Estadísticas, Comercio y Precios de las Papas

China: Average Wholesale Prices of Fresh Potatoes (RMB/kg) (Figure 1)
Julio 18, 2023

China: Frozen French Fry Exports Exceed Imports

Fresh potato production for MY 2022/23 (September to August) is forecast at 93 million metric tons (MMT), a small decrease from the estimated 95 MMT produced in MY 2021/22 owing to reduced acreage.
Julio 17, 2023

Patatas Arrebola invierte 9 millones de euros en sus nuevas instalaciones en La Rinconada Natalia Ortiz

Más de 50 años de trabajo consolidan a Patatas Arrebola como uno de los principales nombres en el sector de la patata. La compañía, de carácter familiar, trabaja para ser el proveedor de referencia para la gran distribución, y la distribución tradicional, en el sur de la Península.

Egyptian potato exports to EU to reach at least 3-year high in 2023
Julio 17, 2023

Potato export from Egypt to the European Union is up in 2023

This year Egyptian potato exports to the EU market are expected to reach at least three-year high.
Freshly harvested potatoes
Julio 16, 2023

United Kingdom Potato volumes expected to be low despite good growing conditions

The UK potato sector has been going through a better spell this year, but it did take a long time for the potato shortage to feed back to growers as there was still crop from the previous year on the market and the prices didn’t increase until around mid-May.
India to Continue license-free Potato Import from Bhutan for Another Year
Julio 16, 2023

India to Continue license-free Potato Import from Bhutan for Another Year

The extension of the existing import policy for potato between India and Bhutan brings clarity and eliminates the need for additional documentation.
Julio 14, 2023

La Comisión Europea autoriza una ayudas de 5 millones de euros para apoyar a los productores de patatas franceses en el contexto de la guerra en Ucrania

La Comisión Europea ha autorizado un régimen de ayudas francés por valor de 5 millones de euros para apoyar a los productores de patata de fécula en el contexto de la guerra de Rusia contra Ucrania.
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Raw Purple sweet potato
Julio 13, 2023

Egypt is strengthening its position in the Dutch sweet potato market

Egypt continues to hold the position of the second biggest supplier of sweet potatoes to the Dutch market and is increasing its export of sweet potatoes to the Netherlands year after year.
Julio 08, 2023

Potato acreage in North-western Europe up 2 to 3 percent. Questions about total production remain

The North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) estimate the area of ware potatoes has increased by 2 to 3%. This is slightly higher than the record in 2020, when it was 522.000 ha for the EU-4 (NL, BE, DE, FR).
NPC Releases 2023 Annual Potato Yearbook
Julio 06, 2023

National Potato Council 2023 Yearbook offers detailed insight in the United States industry and its achievements

The NPC 2023 Annual Potato Yearbook highlighting progress on NPC’s national legislative, regulatory, and marketing priorities. The Yearbook also features updated US and world potato production and consumption stats, grower and industry contact information, position statements, and program overviews.
Potatoes continue as top import crop
Julio 05, 2023

Potatoes a top import crop for Namibia

Although efforts to promote the growing of potatoes in Namibia are intensifying, the production of this crop has not reached levels where imports can be reduced or stopped.
How Agristo have kept Brexit impact to a minimum
Junio 30, 2023

Frozen Potato manufacturer Agristo explains how they have kept Brexit impact to a minimum

Agristo is now a good 2 years into the finalization of Brexit. The French Fry company can look back up to this day and safely say Agristo has done everything to uphold one of its core values, which is to service and unburden their clients in any way possible.
Seed potato imports reach at least five-year high in Morocco
Junio 25, 2023

Seed potato import Morocco reaches five-year high

Imports of seed potatoes had been growing in Morocco and reached their at least five-year high of 60,000 tonnes in the MY 2022/23
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Potato growers can’t keep upwith 'red hot' global demand
Junio 22, 2023

Potato growers can’t keep up with 'red hot' global demand

Washington potato farmers can’t keep pace with worldwide cravings for french fries, hash browns, tots, potato chips and other processed potato products.
Northwest Region Potato Stocks on June 1, 2023 Totaled 34.8 Million Hundredweight
Junio 21, 2023

United States Northwest Region Potato Stocks on June 1, 2023 Totaled 34.8 Million Hundredweight

Potato stocks in Idaho on June 1, 2023 totaled 19.0 million cwt. Disappearance of the Idaho crop to date was
101.7 million cwt. June 1 potato stocks in Oregon totaled 2.80 million cwt.
Patchy power in Bangladesh pushes up potato prices
Junio 18, 2023

Patchy power in Bangladesh pushes up potato prices

Frequent power outages in Bangladesh are driving up the costs of potato storage, ultimately burdening people already struggling with escalating prices of essential food items.
Turkey could face a record potato crop in 2023, record exports and a price collapse
Junio 18, 2023

Turkey could face a record potato crop in 2023, record exports but risks a price collapse

In 2023, a sharp increase in potato production is expected in Turkey, which is among the top 15 world’s largest exporters of the crop, according to Eastfruit Analysts.
Report of Canadian Potato Storage Holdings for June 2023
Junio 15, 2023

Canadian Potato Storage Holdings Report for June 2023

As of June 1, 2023, total Canadian Potato Storage Holdings are reported to be down 3.3% over 2022 numbers for the same period, and higher than the 3-yr. average.
Major shortages and unprecedented high prices in the European potato market
Junio 15, 2023

Major shortages and unprecedented high prices in the European potato market

Robert Voskamp of the Dutch company Rola Fresh said that he has never seen the potato market this hot.


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