Defectos y Enfermedades de la Papa

Simplot wants to sell food products from GM Potatoes in Australia and New Zealand
Julio 06, 2017

Simplot wants to sell food products from GM Potatoes in Australia and New Zealand

JR Simplot has applied at FSANZ for approval to export genetically modified potato products into Australia and New Zealand. Unclear is what type of products this is about, but unprocessed potatoes can not be imported.
CRC develops new DNA methods to detect zebrachip bacteria in potato psyllids
Julio 06, 2017

CRC develops new DNA methods to detect zebrachip bacteria in potato psyllids

Plant Biosecurity CRC scientists have identified stable regions in the genome of Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum (CLso), which causes the serious disease Zebra Chip in potato and tomato crops. This research will provide new diagnostics that will significantly reduce uncertainty in biosecurity assessments.
IPM approach seed potato growers Kangaroo Island hops to mainland Australia
Junio 19, 2017

IPM approach seed potato growers Kangaroo Island hops to mainland Australia

Seed potato growers on Kangaroo Island - an island off the mainland of South Australia - are successfully adopting a new strategy to manage the aphids and thrips pestering their crops, taking on expert advice from agronomists and entomologists to adopt integrated pest management for these insect pests.
West Australian potato farmers prepare to leave industry because of psyllid outbreak
Mayo 02, 2017

West Australian potato farmers prepare to leave industry because of psyllid outbreak

Alan Parker looked out onto the farm business he had spent his entire life establishing. The West Australian seed potato grower will know in the next six weeks whether his lifelong career will continue.
West Australia moves from Potato Psyllid Eradication to Control
Abril 27, 2017

West Australia moves from Potato Psyllid Eradication to Control

Potato Psyllids, a destructive plant pest found for the first time in Australia in February cannot be eradicated, so the industry will seek to manage it, rather than destroy it, according to The Department of Food and Agriculture of West Australia.
Mesh cover highly effective at keeping pests off potatoes, Lincoln University researchers find
Marzo 15, 2017

Mesh cover highly effective at keeping pests off potatoes, Lincoln University researchers find

In New Zealand, a team of Lincoln University researchers is impressed with the results from a trial of a mesh cover that is used to protect potato crops from insect pests.
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Discovery of Potato Psyllids in Western Australia a serious blow to the industry
Febrero 14, 2017

Discovery of Potato Psyllids in Western Australia a serious blow to the industry

Potato producers in south-west Western Australia say the detection of the potato psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli) is a "serious blow" to their industry. The detection of the psyllid may put national and international exports in jeopardy.
Potatoes New Zealand joins government biosecurity initiative
Diciembre 12, 2016

Potatoes New Zealand joins government biosecurity initiative

Potatoes New Zealand became the 14th partner organisation to join the Government Industry Agreement for Biosecurity Readiness and Response.
AUSVEG: Wasp warfare with avid aphid-eating parasites can help prevent resistence
Julio 06, 2016

AUSVEG: Wasp warfare with avid aphid-eating parasites can help prevent pesticide resistance

With pesticide resistance rising in species of aphids which feed on potatoes and spread viruses, one of the best control options for growers battling these pests may be found in nature, free of charge: parasitic wasps.
Biological control of Potato Psyllids by Parasitic Wasp approved by New Zealand Authority
Junio 20, 2016

Biological control of Potato Psyllids by Parasitic Wasp approved by New Zealand Authority

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) of New Zealand has approved a type of parasitic wasp as a biological control agent to combat the tomato potato psyllid (a plant louse), which attacks tomatoes, potatoes, capsicums and tamarillos in the country.
Research to guard natural potato psyllid pathways into Australia
Marzo 01, 2016

Research to guard natural potato psyllid pathways into Australia

Australian Researchers are working closely with the country's potato industry to investigate the potential for the highly destructive Tomato-potato psyllid (TPP) to enter Australia using natural pathways.
Australian Potato Farmers reminded to watch out for late blight - but no aggressive strains detected in the country
Enero 17, 2016

Australian Potato Farmers reminded to watch out for late blight - but no aggressive strains have been detected

Australian potato growers are being reminded to prepare for late blight, a potato disease that strikes when conditions are humid, stagnant and warm.
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Potato Psyllids (Courtesy: Center for Invasive Species Research)
Julio 23, 2015

Potatoes New Zealand: Potato Psyllid well under control thanks to research

Potatoes New Zealand chief executive Champak Mehta says the industry now has the potato psyllid well under control thanks to the knowledge gained through research.
PreDicta Pt senior research officer Mike Rettke and Dr Kathy Ophel Keller at SARDI’s Molecular Diagnostics offices at the Plant Research Centre, Waite Campus.
Mayo 21, 2015

Workshop to help South Australian growers prepare for potato pests

South Australian potato growers will have the opportunity to be updated on the latest research and development (R&D) including managing soil pathogens, pests and diseases at a special workshop to be held by AUSVEG in Murray Bridge next week.
Crop Rotation trial in New Zealand (Courtesy New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research)
Abril 16, 2015

Major new potato research project announced in New Zealand

Potatoes New Zealand Inc. has won funding from the Ministry of Primary Industries for a major research project aimed at improving crop yield, more specifically, the impact of crop rotations on soil borne diseases and soil quality.
Dr Andrew Geering (Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation; QAAFI)
Abril 15, 2015

Zebra Chip disease discovered on island between Australia and New Zealand

During a quarantine survey on Norfolk Island, a small island between New Zealand and Australia, both the tomato-potato psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli) as well as the zebra chip causing bacterium Ca. Liberibacter solanacearum (Lso) have been detected.
New Zealand Potato Production 2014
Septiembre 14, 2014

New Zealand Potato Production 2014

New Zealand Potato production in 2013, at 525,000 metric tons, was marginally (5%) ahead of 2012 production. t is likely planted areas in 2014 will be similar to 2013, with production in the range of 500,000 to 550,000MT.
PreDicta Pt senior research officer Mike Rettke and Dr Kathy Ophel Keller at SARDI’s Molecular Diagnostics offices. Mike Rettke is one of the presenters at this special potato research and development (R&D) workshop
Julio 31, 2014

AUSVEG potato workshop set to lead growers forward

Crop management and protection practices that help prevent soil-borne diseases in potato crops will be the key focus of a special potato research and development (R&D) workshop to be held in Berrigan, NSW, Australia


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