Estadísticas, Comercio y Precios de las Papas

Jamaica anticipates 100% self-sufficiency for table potatoes this year
Marzo 18, 2018

Jamaica anticipates 100% self-sufficiency for table potatoes this year

Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries of Jamaica, Hon. J.C. Hutchinson says he is anticipating that Jamaica will achieve its goal of 100 per cent self-sufficiency in the production of table Irish potato this year.
Jamaican Resort Group supports farmers to provide guests with local potatoes
Marzo 11, 2018

Jamaican Resort Group supports farmers to provide guests with local potatoes

Jamaican potato farmers receive financial support from an unexpected source: a hotel chain wanting to serve its guests with locally grown Irish potatoes
St Elizabeth farmers (Jamaica) quadruple cultivation of Irish potatoes
Marzo 20, 2017

St Elizabeth farmers (Jamaica) quadruple cultivation of Irish potatoes

Farmers in St Elizabeth, Jamaica, have increased cultivation of Irish potatoes more than four times over as the Government strives to meet the local demand of 15 million kilogrammes per year.
Jamaica to test 15 new (Irish) potato varieties
Diciembre 13, 2015

Jamaica to test 15 new (Irish) potato varieties

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Jamaica is to conduct research trials on 15 new varieties of imported Irish potato over the next three months, to determine their suitability for local conditions.
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