Defectos y Enfermedades de la Papa

New potato-threatening pathogens reported for first time in Pennsylvania, US
Enero 25, 2024

New potato-threatening pathogens reported for first time in Pennsylvania, United States

Researchers of the Pennsylvania State University identified potential threats to the local potato crop by collecting potato stems or tubers that exhibited symptoms of black leg or soft rot from 26 potato fields. They were able to isolate, culture and identify 456 samples of bacteria infecting potatoes.
New Varieties to Shape the Future of India's Potato Value Chain - Hemant Gaur, Founder, MD S V Agri
Enero 25, 2024

Hemant Gaur, Founder, MD SV Agri: 'New Varieties to Shape the Future of India's Potato Value Chain'

SV Agri organized its Annual Variety and Seed Farm Show from January 8th to 10th, featuring the display of 14 new potato varieties.
El profesor Lyu Dianqiu dirige el equipo de investigación técnica.
Enero 23, 2024

China: desarrollan nueva tecnología para la detección de virus en 5 minutos

China desarrolla un nuevo método de detección de virus en papa capaz de ofrecer resultados en tal solo 5 minutos.
Imported seed potatoes being stored in Kuppilan Jaffna. They were found to be infected with fungi.
Enero 15, 2024

Spoiled imported seed potatoes leave Sri Lanka farmers with a rotten deal

Sri Lanka Potato Farmers alleged that a consignment of 20 metric tonnes (MT) of imported seed potatoes turned out to be rotten due to poor storage facilities in the region and import irregularities, leaving them with empty land.
NEM-EMERGE Overall Objective
Enero 10, 2024

Plant-parasitic nematodes on the rise: WUR launches major research project

Climate change and genetic selection have brought root-knot nematodes further north in Europe and made cyst nematodes more difficult to control.
Farmers will use special rigs to help train the robot AI
Enero 07, 2024

Farmers are being called on to help train robots to spot slugs and the damage they cause to arable crops.

The ground-breaking trial, set to start in the spring, will equip the 'Slug Sleuths' with special rigs designed to improve the complex machine-learning algorithms used to identify the slimy pests.
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Tecia solanivora
Enero 03, 2024

Perú: gobierno promueve medidas para controlar la polilla guatemalteca

Peru aprobó medidas para controlar a la polilla guatemalteca en la región, una de las plagas con mayor impacto sobre la producción de papa.
Potato production through zero-tillage with straw mulch (PZTM)
Diciembre 28, 2023

CIP Introduces Zero Tillage Potato Farming Innovation in India, Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Peru

Zero tillage not only boosts soil fertility and raises carbon stocks but also prolongs the potato growing season by harnessing the residual moisture after the rice harvest.
A, Virus particles visualized in the transmission electron microscope (TEM); scale bar equals 100 nm. B, Electrophoretic migration pattern of nucleic acid extracted from purified virions of the virus coded SB26/29.
Diciembre 22, 2023

Potato rugose stunting virus, a newly characterized potato virus

In the 1990s, a previously uncharacterized disease of viral aetiology was observed in cultivated potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) in Southern Peru.
Farmers show the potato fields affected by late blight attack in Machhiwara block of Ludhiana.
Diciembre 21, 2023

Late blight damages potato crop in Punjab, India

In a full-blown attack by the disease late blight, more than 50% potato crop in the fields has suffered extensive damage, leading to heavy losses for the farmers who had opted for diversification instead of growing wheat after paddy.
Diciembre 21, 2023

Europatat calls for information about ongoing projects to control the spread of wireworms

Europatat, the European Potato Association, is calling upon researchers and industry professionals to share information about ongoing research, and any other related activities which will help to control the spread of wireworms in potatoes.
Sostenibilidad: la nueva vanguardia entre los obtentores de variedades como HZPC
Diciembre 11, 2023

Sostenibilidad: la nueva vanguardia entre los obtentores de variedades como HZPC

La sostenibilidad de las variedades de papa es el nuevo horizonte para los obtentores como HZPC.
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Wireworms overwinter just below the frost line, at least three feet underground.
Diciembre 02, 2023

Beyond Insecticide: How wireworm behaviour gives clues to managing their population

Wireworms are a common potato plant predator, living in soil and feeding on roots. They are notoriously difficult to control, and populations are increasing in farm fields across Canada
Rob Sears hopes his bioengineered potato radiation sensors will open the door to future innovations in organic technology. Image courtesy UTIA.
Noviembre 29, 2023

UTIA PhD Student Bioengineers Potato Plant to Detect Gamma Radiation

PhD student Rob Sears engineered the potato plant, also known as a phytosensor, to indicate high radiation levels through changing leaf fluorescence.
HCİP210, newly launched potato variety suitable for Vietnam
Noviembre 27, 2023

HZPC and CIP develop an early-maturing potato variety suitable for Vietnam: HCIP210

Vietnam has just welcomed a new potato variety HCIP210 developed through a public-private partnership.
Zsofia Szendrei, professor in MSU's Department of Entomology
Noviembre 13, 2023

Research team led by MSU scientist receives USD 6 million USDA grant to study pest-management strategies for potato systems

A research team has received a USD 6 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) to study insect pest management strategies for United States potato production systems.
Una serie de algoritmos pueden identificar de manera rápida y precisa la marchitez temprana en papa. (Cortesía: archivo Unimedios)
Noviembre 08, 2023

Algoritmo para detección de enfermedades en papa ve la luz en Colombia

Un equipo Colombiano liderado por William Alfonso León Rueda, logró desarrollar un algoritmo capaz de identificar una enfermedad causada por el hongo Verticillium.
Prince Edward Island potatoes
Noviembre 04, 2023

Building resilience in the potato sector of Prince Edward Island

In the fall of 2021, the detection of potato wart disrupted sales of Prince Edward Island (PEI) potatoes to the United States, threatening the livelihoods of thousands of Islanders.


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