Etiquetado Nutricional

Agosto 19, 2012

Lawyers From Suits Against Big Tobacco Target Food Makers

More than a dozen lawyers who previously took on the tobacco companies have filed 25 cases against industry players like ConAgra Foods, PepsiCo, Heinz, General Mills and Chobani that stock pantry shelves and refrigerators across America. The suits, fi...
Junio 06, 2012

Frito-Lay announces initiative to validate and label products as gluten free

PepsiCo's Frito-Lay North America division recently announced a multi-year initiative to validate many of their products as gluten free, with package labeling to follow.
 European Union
Mayo 17, 2012

EC approves list of permitted health claims for food

The European Commission has approved a list of 222 health claims for food products. Health claims on food labelling and in advertising, for example on the role of calcium and bone health or vitamin C and the immune system, have become vital marketing tools.
Febrero 13, 2012

Restaurants' trans fat bans may have positive health effects

Reductions in restaurants’ use of trans fats may have played a role in declining levels of the fats in the blood of white American adults between 2000 and 2009, a Centers for Disease Control study found Wednesday. The level of trans fats in those who ...
Walmart's 'Great for You' - icon
Febrero 07, 2012

Walmart Unveils 'Great For You' Icon

A year after pledging to develop a front-of-pack label that would give its customers an easier way to identify healthier food, Walmart, the largest food retailer in the United States, unveiled the “Great For You” icon at an event today in Washington, D...
 Nutrition Keys calories only version (for small packs)
Enero 25, 2011

Nutrition Keys: New Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labeling initiative of the US Food Industry

America’s leading food and beverage manufacturers and retailers today announced the launch of Nutrition Keys, a new voluntary front of pack nutrition labeling system that will help busy consumers make informed choices when they shop.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
 Michelle Obama at Walmart healthier foods announcement
Enero 20, 2011

Walmart Launches Major Initiative to Make Food Healthier and Healthier Foods More Affordable

At an event today in Washington, D.C., Walmart, the nation’s largest grocer, unveiled a comprehensive effort to provide its customers with healthier and more affordable food choices. The company was joined by First Lady Michelle Obama as it outlined t...
 Michelle Obama haciendo el anuncio en las instalaciones de Walmart
Enero 20, 2011

Wal-Mart lanza iniciativa de gran envergadura para que los alimentos saludables sean más asequibles

En un acto celebrado en la ciudad Washington D.C., Wal-Mart, la mayor tienda de comestibles de la nación, dio a conocer la campaña a través de la cual ofrecerá a sus clientes alimentos saludables en forma más asequible. Esta compañía se unió a la de l...
Diciembre 09, 2010

DEFRA: Changing labels costs 'substantially' more than we thought

New research reveals that the costs of labelling changes for the food and drink industry are “substantially greater” than European and UK legislators have previously estimated.
Octubre 23, 2010

Number of items on the packaging influences how much you eat

There are lots of factors that affect the amount that people eat. It is now well-known that large plates will lead people at a buffet to fill them with more food than small plates and so they end up eating more.
Octubre 22, 2010

PepsiCo Canada proudly supports nutrition labeling initiative FCPC, Health Canada

As part of its continuous journey to help consumers make informed nutrition choices, PepsiCo Canada is proud to support the Nutrition Facts Education Campaign
 IOM report: Front-of-Package Nutrition Rating Systems and Symbols
Octubre 13, 2010

IOM: Front of Pack Labels should focus on Calories, Saturated Fat, Trans Fat and Sodium

Nutrition rating systems and symbols on the fronts of food packaging would be most useful to shoppers if they highlighted four nutrients of greatest concern – calories, saturated fat, trans fat, and sodium – says a new report from the Institute of Med...
Contenido Patrocinado

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 European Snacks Association (ESA)
Julio 29, 2010

European Snacks Association (ESA) recommends 30g portion size for snacks

The European Snacks Association (ESA) recommends a portion of 30g for savoury snacks and Nuts.This portion recommendation for savoury snacks was agreed in close cooperation with CIAA.In defining portions for snacks and for nuts, ESA aims to ensure that...
 Food Standards Agency
Julio 12, 2010

Food Standard Agency to be abolished by health secretary

The Food Standards Agency is to be abolished by Andrew Lansley, the health secretary, it emerged last night, after the watchdog fought a running battle with industry over the introduction of colour-coded "traffic light"warnings for groceries,...
Junio 27, 2010

Europarlement stemt tegen "stoplicht"

Het Europees Parlement heeft tegen een stoplichtsysteem gestemd. Een amendement van enkele fracties in het Parlement voor de invoering van zo'n systeem werd verworpen.   Volgens de voorstanders van het verkeerslichtensysteem kunnen consumenten aan de h...
 FDA Food and Drug Administration
Marzo 03, 2010

FDA gets tough on food labeling

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has notified 17 food manufacturers that the labeling for 22 of their food products violates the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The action follows an October 2009 statement by Commissioner of Food and Drugs...
 FDA Food and Drug Administration
Marzo 02, 2010

FDA Survey Finds More Americans Read Information on Food Labels

A majority of consumers read food labels and are increasingly aware of the link between good nutrition and reducing the risk of disease, according to the latest survey of dietary habits released today by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The 200...
Febrero 10, 2010

El juez prohíbe la venta de las patatas 'Pat Diet' por carecer de las baja calorías que anuncian

El Juzgado de Primera Instancia número 35 de Barcelona ha ordenado al Grupo Patatas Naturales el cese inmediato de la venta y la retirada del mercado de su producto 'Pat Diet' por no reunir las características propias de las patatas bajas en calorías ...


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