Investigación y Desarrollo

The McDonald’s first global flagship Net Zero Energy-designed restaurant will serve as a learning hub to test sustainable solutions.
Agosto 01, 2020

McDonald's new Global flagship Restaurant at Walt Disney World Resort is the First of its kind

McDonald’s first global flagship Net Zero Energy-designed restaurant will serve as a learning hub to test sustainable solutions. Modern architecture is combined with technology to create enough renewable energy on-site to cover its energy needs on a net annual basis.
Nace la Interprofesional de la patata de Castilla y León
Julio 27, 2020

Nace la Interprofesional de la patata de Castilla y León

Después de un gran esfuerzo administrativo llevado a cabo durante el confinamiento, el sector productor de la patata de Castilla y León ha conseguido crear la Interprofesional de la patata, tras reunir los apoyos necesarios superando el 51% de la superficie regional.
Julio 20, 2020

Tomra Food Ofrece su Ayuda a Empresas Procesadoras de Verduras durante la Crisis del Covid-19

TOMRA Food está poniéndose en contacto con empresas procesadoras de verduras de todo el mundo para ayudarlas a afrontar los desafíos provocadospor la pandemia del COVID-19.
White Castle Just Hired a New Fry Guy—and It's a Robot
Julio 15, 2020

White Castle becomes the first fast food chain to test out the robot fry cook, Flippy, from Miso Robotics

White Castle Just Hired a New Fry Guy—and It's a Robot. The next time Harold and Kumar go to a White Castle, there may be a robot making their French Fries.
Restrain sprout suppressor approved in Germany
Julio 09, 2020

Restrain sprout suppressor approved in Germany

The German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) has approved the ethylene-based sprout suppressor Restrain as a safe crop protection product with immediate effect. The approval applies to the treatment of potatoes (for both domestic consumption and starch production), onions, garlic, shallots, propagating material, and tomatoes.
Junio 29, 2020

Herramienta de baja tecnología ayuda en la lucha contra el tizón tardío de la papa

El Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP), en colaboración con instituciones de investigación y desarrollo de Ecuador y Perú, desarrolló una herramienta de baja tecnología para ayudar a los agricultores a optimizar el uso de los fungicidas.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
La patata 'Beltza', de color púrpura, posee un elevado contenido en compuestos antioxidantes beneficiosos para la salud.
Junio 29, 2020

Udapa realizará un estudio agronómico y de aceptación comercial de la variedad de patata 'Beltza', creada por Neiker

La nueva variedad es de gran calidad para su utilización en restauración, envasada al vacío o cocida lista para consumir.
From 'ridge' to 'bed' – the next step in HZPC potato innovation
Junio 25, 2020

From 'ridge' to 'bed' – the next step in HZPC potato innovation

Increasing food security in areas that are hard to access. This is one of the ideas behind an important potato innovation by HZPC: hybrid potato breeding.
Under COVID, food systems in Latin America are looking inward for support
Junio 19, 2020

Under COVID, food systems in Latin America are looking inward for support

Scientists at the International Potato Center (CIP) are shifting their focus to the long-term effects of COVID-19 to anticipate and understand how food systems may be impacted in the coming years.
The World Potato Congress Inc. Announces Three New Directors to its Board
Junio 10, 2020

World Potato Congress Inc. appoints Three New Directors to its Board

Romain Cools, President, and CEO of the World Potato Congress Inc. (WPC) announces the appointment of three new Directors to its Board effective July 1, 2020: Dr. Nigel Crump, Australia, and Mrs. Elven Huang, China, both former WPC International Advisors, and Mr. Bret Nedrow, USA.
Starch Europe Welcomes the Publication of the EU Farm to Fork Strategy
Mayo 26, 2020

Starch Europe Welcomes the Publication of the EU Farm to Fork Strategy

Starch Europe today welcomed the much-anticipated publication of the European Commission’s EU Farm to Fork Strategy. Starch Europe and its members strongly support the Commission’s climate neutrality ambition and the important role a more sustainable food system plays to achieve that objective.
Unique robot helps HZPC in the fight against diseases
Mayo 26, 2020

Unique robot helps HZPC in the fight against diseases

HZPC is employing the services of a specialized robot in its fight against potato diseases and viruses within its breeding program.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Mayo 25, 2020

Europatat acoge con satisfacción la estrategia europea 'De la granja a la mesa'

La Asociación de Comerciantes Europeos de Patata, Europatat, ha mostrado su respaldo a la estrategia 'De la granja a la mesa' presentada el 20 de mayo por el vicepresidente de la Comisión Europea, Frans Timmermans, que establece medidas regulatorias y no regulatorias para hacer del sistema alimentario de la UE un estándar global para la sostenibilidad.
Bühler Virtual World continues for all of May
Mayo 19, 2020

Bühler Virtual World continues for all of May

Due to the positive response and over-subscription of virtual meetings, Bühler has decided to keep the Bühler Virtual World open at least until the end of May. Over the three days, more than 12,000 people from 132 countries visited the digital platform, around 500 private meetings are ongoing.
Wageningen University & Research (WUR) studies wild potatoes for new pest-free potato varieties
Mayo 14, 2020

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) studies wild potatoes for new pest-free potato varieties

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) is to study wild potato varieties for resistance to a wide range of potato-diseases and plagues. This broad approach should yield breeding material that can be used to develop disease-free potato varieties.
Bühler creates the Bühler Virtual World to support food industry resilience during challenging times
Mayo 12, 2020

Bühler creates the Bühler Virtual World to support food industry resilience during challenging times

In just six weeks, Bühler transformed its physical interpack program into a fully digital experience. It has certainly been a very steep learning curve for the company, but one that will give Bühler’s partners and customers access to new services.
The Future of UK Potato Storage Research
Mayo 01, 2020

The Future of UK Potato Storage Research

AHDB’s announcement that it is consulting on the future of the Sutton Bridge Crop Research Station, and on potato storage research more broadly, should worry every potato grower in this country.
PotatoEurope vuelve a Francia donde este año espera reunir a 15.000 visitantes
Abril 20, 2020

PotatoEurope vuelve a Francia donde este año espera reunir a 15.000 visitantes

La décimoquinta edición de la feria PotatoEurope se va a celebrar este año el 2 y 3 de septiembre en la localidad francesa de Villers-Saint-Christophe. El evento se organiza cada año de forma rotatoria en Francia, Bélgica, Holanda y Alemania.


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