Estadísticas, Comercio y Precios de las Papas

 US potato Exports 2013
Septiembre 05, 2013

United States Potato Exports Set another Record

Total US potato and product exports for FY13 (July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013) increased 4 percent in value to $1,639,911,793 and also rose 4 percent in volume to 1,561,896 metric tons (MT)--both record levels.
Vietnam approves import of British seed potatoes
Agosto 27, 2013

Vietnam approves import of British seed potatoes

Vietnamese and GB authorities have approved an importation protocol for the import of British seed potatoes into Vietnam.
Low potato yield in the Netherlands, according to VTA yield trials
Agosto 26, 2013

Low potato yield in the Netherlands, according to VTA yield trials

Yield trials of the Dutch Farmers Union VTA indicate a yield mid August 19 percent below the 5-year average.
Agosto 21, 2013

Manitoba potato producers enjoying a decent season and prices looking good

Potato prices are expected to rise with this year’s average crop, ?bringing them back in line with the cost of production
Agosto 20, 2013

Massive increase of the import of potatoes to Romania

Imports of potatoes to Romania, fresh or refrigerated, grew by 2.4 times in the first four months of this year, compared to the same period of 2012, totaling 84,841.7 tons.
Agosto 20, 2013

Dutch Potato Processors are taking it slow in July

The potato processing companies in the Netherlands have used significantly less potatoes in the month of July.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
NAPMN Projecting 22.6% Drop in North Dakota Potato Production in 2013
Agosto 19, 2013

NAPMN Projecting 22.6% Drop in North Dakota Potato Production in 2013

North American Potato Market News (NAPMN) is projecting a 22.6% production drop in the North Dakota Potato crop this fall.
Zimbabwe: Outcry Over Imported Potatoes
Agosto 14, 2013

Zimbabwe: Outcry Over Imported Potatoes

The horticulture industry of Zimbabwe is calling for higher import tariffs on imported horticulture products to avert the collapse of the local industry.
 Red River Valley Red potatoes
Agosto 14, 2013

NPPGA: US Potato Consumers Should See Relief Soon from high prices

US Consumers frustrated with historically high potato prices should look for some relief at the checkout lane soon when the late summer and fall crops start hitting store shelves.
Agosto 13, 2013

Oregon, Washington potato producers looking to expand export opportunities

Officials from Oregon and Washington are working on an upcoming joint trade mission to expand export opportunities for Northwest potatoes.
Potato Chips are the most popular snack in Australia and New Zealand
Agosto 12, 2013

Potato Chips are most popular snack in Australia and New Zealand

A recent study by Roy Morgan Research shows that potato chips are still Australia’s most popular snack food, with a third of Australians aged 14+ in the year to March 2013 buying the product in an average four-week period.
Agosto 10, 2013

Sri Lanka increases taxes on imported potatoes to protect local farmers

Sri Lanka has increased the tax on imported potatoes from Rs 15 to Rs 25 per kilo (from USD 0.11 to USD 0.19) to protect the interests of local potato farmers.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Agosto 09, 2013

Brazil: Potato price reached its highest point in 10 years

The price of potatoes in Brazil reached the highest level in the last 10 years. Farmers say that this increase is due to the reduction in the planted area and the lack of product on the market.
Agosto 07, 2013

Spain: Potato harvest in Murcia 27% up this year

The Council of Agriculture and Water of the Spanish Region of Murcia estimates this year's potato production to reach 100,027 tonnes;an increase of 27% compared to the previous campaign.
 The North-Western European Potato Growers (NEPG)
Agosto 04, 2013

2013 potato crop area estimates and progress in North-Western Europe

The North-Western European Potato Growers (NEPG) has issued an updated estimate of planted area for the 2013 crop (at the start of July).
 Potato Cultivation in Brazil CGIAR
Agosto 02, 2013

US Potato Growers Take Advantage of Opening of Brazilian Seed Potato Market

After many years of frustrating work to gain access to Brazil for U.S. seed potatoes as well as corresponding market development, U.S. seed potato growers are finally making sales.
 South Africa
Julio 31, 2013

Frozen Potato Chips (French Fries) trade war between South Africa and the European Union

South Africa and the European Union (EU) are headed for another bruising dispute over trade access. At issue this time around are frozen potato chips (frozen french fries) from the EU.
 potato prices
Julio 30, 2013

Potato prices to come down in West Bengal on prospect of a higher South Indian crop

Potato prices in West Bengal may depreciate by 8% on the back of a better crop prospect in south India. The south Indian crop is expected to enter the market next month which is likely to push down prices at the retail level.


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