Investigación y Desarrollo

Potato Days 2022: No Time To Waste for future-proof potato growing
Octubre 31, 2022

HZPC Potato Days 2022: No Time To Waste for future-proof potato growing

On 9, 10 and 11 November, HZPC will open its doors in Joure – and online – to anyone with a passion for potatoes. During Potato Days 2022, they will discuss the challenges of food security and sustainability, now and in the future.
A New Potato Industry Organisation in Great Britain
Octubre 19, 2022

A New Potato Industry Organisation in Great Britain

The Working Group for GB Potatoes has striven to bring the industry together to explore and develop what the industry needs following the levy payer ballots in Potatoes and Horticulture.
Potato genomes under the microscope.
Septiembre 15, 2022

Potato genomes under the microscope

The DNA in humans and gorillas is about 95% identical. This percentage is much lower between potato varieties. This might sound like a fun fact to remember for a pub quiz, but for Remco Ursem and Stan Oome, it is a premise that carries a serious challenge.
PotatoEurope 2022 confirms its place as international venue for the potato industry.
Septiembre 15, 2022

PotatoEurope 2022 confirms its place as international venue for the potato industry

The PotatoEurope trade fair, which took place this week on 7 and 8 September, at the Rittergut Bockerode Estate in Springe-Mittelrode near Hanover, Germany, has confirmed its role as the international venue for potato.
Grip on own data brings benefits of precision farming to the grower
Agosto 27, 2022

Grip on own data brings benefits of precision farming to the potato grower

Much is expected from precision farming both inside and outside the potato sector. The term is often mentioned in the same breath as a sustainable future for potato cultivation. But precision farming is more than a future perspective.
After Millennia of Agricultural Expansion, the World Has Passed Peak Agricultural Land
Agosto 23, 2022

After Millennia of Agricultural Expansion, the World Has Passed Peak Agricultural Land

Humans have been reshaping the planet’s land for millennia by clearing wildlands to grow crops and raise livestock. As a result, humans have cleared one-third of the world’s forests and two-thirds of wild grasslands
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
La FAO impulsará el mapeo de nutrientes del suelo en Centroamérica y África subsahariana.
Agosto 08, 2022

La FAO impulsará el mapeo de nutrientes del suelo en Centroamérica y África subsahariana

Una contribución de USD 20 millones de parte de los Estados Unidos de América catalizará un uso más eficiente de los fertilizantes. Los fondos se utilizarán principalmente para realizar mapas específicos de nutrientes del suelo para sistematizar y mejorar los mapas de suelos existentes.
A novel approach to snapshot hyperspectral imaging based on computed tomography imaging spectrometer (CTIS)
Agosto 08, 2022

A novel approach to snapshot hyperspectral imaging based on computed tomography imaging spectrometer (CTIS)

A novel approach to snapshot hyperspectral imaging based on computed tomography imaging spectrometer (CTIS) is the result of the interesting collaboration between Newtec Engineering A/S and Physics at the University of Southern Denmark.
European Association for Potato Research (EAPR) awards Honorary Memberships to Mike Storey and Kazimiera Zgórska
Julio 20, 2022

European Association for Potato Research (EAPR) awards Honorary Memberships to Mike Storey and Kazimiera Zgórska

The European Association for Potato Research (EAPR) Council has awarded two honorary memberships to celebrate people with outstanding achievements in potato research and significant contributions to the association.
No more binge eating: signal pathway in the brain that controls food intake discovered
Julio 09, 2022

Signal pathway in the brain that controls food intake discovered

The brain controls our body’s lysophospholipids, which in turn control a programme that activates nutritional intake / specific inhibitors of lipid synthesis could serve as new obesity therapies / publication in 'Nature Metabolism'
Near infrared spectral analysis for mobile applications for on-site food freshness testing
Junio 19, 2022

Is Infrared spectral analysis (NIR) coming to your smartphone?

In the potato industry several analytical applications based on Near Infra Red (NIR) are used to characterize products. A German research institute sees applications even at home and is therefore working towards an NIR sensor small enough to fit your phone.
Multiple high-quality genomes assembled from 24 wild and 20 cultivated potato varieties
Junio 18, 2022

Multiple high-quality genomes assembled from 24 wild and 20 cultivated potato varieties

An international research team featuring the James Hutton Institute has shed further light on the evolution and biology of potatoes as a genetically complex global food crop.
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New Europatat Strategy 2022-2025
Junio 17, 2022

Potato association Europatat announces Strategy 2022-2025

On 30 May 2022, the Europatat membership gathered in Dublin approved a new vision and mission for Europatat, as well as the key fields of action and priorities for the next three years (2022-2025)
Joint industry project in the United Kingdom to tackle wireworm damage
Junio 15, 2022

Joint industry project in the United Kingdom to tackle wireworm damage

Following an upward trend in wireworm damage in root vegetable and cereal crops throughout the UK, industry leaders have joined forces to co-fund a Fera-led R&D project to find an end-to-end solution
Legacy of former Europatat’s President Gilles Fontaine
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The legacy of former Europatat President Gilles Fontaine

June has marked the end of Europatat’s Presidency for Mr Gilles Fontaine, who joined Europatat’s Board in 2014 as Treasurer and became President in 2018.
Potato Protein as Good as Animal Protein: Study
Junio 14, 2022

Potato Protein as Good as Animal Protein: Study

While many plant proteins are deficient in one or more essential amino acids necessary for optimal muscle growth and repair, a new randomized controlled study published in shows that plant-derived proteins can still induce strong anabolic responses.
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Europatat elige a Tigran Richter como su nuevo presidente y aprueba una nueva Estrategia para 2022-2025

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The 11th World Potato Congress, Dublin, Ireland Industry Award Winners
Junio 07, 2022

The 11th World Potato Congress, Dublin, Ireland Industry Award Winners

The World Potato Congress Industry Awards were presented during the 11th World Potato Congress in Dublin, Ireland. Awards were presented to Dr. John J. Burke, Paul C. Struik, Antoon Wallays and Richard W. Okray


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