Estadísticas, Comercio y Precios de las Papas

Cavendish Farms argues that legal limits on the size of PEI family farms are too restrictive
Noviembre 03, 2018

Cavendish Farms says legal limits on the size of PEI family-owned potato farms are too restrictive

On Prince Edward Island the Lands Protection Act limits the maximum size of land a landowner or corporation can own. Robert Irving, president of processor Cavendish Farms said current limits should be doubled, so potato farmers can increase their yields.
Colombia moves ahead with anti-dumping tax on the import of frozen french fries
Noviembre 02, 2018

Colombia moves ahead with anti-dumping tax on the import of frozen french fries

According to a news release of the Colombian government an anti-dumping duty is recommended on the import of frozen potatoes from companies in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany.
Medidas ‘antidumping’ a la importación de papa congelada
Noviembre 01, 2018

Medidas ‘antidumping’ a la importación de papa congelada

El Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo de Colombia, recomendó imponer, en forma definitiva, derechos antidumping a las importaciones de este tipo de papa procedente de Bélgica, Holanda y Alemania.
Shifts in potato varieties planted in Great Britain
Noviembre 01, 2018

Shifts in potato varieties planted in Great Britain

The revised estimate for the total 2018 potato planted area in Great Britain is 117.3Kha, down 4.4% from 2017. Also includes shifts in the Top ten potato varieties grown in Great Britain in 2018
Pepsico to invest $5 million by 2020 to expand its sustainable farming programme in India.
Octubre 30, 2018

Pepsico to invest $5 million by 2020 to expand its sustainable farming programme in India

Snacks and beverages manufacturer PepsiCo plans to invest $5 million by 2020 to expand its sustainable farming programme in India.
Philippines lowers tax rate on potato import for chip manufacturers
Octubre 30, 2018

Philippines lowers tax rate on potato import for chip manufacturers

A new order issued in the Philip[pines allows for the import of more potatoes at a low rate (3%), exclusively for use for the production of potato chips
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Indian government limits movement of seed potatoes to contain Potato Cyst Nematodes
Octubre 29, 2018

Indian government limits movement of seed potatoes to contain Potato Cyst Nematodes

In an effort to limit the spread of the Potato Cyst Nematode, the government of India has prohibited the movement of seed potatoes from Himachal, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand and Jammu Kashmir to other states
The Challenges of the Potato Industry: Interview with Marc Van Herreweghe, CEO of Mydibel and New Chairman of Belgapom
Octubre 18, 2018

The Challenges of the Potato Industry: Interview with Marc Van Herreweghe, CEO of Mydibel and New Chairman of Belgapom

In this interview, Marc Van Herreweghe, the new Chairman of Belgapom and CEO of Mydibel, discusses the challenges this Belgian Potato Association faces going forward, as well as sustainability issues and problems related to recent weather conditions.
VTA trial potato harvest in The Netherlands confirms lower yield expectations
Octubre 17, 2018

VTA potato harvest trials in The Netherlands confirm low yield expectations

Test trials by VTA in the Netherlands reveal an average yield of 47.088 kg per hectare, compared to 58,507 kg/ha in 2017. This means that the yield per hectare is 19.5% lower than the previous season and 12.5% lower than the 5-year average.
Por 5.º año seguido, Argentina exporta papa semilla a Vietnam
Octubre 04, 2018

Por 5.º año seguido, Argentina exporta papa semilla a Vietnam

Lo hace a través de la empresa familiar Papasud S.A., de Juan y Leandro Pérsico, proveedores de PepsiCo Argentina.
Mapping and evaluating the health of potato fields based on satellite data
Octubre 04, 2018

Mapping and evaluating the health of potato fields based on satellite data

Rezatec - a UK based company focused on the analysis and interpretation of satellite data - has in collaboration with AHDB Potatoes investigated the effectiveness of using satellite data to map the extent of potato crops in pilot locations across the UK.
Potato Production in Moscow Oblast up 37 percent
Octubre 01, 2018

Potato Production in Moscow Oblast up 37 percent

Potato production in the Moscow Oblast in 2018 increased by 37% compared to the volumes of the previous year.
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Turkish potato growers confronted with rising production costs
Octubre 01, 2018

Turkish potato growers confronted with rising production costs

Due to increasing production costs related to the devaluation of the Turkish lira, profit margins of potato growers are declining by the day
AVEBE pays out full result to its starch potato growers and increases advance
Septiembre 23, 2018

AVEBE pays out full result to its starch potato growers and increases advance

Dutch potato starch manufacterer Avebe has announced that the advance payment for potatoes delivered is being increased to 67 euros a tonne and that the full result of the cooperative will go to the members.
Potatoes Annual Summary: 2017 US Potato Production Up Slightly
Septiembre 18, 2018

Potatoes Annual Summary: 2017 US Potato Production Up Slightly

Earlier this month, USDA-NASS published its annual report 'Potatoes 2017 Summary; September 2018'. The 2017 data indicate a slight increase of the total potato production in the United States compared to the previous year.
Peru expects potato production to increase this year
Septiembre 18, 2018

Peru expects potato production to increase this year

Peru expects to produce 4.77 million tons of potatoes in the 2018/2019 campaign, more than the 4.45 million tons it produced In the previous season
United Potato Growers of Canada releases latest crop update
Septiembre 16, 2018

United Potato Growers of Canada releases latest crop update

United Potato Growers of Canada has released an update on the potato crop in the various provinces of Canada.
Azerbaijan doubles import duty on potatoes
Septiembre 06, 2018

Azerbaijan doubles import duty on potatoes

Starting 5 September Azerbaijan has doubled customs duty on imported potatoes. Until October 31, the import duties on imported potatoes will be 30%


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