Estadísticas, Comercio y Precios de las Papas

NEPG: Aardappel-areaal in Noord-west Europa groeit 5 procent
Junio 29, 2016

NEPG: Aardappel-areaal in Noord-west Europa groeit 5 procent

De NEPG (North-western European Potato Growers) verwacht in North-Western Europe een areaal van 552.000 hectare consumptieaardappelen. Dit is 4,9% meer dan vorig seizoen.
México prohíbe importaciones de papa fresca de Estados Unidos México-prohibe-importar-papa-fresca-de-Estados-Unidos
Junio 28, 2016

México prohíbe importaciones de papa fresca de Estados Unidos

Un juez federal de México prohibió el ingreso al país de papa fresca de Estados Unidos ante la posibilidad de que los plaguicidas utilizados en su cultivo generen daños al medio ambiente, a la biodiversidad o a la población.
UK Food Industry responds to Brexit vote
Junio 26, 2016

UK Food Industry response to Brexit vote: a disappointing result

Ian Wright CBE, Director General at the Food and Drink Federation, the voice of the UK's largest manufacturing sector - food and drink, responds to the vote to leave in the UK's EU Referendum.
AHDB CEO Jane King comments on Brexit vote
Junio 24, 2016

AHDB CEO Jane King comments on Brexit vote

The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board’s Chief Executive, Jane King, comments on the Brexit vote earlier today.
Seed Potato Price paid to Dutch HZPC farmers exceeds 30 euros
Junio 19, 2016

Seed Potato Price paid to Dutch HZPC farmers exceeds 30 euros

HZPC Holland B.V., a leading potato breeding company sets the final price for harvest 2015 for its Dutch seed potato pool at € 30,28 per 100 kilo.
Kenya, Netherlands in deal to boost potato yield
Junio 19, 2016

Kenya, Netherlands in deal to boost potato yield

Kenya is set to launch new varieties of potatoes that will boost quality and yield.
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Prijs pootaardappel-pool HZPC Nederland boven 30 Euro door record afzet en hoge opbrengsten
Junio 19, 2016

Prijs pootaardappel-pool HZPC Nederland boven 30 Euro door record afzet en hoge opbrengsten

HZPC Holland bv, wereldleider in aardappelveredeling, stelt de definitieve uitbetalingsprijs voor zijn Nederlandse pootaardappel-pool over Oogst 2015 vast op € 30,28 per 100 kilo.
Tanzania signs agreement with The Netherlands to boost Potato Production
Junio 18, 2016

Tanzania signs agreement with The Netherlands to boost Potato Production

Potato growers in Tanzania stand to benefit from a new agreement between Netherlands and Tanzania, targeting to help farmers in the country boost the tubers production as well as being provided with potential market outlets abroad.
Potato prices in the United Kingdom have risen sharply
Junio 15, 2016

Potato prices in the United Kingdom have risen sharply

Since the start of 2016, potato prices in the United Kingdom have risen more steeply than at any other period since 2000.
Contract farming of potatoes best practice in Egypt
Junio 14, 2016

Contract farming of potatoes best practice in Egypt

Sonac, an Egyptian potato grower, packer and exporter based in Alexandria is about to finish its potato season. However, according to Export Manager Dalia Gamal, the current situation of the potato sector isn’t as good as it should be.
Perú vende a Bolivia cada vez más papa
Junio 09, 2016

Perú vende a Bolivia cada vez más papa

La Asociación de Exportadores del Perú informó que Bolivia es el principal mercado para la producción de papa. Ingenieros agrónomos bolivianos dicen que hay déficit de producción cebollas y tomates.
Belgian delegation explores Swedish potato market
Junio 02, 2016

Belgian delegation explores Swedish potato market

For Belgian potato traders, Sweden is a small, but admittedly growing market. In late April, the potential for Belgian fresh and processed potato exports was further explored.
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Tasmanian Potato Growers agree three year contract with Simplot
Mayo 24, 2016

Tasmanian Potato Growers agree three year contract with Simplot

Frozen French fry maker Simplot Australia has agreed to pay its Tasmanian potato suppliers 5 per cent more, phased in over the next three years.
Potato Products and TPP: International Trade Commission’s report highlights benefits
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Potato Products and TPP: International Trade Commission’s report highlights benefits

The recently released U.S. International Trade Commission’s report on the potential economic impact of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) provides many examples of the benefits this free trade agreement would provide.
Congress is pushing the Agriculture Department to exempt groups such as Potatoes USA from the Freedom of Information Act
Mayo 11, 2016

Congress is pushing the USDA to exempt groups such as Potatoes USA from the Freedom of Information Act

Congress is pushing the Agriculture Department to exempt groups such as Potatoes USA (formerly known as the United States Potato Board) from public scrutiny of their internal operations (Freedom of Information Act).
Entrevista a presidenta de la Interprofesional de la Patata de Castilla y León
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Entrevista a presidenta de la Interprofesional de la Patata de Castilla y León

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Potato Farmers in Rangpur, Bangladesh enjoy a record amount of potatoes AND good prices
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Potato Farmers in Rangpur, Bangladesh enjoy a record amount of potatoes AND good prices

Potato Farmers in Rangpur, Bangladesh are happy after harvesting an all-time record amount of potatoes while getting a lucrative market price in the Rangpur agriculture zone.
Salim Group signs R&D agreement with Dutch JV to boost Potato Production in Indonesia
Abril 24, 2016

Salim Group signs R&D agreement with Dutch JV to boost Potato Production in Indonesia

The Salim Group, one of Indonesia's largest business groups, signed a R&D agreement worth $10 million with seed producer East West Seed Indonesia in The Hague last Friday to boost potato production in Indonesia.


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