Noticias sobre la Investigación y Desarrollo del Reino Unido

WPC Webinar with Dr. Alison Lees, Potato Pathologist, The James Hutton Institute, Feb 28, 2023 9:00am EST (Canada/USA)
Febrero 27, 2023

WPC Webinar with Dr. Alison Lees, Potato Pathologist, The James Hutton Institute, Feb 28, 2023 9:00am EST (Canada/USA)

The World Potato Congress presents a webinar with Dr. Alison Lees, Potato Pathologist with The James Hutton Institute, Dundee, UK on February 28, 2023 at 9.00am Eastern Standard Time (EST).
A New Potato Industry Organisation in Great Britain
Octubre 19, 2022

A New Potato Industry Organisation in Great Britain

The Working Group for GB Potatoes has striven to bring the industry together to explore and develop what the industry needs following the levy payer ballots in Potatoes and Horticulture.
Multiple high-quality genomes assembled from 24 wild and 20 cultivated potato varieties
Junio 18, 2022

Multiple high-quality genomes assembled from 24 wild and 20 cultivated potato varieties

An international research team featuring the James Hutton Institute has shed further light on the evolution and biology of potatoes as a genetically complex global food crop.
Joint industry project in the United Kingdom to tackle wireworm damage
Junio 15, 2022

Joint industry project in the United Kingdom to tackle wireworm damage

Following an upward trend in wireworm damage in root vegetable and cereal crops throughout the UK, industry leaders have joined forces to co-fund a Fera-led R&D project to find an end-to-end solution
Edison releases a global biopesticides market report – Feeding the World: Biological Products for Sustainable Crop Protection
Abril 29, 2022

RNA interference-based biopesticides market research report published

Edison Investment Research, a London-based investment research and advisory company releases a report on RNA interference-based biopesticides: Feeding the World: Biological Products for Sustainable Crop Protection
Smart soil bugs offer farmers an ecofriendly route to controlling crop diseases
Enero 21, 2022

Smart soil bugs offer farmers an ecofriendly route to controlling crop diseases

An innovative method of controlling a range of damaging crop diseases using native, beneficial soil bacteria has emerged from a research-industry collaboration.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Fighting late blight: what does it take to bring a resistant potato variety to market?
Octubre 27, 2021

Fighting late blight: what does it take to bring a resistant potato variety to market?

Seed breeders work closely with potato growers to develop desirable agronomic traits, and with the wider supply chain for those crucial characteristics such as dry matter distribution, sugar formation, and storability.
James Hutton Institute outlines plans for a 'Potato Innovation Hub' at Potatoes in Practice 2021
Agosto 24, 2021

James Hutton Institute outlines plans for a 'Potato Innovation Hub' at Potatoes in Practice 2021

Recent advances in breeding technologies can be harnessed to fast track the breeding of new varieties. Sensors and drone technologies are driving integrated pest management solutions.
Union Surveys Potato Growers Ahead of Levy Board Changes
Junio 11, 2021

Scottish Farmers Union Surveys Potato Growers on AHDB activities ahead of changes

NFU Scotland is urging its potato growers to complete its survey to identify what functions carried out by the industry’s statutory levy body – AHDB Potatoes - are most valued ahead of body being wound down.
AHDB winding down horticulture and potatoes operations after farmers vote down levy continuation
Mayo 18, 2021

AHDB winding down horticulture and potatoes operations after farmers vote down levy continuation

AHDB has announced it is winding down significant activities on behalf of the horticulture and potatoes sectors. While awaiting a decision on the future by Ministers in England, Scotland and Wales, AHDB wants to reassure levy payers their views have been heard.
Blight studies reveal evolution of potato disease in Europe and Asia
Mayo 03, 2021

Blight studies reveal evolution of potato disease in Europe and Asia

Plant scientists at the James Hutton Institute are studying the evolution of late blight in potato by working with industry and research partners to track the distribution and diversity of dominant clones in Europe in 2020
AHDB coordinates potato sprout suppression position paper
Abril 23, 2021

AHDB coordinates potato sprout suppression position paper

The British potato industry remains in a state of great uncertainty and at significant risk of crop wastage and economic failure as a result of minimal progress on the availability of suitable sprout suppression chemistry.
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AHDB appoints Tim Rycroft as CEO
Abril 02, 2021

AHDB appoints Tim Rycroft as CEO

Tim, currently Chief Operating Officer of the Food and Drink Federation (FDF), will take up his position at the Stoneleigh-based levy board on 31 August 2021, replacing Jane King. During the intervening period, the interim AHDB CEO will be Ken Boyns, AHDB Chief Finance, and Operations Officer.
Bridging the gap between potato growers and scientists
Febrero 05, 2021

Bridging the gap between potato growers and scientists

To ensure the research AHDB funds has the biggest impact and benefit for the potato industry, they work to connect growers with researchers and scientists with initiatives like their Strategic Spot Farms.
Wildflowers could control aphid-borne viruses in potatoes
Noviembre 17, 2020

Wildflowers could control aphid-borne viruses in potatoes

Sowing wildflowers into potato crops could reduce aphid-carried viruses and offer an alternative to declining access to insecticides for growers.
Annual Cambridge Potato Conference will be an online event this year
Noviembre 17, 2020

Annual Cambridge Potato Conference will be an online event this year

After much discussion and planning by the CUPGRA Executive Committee, it has been decided, owing to COVID-19 restrictions, to go ahead with a virtual conference to continue the unbroken run of 30 successful CUPGRA Cambridge Potato Conferences.
World Potato Congress Inc. Webinar 'Developing the Pipeline from Genomics to New Products' with Dr. Mark Taylor
Noviembre 17, 2020

Next World Potato Congress Webinar: 'Developing the Pipeline from Genomics to New Products' with Dr. Mark Taylor

Next World Potato Congress webinar will be held on December 15, 2020, when Mark Taylor of the James Hutton Institute will speak on 'Developing the Pipeline from Genomics to New Products'
UK Researchers want to create a perfect potato using artificial intelligence
Noviembre 10, 2020

UK Researchers want to create a perfect potato using artificial intelligence

Videogame technology will be used to help develop the perfect potato as part of a ground-breaking new project involving Abertay University and a major potato seed supplier.


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