Defectos y Enfermedades de la Papa

Potato parasite’s `toolkit’ revealed
Junio 14, 2016

Potato parasite’s `toolkit’ revealed

An international group of researchers has detailed the genome sequence and inner workings of the yellow Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN), providing new insights into how it can be stopped.
The potato disease that changed the world
Junio 10, 2016

The potato disease that changed the world

Potato blight changed Europe and America, and led to widespread deaths and mass emigration. And we’re not rid of it yet. But where did it come from?
University of Idaho leads major research effort to reduce the threat of nematodes
Junio 03, 2016

University of Idaho leads major research effort to reduce the threat of nematodes

The University of Idaho is leading a $3.2 million project to combat microscopic worms (nematodes) that threaten potato production.
New ‘Focus on Potato’ Webcast Helps Potato Grower Minimize Spread of Blackleg
Mayo 26, 2016

New ‘Focus on Potato’ Webcast Helps Potato Growers Minimize the Spread of Blackleg

Blackleg, caused by strains of soft rot bacteria known as Dickyea, has traditionally had little impact on North American potato production, but it now appears to be on the move throughout Europe and could increasingly threaten growers in the Eastern United States.
España: Tratamiento para la pulguilla de la papa y la polilla guatemalteca
Mayo 25, 2016

España: Tratamiento para la pulguilla de la papa y la polilla guatemalteca

Artículo sobre los “Principales organismos nocivos de cuarentena en Galicia”, de Antón Vázquez Caamaño. Servicio de Explotaciones Agrarias de la Consellería do Medio Rural, delegación de Pontevedra.
Innate Potatoes won't be grown in Canada this year.
Mayo 22, 2016

Innate Potatoes won't be grown in Canada this year.

Innate Potatoes, a newly-approved, genetically modified potato variety, will not be grown commercially in Canada this year, says Simplot.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Research suggests highland farmers in Panama could start growing potatoes
Mayo 22, 2016

Research suggests highland farmers in Panama could start growing potatoes

According to evaluations performed by the Agricultural Research Institute of Panama (IDIAP), the producers in the highland and medium regions of the province of Cocle could start producing potatoes.
La plaga del mes: Gorgojo de los Andes
Mayo 09, 2016

La plaga del mes: Gorgojo de los Andes

Así la ha denominado el portal colombiano AgroNews. El Gorgojo de los Andes o gusano blanco de la papa (Premnotrypes spp.) se encuentra distribuido en Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, norte de Perú, la parte alta de la sierra de Ecuador, zonas altas de Colombia y en los Andes de Venezuela. Las pérdidas que ocasiona en el rendimiento del cultivo pueden ser del 50% dependiendo del nivel de población y manejo. La siguiente información le ayudará a identificarlo y controlarlo.
Potato plants trigger aboveground defenses in response to tuber attacks
Mayo 05, 2016

Potato plants trigger aboveground defenses in response to tuber attacks

Potato plants boost the chemical defenses in their leaves when Guatemalan tuber moth larvae feed on their tubers, report researchers at the Boyce Thompson Institute (BTI).
New technique accelerates isolation of late blight resistance genes from a wild potato relative
Abril 25, 2016

New technique accelerates isolation of late blight resistance genes from a wild potato relative

A team of scientists from The Sainsbury Laboratory (TSL) and The Genome Analysis Centre (TGAC) have developed a new method to accelerate isolation of plant disease resistance genes and - using their new method - a brand new source of blight resistance genes in Solanum americanum, a wild relative of the potato.
Growing Insecticide Resistance of Potato Psyllids investigated at AgriLife Research
Abril 25, 2016

Growing Insecticide Resistance of Potato Psyllids investigated at AgriLife Research

Entomologist Ada Szczepaniec at Texas A&M AgriLife Research is addressing the concern of growing resistance of potato psyllids to the neonicotinoid classification of insecticides.
Salim Group signs R&D agreement with Dutch JV to boost Potato Production in Indonesia
Abril 24, 2016

Salim Group signs R&D agreement with Dutch JV to boost Potato Production in Indonesia

The Salim Group, one of Indonesia's largest business groups, signed a R&D agreement worth $10 million with seed producer East West Seed Indonesia in The Hague last Friday to boost potato production in Indonesia.
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Que es la marchitez bacteriana de la papa?
Abril 08, 2016

Que es la marchitez bacteriana de la papa?

Volante del Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) sobre esta enfermedad, que destruye el cultivo y no permite volver a sembrarlo.
[Video] Así se controla a la polilla guatemalteca en Canarias
Marzo 25, 2016

[Video] Así se controla a la polilla guatemalteca en Canarias

La Universidad de la Laguna en las Islas Canarias (España) adelanta un proyecto con varios agricultores para controlar biológicamente a la polilla guatemalteca.
Blemishes of Table Potatoes: Common Biotic Causes
Marzo 23, 2016

Blemishes of Table Potatoes: Common Biotic Causes

Potato tubers are affected by a number of blemishes, which can cause severe economic losses. This 'Focus on Potato' presentation by Jacquie van der Waals, Professor at the University of Pretoria in South Africa can serve as a guide for growers and others in the potato industry to help with identification of these blemishes.
Durably resistant potatoes with wild potato genes offer 80% reduction in chemical control
Marzo 21, 2016

Durably resistant potatoes with wild potato genes offer 80% reduction in chemical control

Research to develop potatoes with sustainable resistance against phytophthora via genetic modification with genes from wild potatoes and good resistance management ended with the publication of the scientific results. The approach resulted in potato plants which require 80% less chemical control.
Maine potato growers concerned about losing Imidacloprid
Marzo 21, 2016

Maine potato growers concerned about losing Imidacloprid

Potato growers in Maine are cautiously watching the actions of the EPA as it reviews federal regulations for a popular insecticide (Imidacloprid - an effective insecticide against the Colorado potato beetle) that can be harmful to bees.
AAFC invented wireworm trap "could be a major breakthrough"
Marzo 21, 2016

AAFC invented wireworm trap 'could be a major breakthrough'

A wireworm trap invented at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada on PEI 'could be a major breakthrough'


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