 2016

Romain Cools, Belgapom: 'Damage to potato harvest can't be estimated at the moment'

Stories about large losses in harvest in the Belgian sector due to the heavy rainfall are circulating in various media. But Romain Cools of Belgapom says it is too early to come up with a percentage.
México prohíbe importaciones de papa fresca de Estados Unidos México-prohibe-importar-papa-fresca-de-Estados-Unidos
Junio 28, 2016

México prohíbe importaciones de papa fresca de Estados Unidos

Un juez federal de México prohibió el ingreso al país de papa fresca de Estados Unidos ante la posibilidad de que los plaguicidas utilizados en su cultivo generen daños al medio ambiente, a la biodiversidad o a la población.
World Potato Congress Board changes: who is in, who is out?
Junio 28, 2016

World Potato Congress Board changes: Who is in? Who is out?

David Thompson, President and CEO of World Potato Congress Inc. (WPC) announced today the retirement of Albert Wada, after an eight year term as active member the Board of Directors. Three new international advisers were newly appointed to the Board.
Potato planting in Maine complete after winter dealing with Dickeya
Junio 27, 2016

Potato planting in Maine complete after winter dealing with Dickeya

Maine potato farmers have wrapped up planting and are hoping for a good year.


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