Noticias sobre Otras Categorías del Reino Unido

 Grow your own potatoes: It's time to start digging!
Octubre 30, 2013

Continued success for UK school Potato Project

Educating children about the importance of food, farming and healthy eating is a priority for Potato Council and the ‘Grow Your Own Potatoes’ project does just that. Now entering its tenth year, the project has reached over 2 million children to date.
 Rory MacKenzie
Octubre 22, 2013

BP 2013 Potato Industry Dinner speaker announced

Soldier, Atlantic rower and motivational speaker, Rory Mackenzie, strives for success and is constantly searching for new challenges. Ticket holders to the sell-out BP2013 potato industry dinner, will get the opportunity to hear his inspirational story.
Potato Week 2013
Octubre 18, 2013

MPs Rally for Potatoes

In the United Kingdom, Members of Parliament (MPs) were treated to a day of potatoes, as Potato Council was sponsored to attend Parliament during Potato Week (7-13 October).
 Potato week 2013
Octubre 08, 2013

Potato Advertising Push gets underway in United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, a high profile advertising campaign has been launched to drive awareness and sales of named potato varieties.
Successful East of England Potato Day 2013
Septiembre 13, 2013

Successful East of England Potato Day 2013

More than 140 potato growers, advisors and agronomists met at Frederick Hiam Ltd, Tuddenham, Suffolk at the end of August, 2013, for Potato Council’s East of England Potato Day.
 Potatoes in Practice
Agosto 25, 2013

‘Best-ever’ Potatoes in Practice – buoyant mood as industry turns out in droves

Growers, agronomists and technical specialists turned out in high numbers at Potatoes in Practice earlier this month on the James Hutton Institute’s Balruddery Farm, Invergowrie.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
GB seed potato industry hosts first-time UK Industry Reception at Potato Europe
Agosto 21, 2013

GB seed potato industry hosts first-time UK Industry Reception at Potato Europe

Importers and growers looking to buy high health, high quality seed are warmly invited to visit Potato Council’s stand at Potato Europe (Emmeloord, The Netherlands, September 11-12, 2013).
 Rob Clayton
Agosto 12, 2013

UK: Growers quit but potato acreage is steady

In the aftermath of last year’s difficult growing and harvesting season, almost one in ten of Britain’s potato growers decided to call it a day, but, according to Rob Clayton of the Potato Council, the 2013 acreage of potatoes in the UK has not fallen.
Farmers fight to reclaim the 'British New Potato'
Agosto 12, 2013

Farmers fight to reclaim the 'British New Potato'

Furious potato growers are going head to head with supermarkets and restaurants in a campaign to reclaim the "British New Potato".
Many faces of potatoes
Agosto 06, 2013

‘Many Faces of Potatoes’ campaign successful

Potato Council’s summer ‘Many Faces of Potatoes’ campaign has been hailed a major success, following positive industry and consumer feedback.
 The North-Western European Potato Growers (NEPG)
Agosto 04, 2013

2013 potato crop area estimates and progress in North-Western Europe

The North-Western European Potato Growers (NEPG) has issued an updated estimate of planted area for the 2013 crop (at the start of July).
Potato Plantings
Junio 30, 2013

Potato Council offers estimate of total potato plantings in Great Britain in 2013

The Potato Council’s first estimate of total potato plantings for the 2013 crop year in Great Britain is 121,200 hectares.
Contenido Patrocinado

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 GYOP2013 Grow your own potatoes
Junio 26, 2013

UK's Grow Your Own Potatoes: MPs lend a hand at harvesting time

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Potato Council campaign to boost crop at crucial time

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