Inhibidores de Brotación

C. Meijer BV: 'There's a constant need for new potato varieties, also for French fries.'
Octubre 29, 2019

C. Meijer BV: 'There's a constant need for new potato varieties, also for French fries.'

Willem in 't Anker, C. Meijer BV, Rilland: 'There's a constant need for new potato varieties, also for French fries.'
Europlant Holland: 'We perceive a demand for robust, stress-resistant varieties with nematode resistance.'
Octubre 28, 2019

Europlant Holland: 'We perceive a demand for robust, stress-resistant varieties with nematode resistance.'

Jörg Renatus, Europlant Holland, Heerenveen: 'We perceive a demand for robust, stress-resistant varieties with nematode resistance.'
Den Hartigh: 'For growers, it's important to offer harvest and quality assurance.'
Octubre 26, 2019

Den Hartigh: 'For growers, it's important to offer harvest and quality assurance.'

Jacob Eising, Den Hartigh, Emmeloord: 'For growers, it's important to offer harvest and quality assurance.'
El sector de la patata busca alternativas para quitar los ojos al tubérculo
Octubre 16, 2019

El sector de la patata busca alternativas para quitar los ojos al tubérculo

La jornada técnica que inauguró la Festa da Pataca de Coristanco abordó temas como la retirada del mercado de productos como Clorprofam o Diquat o cómo el brexit afectará a los productores de toda España.
Los exportadores de patatas tendrán un gran problema si sigue adelante la prohibición del clorprofam
Octubre 16, 2019

Los exportadores de patatas tendrán un gran problema si sigue adelante la prohibición del clorprofam

La prohibición de la UE del uso del antigerminativo clorprofam es desastrosa para los exportadores holandeses de patatas, según comenta Teun Paarlberg, de la exportadora holandesa G. Sevenhuysen VOF.
Búsqueda mundial de alternativas al CIPC libres de residuos
Agosto 15, 2019

Búsqueda mundial de alternativas al CIPC libres de residuos

A partir de 2020, la Comisión Europea prohibirá el CIPC como antigerminativo en patata, lo que plantea un desafío para muchos productores.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
UK potato farmers pleased to see restrictions on Maleic Hydrazide lifted
Agosto 01, 2019

UK potato farmers pleased to see restrictions on Maleic Hydrazide lifted

In the United Kingdom, restrictions on the use of products containing Maleic Hydrazide (MH) - used to control volunteers and to suppress sprouting during storage - have been removed following a review by the Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD) of the HSE.
United Kingdom potato growers 'very worried' as homegrown crop shortage looms
Julio 31, 2019

United Kingdom potato growers 'very worried' as homegrown crop shortage looms

UK consumers may face a home-grown potatoes shortage next year as stocks run out due to new storage rules.
Aceite de menta verde como alternativa natural para el almacenamiento de patatas
Julio 17, 2019

Aceite de menta verde como alternativa natural para el almacenamiento de patatas

La temporada italiana de patata ha tenido un problemático inicio debido a la falta de algunos tratamientos poscosecha.
Potato acreage in North-western Europe to grow between 1 and 2 percent, NEPG estimates
Abril 24, 2019

Potato acreage in North-western Europe to grow between 1 and 2 percent, NEPG estimates

The NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) have estimated that the upcoming area for
consumption potatoes in 2019 will increase between 1 and 2 % towards almost 604.000 ha in the 5
main production countries.
Not enough support for European ban on potato sprout inhibitor Chlorpropham (CIPC)
Febrero 25, 2019

Not enough support for European ban on potato sprout inhibitor Chlorpropham (CIPC)

Last Friday, the European Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed, mostly referred to as ScoPAFF voted an a proposal to ban Chlorpropham (or CIPC), widely used in the potato industry as sprout inhibitor during potato storage.
AHDB Potato Specialist Mike Storey to retire
Diciembre 11, 2018

AHDB Potato Specialist Mike Storey to retire

After some 36 years with AHDB and its predecessor organisations, Potato Specialist Mike Storey is going to retire at Christmas. His colleague Adrian Cunnington looks back...
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Chinese scientists prevent potato sprouting with hydrophobic nano silicsa
Julio 11, 2018

Chinese scientists prevent potato sprouting with hydrophobic nano silica

Chinese scientists have developed a new method to prevents the sprouting of potatoes: Hydrophobic nano silica
Never Store Seed Potatoes in CIPC treated Storages, warns McCain Storage Export John Walsh
Marzo 04, 2018

Never Store Seed Potatoes in a CIPC treated Storage, warns McCain Storage Expert

During the International Potato Technology Expo on Prince Edward Island (PEI) in Canada, John Walsh, Associate Principal Scientist, Potato Storage at McCain Foods, warned farmers for the effects of low levels of CIPC on seed potato performance.
Potato tuber with extensive blight infection
Octubre 26, 2017

United Kingdom Potato Harvest 2017 without drama - but now the storage...

The potato harvest in the United Kingdom was mostly without drama. Hopefully this doesn't change during the storage season. But watch the changes in the CIPC regulation.
Potato Expo 2018 will feature live streaming Potato TV 'The Eye'
Septiembre 23, 2017

Potato Expo 2018 goes live with streaming potato TV 'The Eye'.

Potato Expo 2018 announces live streaming Potato TV throughout the event. Voting for the presentations on the Innovation Hub 'Main Stage' is now open.
Potato Europe 2017 welcomed 10,000 visitors on Thursday, despite the weather.
Septiembre 15, 2017

Potato Europe 2017 welcomed 10,000 visitors on Thursday, despite the weather.

Despite the cancellation of the first day of Potato Europe (Wednesday) and the less then perfect weather on Thursday, the 270 exhibitors were able to welcome around 10,000 visitors, just on the Thursday
Last chance to cast your vote for the Potato Europe 2017 Innovation Award
Septiembre 08, 2017

Last chance to cast your vote for the Potato Europe 2017 Innovation Award

Check out the five products nominated for the Potato Europe 2017 Innovation Award. Until Monday September 11, noon, you can still vote for your favorite!


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