Estadísticas, Comercio y Precios de las Papas

Chinese potatoes have appeared on the trading platforms in Primorsky Krai
Abril 23, 2023

Chinese potatoes delivered to Russia according to trading platform

The delivery of Chinese potatoes to Primorsky Krai has been resumed. From March 20 to March 26, the first batch of Chinese potatoes weighing 87.4 tons arrived, the Primorsky Interregional Department of Rosselkhoznadzor reported.
U.S. potato exports reached USD 2.1 billion in 2022
Abril 17, 2023

United States potato exports reached USD 2.1 billion in 2022

In 2022, United States potato exports reached a record USD 2.1 billion in sales. Compared to 2021, volume sales declined -4.2% but were higher than 2018 and 2020 (fresh weight equivalent).
Máquina para sembrar patatas
Abril 15, 2023

Segovia, España: Las siembras de patata entran en la recta final con la previsión de que se mantendrá superficie

A finales de abril, a pesar de que nunca se puede hablar del 100%, se dará por finalizada la siembra de patatas en la región. En esta recta final y todavía sin datos oficiales, se da por hecho que se mantendrá la superficie de la campaña anterior, unas 16.600 hectáreas.
New potatoes in short supply, so Maltese potatoes most welcome
Abril 11, 2023

New potatoes in short supply, so Maltese potatoes most welcome

The Dutch company Altena Potatoes received its first full truckloads of Santé potatoes.
Egypt exported a record volume of potatoes to Southeast Asia in 2022
Abril 10, 2023

Egypt exported a record volume of potatoes to Southeast Asia in 2022

By the end of 2022, Egypt exported a record volume of potatoes to the countries of Southeast Asia, EastFruit reports. Indonesia remained the main destination for their supply, and exports more than doubled last year.
MoU today on resuming potato export to Russia
Abril 10, 2023

Bangladesh to resume potato export to Russia

State-run Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation and private entity National Group Russia for Potato Export are expected to sign a memorandum of understanding today over the export of potato from Bangladesh to Russia.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Almacén de patatas de la cooperativa Santa Isabel
Marzo 29, 2023

España: Buenos precios para la patata, malos tiempos para las exportaciones

La cooperativa burgalesa Santa Isabel se guarda el 60 por-ciento de la producción con destino a Argelia por «miedo a no cobrar» debido al bloqueo comercial a España.
Patata Temprana en Mallorca
Marzo 26, 2023

La última borrasca provoca la pérdida de más de la mitad de la patata temprana en Mallorca

Se calcula que, como consecuencia del paso de la borrasca Juliette, las pérdidas en patata temprana en Mallorca ascienden a más de la mitad de la cosecha.
NEPG: How will the potato market in North-western Europe develop?
Marzo 21, 2023

NEPG: How will the potato market in North-western Europe develop?

In Northwestern Europe (EU-04; NL, DE, BE, FR) the potato sector is facing a range of issues in the upcoming months. The million dollar question: How will the potato market respond? An analysis by the NEPG.
A Bumper Crop Brings Down Potato Prices, Causes Storage Nightmare, and Leave Farmers in Distress
Marzo 21, 2023

Bumper Crop in India Brings Down Potato Prices, Causes Storage Nightmare, and Leaves Farmers in Distress

India which is the second-largest producer of potatoes in the world has witnessed a bumper crop in the November–February harvest. And, the farmers are not quite happy with this as the oversupply has brought down the prices, making farmers incur losses.
Export value increases for all U.S. potato types from July – Dec. 2022
Marzo 19, 2023

Export value increases for all US potato types from July – Dec. 2022

With international markets across the globe showing solid signs of recovery, it’s no surprise that the value of U.S. potato exports was up for all potato types July – Dec. 2022, compared with the same six months in 2021.
The harvest of early potatoes in Uzbekistan is being delayed – imports will rise sharply
Marzo 11, 2023

The harvest of early potatoes in Uzbekistan is being delayed – imports will rise sharply

EastFruit analysts have repeatedly paid attention to the grave consequences of abnormally cold weather in Uzbekistan in January.
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Island Farms Once Again Offer to "Fill Your Boots" with Free PEI Potatoes
Marzo 09, 2023

Prince Edward Island Farms Offer Islanders Free PEI Potatoes this Saturday

To help offset rising food costs, four farms on Prince Edward Island are opening their potato storages to Islanders. Visitors are invited to help themselves and pick unwashed potatoes directly from the pile in storage. The event occurs Saturday, March 11th, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Patatas Españolas
Marzo 07, 2023

España: La producción nacional de patata baja por primera vez de los dos millones de toneladas.

La superficie de cultivo de patata en España, según el último Avance de Superficies y Producciones del Mapa de noviembre 2022 es de 63.591 hectáreas.
Potato imports to Uzbekistan have decreased for the first time in the past few years
Febrero 27, 2023

Potato imports to Uzbekistan have decreased for the first time in five years

In 2022, the volume of imports of marketable potatoes to Uzbekistan decreased for the first time in the past few years.
Potato breeding company HZPC is on track for the expected result of the financial year 2022-2023.
Febrero 18, 2023

Potato Breeding Company HZPC financial results in line with expectations

Potato breeding company HZPC is on track for the expected result of the financial year 2022-2023.
Febrero 13, 2023

NEPG proporciona una actualización sobre la situación de la papa en Francia, Bélgica, los Países Bajos y Alemania: ¡se necesitan más papas!

Informe de los Productores de Patata del Noroeste de Europa (NEPG) sobre el mercado de la patata en la zona NEPG (Francia, Bélgica, los Países Bajos y Alemania).
Blair Richardson
Febrero 09, 2023

Potatoes USA President: Potato Demand Exceeds World Production

The President of Potatoes USA says worldwide demand for the tuber is outpacing production.


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