Defectos y Enfermedades de la Papa

Three new seed potato varieties from the UK recommended for export to Kenya
Julio 01, 2018

Three new seed potato varieties from the UK recommended for export to Kenya

Based on extensive trials (two years, three separate farms, ten potato varieties) in a joint effort of AHDB, James Hutton Ltd, SASA and Seeds2B Africa (part of the Syngenta Foundation) three GB potato varieties have been recommended for release in Kenya.
AUSVEG published a Potato Growers’ Biosecurity Manual
Junio 27, 2018

AUSVEG published a Potato Growers’ Biosecurity Manual

The Australian Industry Association AUSVEG has published a Potato Growers’ Biosecurity Manual, a guide to farm biosecurity measures to reduce the risk of weeds, pests, and diseases impacting production.
Forty years of partnership between Belgium and the CIP
Junio 26, 2018

Forty years of partnership between Belgium and the International Potato Center (CIP)

The Belgian Development Cooperation has been working with the International Potato Centre (CIP) in developing countries since the 1970s. The aim is to support the research and training required to improve the production of potatoes and sweet potatoes, as well as other root vegetables and tubers.
AHDB secured emergency crop protection authorisations helping out UK potato farmers
Junio 21, 2018

AHDB secured emergency crop protection authorisations helping out UK potato farmers

AHDB secured nine emergency authorisations for potato, herb, celery, carrot, parsnip, cherry and plum for UK growers to protect their crops.
Do some potato-growing soils suppress powdery scab?
Junio 11, 2018

Do some potato-growing soils suppress powdery scab?

A research project in New Zealand is determining if different field soils affect development of powdery scab on potatoes, and whether soil physical, chemical and/or biological characteristics influence this important potato disease.
World Potato Congress highlights scientific advances
Junio 10, 2018

World Potato Congress highlights scientific advances

Tubers were the talk of the town in Cusco, Peru during the week of May 27, when the 10th World Potato Congress (WPC) and the 28th Congress of the Latin American Potato Association (ALAP) were held together for the first time.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Late blight look-alike spotted in potatoes in the Southern United States
Junio 10, 2018

Late blight look-alike spotted in potatoes in the Southern United States

Jean Ristaino, a professor at North Carolina State University with emphasis in research on Phytophthora infestans, reported on a late blight look-alike from tomato and potato in North Carolina.
Russia partially lifts ban on potato exports from Egypt
Junio 06, 2018

Russia partially lifts ban on potato exports from Egypt

Russia has agreed to ease a ban on potato exports from eight farming areas in Egypt, allowing shipments to resume from June 6.
Idaho Growers Benefit from Improved Spore Sampling
Mayo 31, 2018

Spore Sampling may alert Idaho Potato Growers faster of Late Blight threat

Potato growers in Idaho will now have the opportunity to learn about the presence of damaging fungal pathogens much earlier, thanks to the efforts of research staff at the University of Idaho. The research team, led by James Woodhall, has placed 14 spore samplers in potato fields across the Snake River Valley.
Dutch experts help Indonesia deal with potato pests
Mayo 12, 2018

Dutch experts help Indonesia deal with potato pests

Potato cultivation in the highlands of Indonesia is plagued by a number of pests, including Potato Cyst Nematodes and Phytophthora infestans. Dutch experts help their Indonesian counterparts to find the right approach for control.
No Liberibacter (zebra chip pathogen) found in potato psyillids in Western Australia
Mayo 08, 2018

No Liberibacter (Zebra Chip pathogen) found in Potato Psyllids in Western Australia

In Western Australia, a surveillance program to assess if the last year detected tomato potato psyllid (TPP) carries the zebrachip disease pathogen (CLso), did not identify a single case of the pest - with over 10.000 psyllids tested.
Glycoalkaloids in Potatoes: Sort out Green and excessively Sprouted Tubers
Abril 27, 2018

Glycoalkaloids in Potatoes: Sort out Green and excessively Sprouted Tubers

Following a case of poisoning caused by a potato dish, the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) is reminding people about the correct handling of potatoes.
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Potato Blight Trends in Europe: EuroBlight 2017 Results
Abril 14, 2018

Potato Blight Trends in Europe: EuroBlight 2017 Results

The EuroBlight project is examining the ongoing evolution of the potato late blight pathogen (Phytophthora infestans). In 2017, almost 1500 samples from 16 countries in Europe were genotyped. The results indicate that new clones continue to spread.
Premian al CIP en simposio internacional de manejo de plagas
Abril 03, 2018

Premian al CIP en simposio internacional de manejo de plagas

El Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) fue galardonado por desarrollar métodos de aprendizaje basados en el descubrimiento de los agricultores, en Bangladesh, China, Etiopía, Uganda, Bolivia, Ecuador y Perú.
Chile: Piden un mejor control de las plagas de la papa
Abril 01, 2018

Chile: Piden un mejor control de las plagas de la papa

El INIA pide a los productores de papa proteger el patrimonio fitosanitario de la zona, tras el avance de plagas cuarentenarias que amenazan la condiciones de zona libre de Los Ríos y Los Lagos.
New Late Blight Strain in UK requires Fresh Approach to Control
Marzo 28, 2018

New Late Blight Strain in UK requires Fresh Approach to Control

Late Blight control strategies in the United Kingdom will have to change this season if potato growers are to combat the spread of a new aggressive, fungicide-insensitive/ resistant strain of the disease, leading agronomy firm Hutchinsons says.
Judge rules Idaho Potato Fields Illegally Quarantined
Marzo 28, 2018

Judge rules Idaho Potato Fields illegally Quarantined

A federal judge ruled that the United States government illegally quarantined some Idaho potato fields infested with potato cyst nematodes (PCN), a pest that could threaten the state’s $1.2 billion potato industry.
Unleashing AI and Big Data on Potatoes - from Mud to French Fries
Marzo 28, 2018

Unleashing AI and Big Data on Potatoes - from Mud to French Fries

By analysing potato production data, information systems specialist Professor Wolfgang Maaß and his team want to help farmers and food companies identify potential benefits and optimize their processes.


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