Noticias sobre el Equipamiento de Embalaje de Bélgica

Como socio mediático de Interpom, PotatoPro estuvo presente en la feria, contribuyendo a la presencia internacional. Representando a la empresa estuvieron Paul Van Eijck y Marja Kuijsten desde Canadá, así como Nipun Krishnan y Bhavya Shree desde India.
Noviembre 29, 2024

Interpom 2024: Más internacional y un récord de 24,000 visitantes

¡INTERPOM ha batido todos los récords con la impresionante cifra de 23,998 visitantes! En los últimos días, la industria de la papa se reunió desde todos los rincones del mundo en Kortrijk Xpo.
INTERPOM 2024: Impulso energético para un sector de la patata en transición acelerada
Octubre 28, 2024

INTERPOM 2024: Impulso energético para un sector de la patata en transición acelerada

INTERPOM es la feria comercial bajo techo más especializada de Europa para toda la cadena de la patata. Del 24 al 26 de noviembre de 2024, 330 expositores de 15 países darán la bienvenida a productores, contratistas, procesadores, empacadores, compradores y comerciantes de patatas frescas y procesadas en sus stands en Kortrijk Xpo.
Interpom 2022
Septiembre 09, 2024

INTERPOM 2024: Energizing a potato industry in transition

INTERPOM, the leading trade fair for the entire potato chain, will take place November 24, 25 and 26, 2024 at Kortrijk Xpo in Belgium. Having already reached full capacity, INTERPOM is the go-to trade platform for all professionals wishing to follow the latest market trends
Innovative Palletizing Efficiency: Scott's Hybrid Solution Unveiled
Abril 09, 2024

Innovative Palletizing Efficiency: Scott's Hybrid Solution Unveiled

Palletizing, the process of stacking products on a pallet for transport and storage, is a critical aspect of manufacturing and distribution. The efficiency, reliability, and flexibility of the palletizing system can significantly impact operational productivity.
Potato Europe 2023
Septiembre 19, 2023

Potato Europe 2023 attracts increasingly international crowd

Potato Europe 2023, recently held in Tournai, Belgium, became more international than we saw in the past years. Visitors from all around the world visited the event to see the latest European potato technologies.
Eqraft potato packing process
Septiembre 06, 2023

Eqraft presents turnkey sorting and packing solutions at PotatoEurope 2023

In Emmeloord, with more than 60 employees, Eqraft designs, builds and maintains solutions for agricultural companies worldwide.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
GIC to celebrate two impressive milestones at British Potato 23
Agosto 22, 2023

GIC to celebrate two impressive milestones at British Potato 23

One of the UK's leading manufacturers of packaging machinery will celebrate two significant milestones at this year's British Potato Show.
The innovation story of Scott Automation PAL 4.0
Agosto 01, 2023

The innovation story of Scott Automation PAL 4.0

Scott decided to take the plunge and combine the best of the new components and systems now available with a new Palletiser that met the needs of Industry 4.0 and also incorporated the 'wish lists' of their current and future customers production and maintenance departments.
Joint Statement – Efforts for more sustainable packaging for the fruit and vegetables sector should be based on realistic, fair, and feasible targets for real environmental impact reduction
Marzo 28, 2023

European Produce Associations Call for Revised Packaging Regulations to Support Sustainable Practices in the Fruit and Vegetable Sector

Copa-Cogeca, Freshfel Europe, the European Fresh Produce Association, and Europatat, the European Potato Trade Association, have taken note of the European Commission’s proposal for a Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste that was published on 30 November 2022
Diciembre 02, 2022

El sector de la papa se reúne en masa para la edición récord de Interpom que atrae a 20,254 visitantes

Durante los últimos días, un gran número de personas relacionadas con el sector de la patata asistieron a esta edición récord de Interpom celebrada en Kortrijk Xpo (B).
Manter, Solidtec and Sarco Packaging are ready for the Interpom
Noviembre 24, 2022

Manter, Solidtec and Sarco Packaging are ready for the Interpom

On November 27, 28 and 29, 2022, Interpom in Kortrijk will once again bring together the top of the potato industry. Manter, Solidtec and Sarco Packaging will demonstrate various weighing and packaging machines
Robotic Palletizing specialist Scott Europe closes its financial year with a record order intake
Octubre 26, 2022

Robotic Palletizing specialist Scott Europe closes its financial year with a record order intake

In spite of current market and supply chain challenges, Scott Europe (formerly Alvey) - the leading supplier of palletising and end-of-line materials handling solutions - ends its financial year with outstanding results.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Trends in palletising and handling logistics of frozen food
Octubre 06, 2022

Trends in palletising and handling logistics of frozen food

The European Frozen Food business is reported to be in excess of EUR 75 billion (USD 81 billion) and all indications are of strong continued growth across all the markets. The vast majority of those products, together with those in the Chilled Foods sector
Scott Automation introduces innovative technologies for the packaging industry at Empack Ghent 2022.
Septiembre 14, 2022

Scott Automation introduces end-of-line or multi-line palletizer Pal 4.0 at Empack Ghent

Scott Automation introduces innovative technologies for the packaging industry at Empack Ghent 2022, including their latest end-of-line and multiline palletising system Pal 4.0.
TOMRA Food: Cómo las soluciones actuales de calibrado y embalaje ayudan a las plantas de proceso de arándanos a ser más competitivas
Septiembre 07, 2022

TOMRA Food: Cómo las soluciones actuales de calibrado y embalaje ayudan a las plantas de proceso de arándanos a ser más competitivas

Los cambios en la industria del arándano están plateando retos nuevos a las empresas de proceso de este producto. Actualmente están sometidas a mayores exigencias de mejora tanto de la cantidad como de la calidad, pero también existen soluciones que permiten lograr ambas cosas.
Scott – Palletising Solutions for all potato products, fresh, chilled or frozen
Agosto 18, 2022

Scott – Palletising Solutions for all potato products, fresh, chilled or frozen

Scott will present its palletising solutions for all potato products, fresh, chilled or frozen at Empack Ghent and the PPMA Total Show in Birmingham.
Las soluciones de TOMRA Food permiten superar los retos operativos de las empaquetadoras de manzanas.
Junio 27, 2022

Las soluciones de TOMRA Food permiten superar los retos operativos de las empaquetadoras de manzanas y proteger su imagen de marca

Damien Gibson, Director Global de la Categoría de Manzanas en TOMRA Food, analiza en este artículo los retos a los que se enfrentan las plantas de empaquetado de manzanas y explica cómo las soluciones de TOMRA Food ayudan a este tipo de empresas.
Interpom 2021 ended on a positive note despite unusual circumstances.
Diciembre 05, 2021

Interpom 2021 ended on a positive note despite unusual circumstances

The 20th edition of Interpom, the trade fair for the entire potato chain, was finally held a year later on 28, 29, and 30 November 2021 in Kortrijk Xpo.


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