Estadísticas, Comercio y Precios de las Papas

Punjab to export potato to Russia and Middle East
Enero 21, 2018

Punjab to export potato to Russia and Middle East

Four months after farmers dumped potatoes on road in Mohali and other parts of the Indian state Punjab, seeking remunerative price for their potato crop, state government has allowed the staple food’s export to Russia and the Middle East.
Struggling Potato Growers in Kenya turn to Contract Farming
Enero 14, 2018

Struggling Potato Growers in Kenya turn to Contract Farming

To deal with climate pressures, potato growers in Kenya are turning to contract farming to earn more money and get better seed.
Termina el paro en Perú pero cuestionan la solución del Gobierno
Enero 13, 2018

Termina el paro en Perú pero cuestionan la solución del Gobierno

Después que el Gobierno se comprometiera a adquirir el excedente de la producción, los productores de papa terminaron el paro iniciado 72 horas antes. Sin embargo, el Instituto Peruano de Economía y otros especialistas critican esta medida.
Potato Production in China to rebound this marketing year
Enero 01, 2018

Potato Production in China to rebound this marketing year

According to a GAIN-report prepared by the USDA staff in Beijing, China’s fresh potato production in marketing year 2017-2018 is forecast at 97 million metric tons, a five percent increase from the estimated 92 million metric tons in the previous year.
South Korea Re-Opens Market for Table-Stock potatoes from Idaho, Washington and Oregon
Diciembre 22, 2017

South Korea Re-Opens Market for Table-Stock potatoes from Idaho, Washington and Oregon

Potatoes USA reports that the South Korean government has reopened its market for table-stock potatoes from the Pacific Northwest states of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
Las importaciones estarían afectando a la industria de la papa en Colombia
Diciembre 03, 2017

Las importaciones estarían afectando a la industria de la papa en Colombia

Por tal situación, antes de fin de año, se podrían estar dictando medidas cautelares contra los comercializadores que incurren en ‘dumping’ de producto precocido congelado.
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United States Fall Potato Production down 2 percent
Noviembre 20, 2017

USDA: United States Fall Potato Production 2017 down 2 percent

The first official USDA data for harvest 2017 show the United States production of fall potatoes is down 2 percent from last year, forecast at 399 million cwt.
With 40% cold stores in Punjab flooded with old crops, potato glut likely this year too
Noviembre 18, 2017

With 40% cold stores in Punjab flooded with old crops, potato glut likely this year too

Potato farmers in the Indian state Punjab are headed for another season of dwindling profits because the cold storage facilities are still flooded with old crop - and several other states are in a similar situation.
AHDB officially launches Potato Data Centre at BP2017
Noviembre 17, 2017

AHDB Potatoes officially launches Potato Data Centre at BP2017

AHDB Potatoes will officially launch its Potato Data Centre (PDC) at BP2017 at Harrogate on 22 and 23 November.
Potato production in Bamyan, Afghanistan increases 15 percent to 350,000 tonnes this year
Noviembre 12, 2017

Potato production in Bamyan, Afghanistan increases 15 percent to 350,000 tonnes this year

Bamyan, the largest potato producing province in Afghanistan, produced 350,000 tons this year, an increase of 15 percent compared to last year.
WTO ruling against import licensing scheme Indonesia creates export opportunities for potato processing companies
Noviembre 12, 2017

WTO ruling against import licensing scheme Indonesia creates export opportunities for potato processing companies

The National Potato Council applauds the United States Trade Representative’s victory in the World Trade Organization (WTO) case against Indonesia’s restrictive import licensing scheme.
Unofficial Estimate US Potato Production 2017: between 0 and 3 percent below last year
Noviembre 07, 2017

Unofficial US Potato Production Estimate for 2017: 0 to 3 percent below 2016

The USDA has provided a first - unofficial - estimate on the total potato production in the United States in its 'Vegetables and Pulses Outlook' published October 27: between 0 and 3 percent below last year
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Potato Production of Harvest 2017 in North-western Europe adjusted upwards
Noviembre 04, 2017

Estimates Potato Production North-western Europe Harvest 2017 adjusted upwards

Although the full harvest is not in the stores yet, the North-Western European Potato Growers (NEPG) estimates the actual harvest at 28.9 million tons for the 5 countries. This is more than the estimate of last September.
Jordan lifts ban on potato imports from Egypt
Noviembre 01, 2017

Jordan lifts ban on potato imports from Egypt

Jordan has lifted its ban on the import of Egyptian potatoes, according to the Egyptian Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation
Production of potatoes for consumption in the Netherlands up 27 percent, exceeds 4 million tonnes
Octubre 31, 2017

Potato Production (food) in the Netherlands up 27 percent, exceeds 4 million tonnes

Earlier today Statistics Netherlands (CBS) published its latest update of the potato harvest of 2017 in the Netherlands. Total production of potatoes for consumption for the first time since 2000 exceeded 4 million tonnes, an increase of 27 percent compared to 2016!
New Zealand potato prices almost double in a decade
Octubre 29, 2017

New Zealand potato prices almost double in a decade

The price of potatoes in New Zealand has almost doubled in the last 10 years, according to Statistics New Zealand.
10,000 tonnes of potatoes blocked from entry into Jordan
Octubre 25, 2017

10,000 tonnes of potatoes blocked from entry into Jordan

The Jordan Ministry of Agriculture on Sunday said that a shipment at the Aqaba Port, Jordan, carrying 10,000 tonnes of potatoes allegedly infested with potato cyst nematodes, will not be allowed into the country.
Tasmanian potato growers
Octubre 25, 2017

Tasmanian potato growers step up potato psyllid surveillance

In Tasmania, Australia, surveillance programs for the tomato potato psyllid (TPP) are being ramped up as growers try to delay any incursion of the pest for as long as possible.


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