La Energía y El Medio Ambiente

Noviembre 14, 2010

Novidon ontvangt subsidie voor project "aardappelRasp"

Gedeputeerde Staten van de provincie Groningen hebben besloten een bijdrage van 79.486 euro te verlenen aan Novidon, dat gespecialiseerd is in het verwerken en opwaarderen van side stream zetmeel.
Noviembre 11, 2010

Steeds meer diefstallen frituurvet België

In België wordt steeds vaker gebruikt frituurvet gestolen. Van het vuile vet wordt biodiesel gemaakt.
Noviembre 05, 2010

The Netherlands Commits to Solely Using Sustainable Palm Oil by 2015

By the end of 2015, all palm oil used in The Netherlands will be sustainable, as certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).
Greenvale AP
Noviembre 05, 2010

Greenvale AP wins EDIE Award for Environmental Excellence

Greenvale AP has won an award for Environmental Excellence
Noviembre 04, 2010

Paraguay prohibe el endosulfán, pesticida utilizado para controlar plagas en papa

El gobierno paraguayo prohibió la importación y utilización del insecticida endosulfán en cultivos hortícolas y frutales por considerarlo tóxico para los humanos, según un comunicado divulgado el jueves por el estatal Servicio Nacional de Calidad y San...
Noviembre 03, 2010

Frito-Lay replaces noisy Sunchips packaging in the US, but not in Canada

In the last PotatoPro Newsletter 'Chips bags from potato peel? Biodegradable snack packaging' we focused on the changes Frito-Lay was making to the 'noisy'biodegradable Sunchips bags. Sunchips original will continue to be sold in the 'noisy'compostable bags, but all other Sunchips versions will be packed in regular (non-compostable) packaging until an improved biodegradable packaging is developed.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Noviembre 03, 2010

New Research Chair in Materials and films for safe, smart & sustainable packaging at Polytechnique Montréal

This morning, with its partners and several guests from the food and packaging fields in attendance, Polytechnique Montréal inaugurated the NSERC/Saputo/Excel Pac Industrial Research Chair in Materials and films for safe, smart and sustainable (3S) packaging.
Noviembre 03, 2010

Native potatoes put biodiversity on a plate and on the agenda

Potatoes in all shapes, colors and presentations were a hit at Latin America’s biggest ‘foodie’ get together this year, and highlighted the fact that biodiversity can be delicious
 Innovia Films
Noviembre 01, 2010

Boulder Canyon All Natural Kettle Cooked Potato Chips packed in biodegradable NatureFlex cellulose film

Boulder Canyon™ Natural Foods, a leading North American snack food manufacturer, has introduced a renewable, fully compostable pack for its line of All Natural Kettle Cooked Potato Chips.
 Water droplet
Octubre 31, 2010

Potatoes could boost water supplies

Octubre 24, 2010

Agristo heeft Belgische primeur met struvietreactor voor fosfaatverwijdering

Octubre 21, 2010

Fastfoodketens gaan groen

Fastfoodketens zijn koplopers in groen ondernemen in de Verenigde Staten. Van de 38 restaurants in de Verenigde Staten die gecertificeerd duurzaam, ‘groen’ en milieubesparend zijn, behoort veertig procent tot een fastfoodketen.
Contenido Patrocinado

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 Agriculture and Agri-food Canada
Octubre 21, 2010

AAFC Research: how to best grow organic potatoes

Potatoes harvested during the country’s inaugural ‘National Organic Week’ (Oct. 9-16) by scientists at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's (AAFC) Harrington Research Farm in Prince Edward Island are prototypes for the industry.
Pepsico lanza tecnología a nivel mundial para reducir el consumo de agua y las emisiones de carbono
Octubre 19, 2010

Pepsico lanza tecnología a nivel mundial para reducir el consumo de agua y las emisiones de carbono

PepsiCo anunció hoy sus planes para implementar una nueva tecnología de agricultura de precisión a nivel mundial. La herramienta basada en web, que fue desarrollada por PepsiCo en conjunto con la Universidad de Cambridge (Reino Unido), es un sistema de...
Pepsico: I-crop 'precision farming' technology rolled out globally to reduce water use and carbon emissions
Octubre 19, 2010

Pepsico: I-crop 'precision farming' technology rolled out globally to reduce water use and carbon emissions

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 Max Burgers
Octubre 18, 2010

Carbon Footprint on the menu board at Swedish QSR chain

In the U.S., quick-serve operators are scrambling to figure out how they'll abide by the menu-labeling mandate requiring calorie counts be posted on menuboards.
 McCain Foods
Octubre 14, 2010

McCain Foods Plover receives energy efficiency grant

McCain Foods in Plover will be getting a significant grant from the Wisconsin governor's office in order to help increase energy efficiency at the plant.
Walkers experiments with crisp packets made of potatoes
Octubre 08, 2010

Walkers experiments with crisp packets made of potatoes

Recycled potato peelings could be used to make environmentally-friendly crisp packets, according to snack manufacturer Walkers.


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