Aplicación de Fertilizante

Universidad pública argentina diversifica los servicios al productor; ahora configura fertilizadoras e inspecciona pulverizadoras
Octubre 18, 2017

Universidad pública argentina diversifica los servicios al productor; ahora configura fertilizadoras e inspecciona pulverizadoras

La Cátedra de Mecanización Agrícola de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de Balcarce (Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata) ofrece dichos servicios con el fin de mejorar los procesos mecanizados en los sistemas productivos de la región.
Potato Expo 2018 will feature live streaming Potato TV 'The Eye'
Septiembre 23, 2017

Potato Expo 2018 goes live with streaming potato TV 'The Eye'.

Potato Expo 2018 announces live streaming Potato TV throughout the event. Voting for the presentations on the Innovation Hub 'Main Stage' is now open.
Agricultural Equipment Market predicted to grow at CAGR 6.5% to 2024: EstiCast
Agosto 28, 2017

Agricultural Equipment Market predicted to grow at CAGR 6.5% to 2024: EstiCast

Indian Market Research firm Esticast Research and Consulting has prepared a Global Agriculture Equipment Market Overview, predicting this market to grow to USD 279.5 billion in 2024, growing at a CAGR of 6.5% from 2017 to 2024.
Potato Europe 2017 in Emmeloord, The Netherlands, coming up in three weeks
Agosto 21, 2017

Potato Europe 2017 in Emmeloord, The Netherlands, coming up in three weeks

In three weeks PotatoEurope 2017 opens its doors. Over 265 exhibitors (+8 %) from 16 countries will share their potato expertise with you in their booths and allow visitors a look in the potato chain of the future.
Drones can help optimize the use of nitrogen fertilization in potato farming
Julio 26, 2017

Drones can help optimize nitrogen fertilization in potato farming

Now there is a validated method that can not only determine far more precisely how much nitrogen should be applied, but also shows us the differences in nitrogen demand within fields. This will lead to a much more efficient use of nitrogen.
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