Patrocinador del mes(Learn more)

Agosto 16, 2023
From ocean to potato fields: Seaweed biostimulant Algifol to make waves at British Potato Show

Agosto 14, 2018
Climate-resilient spuds in focus at Potatoes in Practice 2018

Febrero 19, 2014
Industry flocks to UK stand at Fruit Logistica

Enero 09, 2014
UK develops seed potato and horticulture stand at Fruit Logistica 2014
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado

Junio 05, 2013
Euromonitor to present at SNACKEX 2013

Mayo 05, 2012
Partner deal opens American gateway for SAS

Diciembre 23, 2011
Top GB potato players to promote World Potato Congress at Potato Expo 2012

Enero 12, 2011
Potato Council returns to Fruit Logistica to promote seed certification scheme

Febrero 22, 2010