Noticias sobre la Investigación y Desarrollo de Ruanda

Athanase Nduwumuremyi, Senior Research Fellow and Roots and Tubers Program Coordinator at RAB, during a tour at a greenhouse in Karago Sector, Nyabihu District
Marzo 17, 2025

Trials for GMO potato varieties underway in Rwanda

The Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resource Development Board (RAB) is conducting trials on new potato varieties that require no fungicide spraying
Seeds of Transformation: Empowering Rwanda's Farmers through Innovative Potato Varieties and Sustainable Agricultural Practices
Mayo 13, 2024

Cultivating Innovation: Transforming Rwanda’s potato industry with new varieties

The lack of quality seed for improved varieties has been attributed to the limited capacity of seed multipliers to produce enough to meet farmer’s demands.
Farmers upbeat about new potato variety
Julio 26, 2022

Potato farmers in Rwanda upbeat about new variety

Potato farmers have welcomed the government’s on-going trials on the use of agricultural biotechnology in producing a new Irish potato variety resistant to the devastating late blight disease.
Rwandan entrepreneur Apollinaire Karegeya is growing potatoes without soil and with little water.
Diciembre 04, 2020

Aeroponics: growing potatoes in the air - agricultural innovation in Rwanda

A Rwandan entrepreneur is pioneering the use of innovative farming technology that, he believes, is set to play a major role in feeding the growing population in his country, amid increasing pressure on arable land.
International Potato Center (CIP) and Blackpace Group to cooperate in advancing potato production in Africa
Octubre 16, 2017

International Potato Center (CIP) and Blackpace Group to cooperate in advancing potato production in Africa

The International Potato Center (CIP) and BlackPace Africa Group (BPA) executed a Technical and Scientific agreement to advance potato production in Africa, with focus on Rwanda.
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