Defectos y Enfermedades de la Papa

El gusano de alambre, principal enemigo de la patata andaluza
Abril 24, 2023

El gusano de alambre, principal enemigo de la patata andaluza

Andalucía encara, aunque con bastante retraso provocado por las heladas, una campaña de patata nueva que será, a priori, «buena» pero que sufre la falta de productos fitosanitarios, señala Javier Boceta, director general de Meijer, empresa obtentora de variedades y líder en las patatas más sembradas y más demandadas por la industria nacional.
Growers group works on future-proof seed potato cultivation
Abril 10, 2023

HZPC works with growers to future-proof seed potato cultivation

Growers learn best from other growers. This has been proven by the future-proof seed potato cultivation project, an initiative to examine upcoming changes in potato cultivation with a group of growers.
WPC Webinar with Dr. Alison Lees, Potato Pathologist, The James Hutton Institute, Feb 28, 2023 9:00am EST (Canada/USA)
Febrero 27, 2023

WPC Webinar with Dr. Alison Lees, Potato Pathologist, The James Hutton Institute, Feb 28, 2023 9:00am EST (Canada/USA)

The World Potato Congress presents a webinar with Dr. Alison Lees, Potato Pathologist with The James Hutton Institute, Dundee, UK on February 28, 2023 at 9.00am Eastern Standard Time (EST).
PCN and blackleg main topics at Cambridge potato conference
Enero 21, 2023

PCN and blackleg main topics at Cambridge potato conference

Potato industry challenges posed by PCN and blackleg were among the topics discussed at the recent Cambridge University Potato Growers’ Association (CUPGRA) annual conference.
7 supermarkets sign up for 100% robust potatoes in an organic range
Noviembre 19, 2022

In the Netherlands, 7 supermarkets sign up for 100% robust potatoes in an organic range

In the Netherlands, 31 parties in the table potato chain sign a covenant in which they commit to switch completely to organic robust potato varieties, including 7 supermarkets.
Tenerife, España: La Asociación de Desarrollo Rural Icod de los Trigos-San Juan de la Rambla apoya las movilizaciones en defensa de la papa local.
Julio 10, 2022

Tenerife, España: La Asociación de Desarrollo Rural Icod de los Trigos-San Juan de la Rambla apoya las movilizaciones en defensa de la papa local

La Asociación de Desarrollo Local Icod de los Trigos- San Juan de la Rambla cree que las reuniones y movilizaciones de los agricultores de la isla son tremendamente necesarias para reivindicar un precio justo de nuestra papa, además de propiciar la autonomía de nuestra gente del campo.
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Fundamental change in blight strains impacting Irish potato crops.
Junio 19, 2022

Fundamental change in blight strains impacting Irish potato crops

There is a major displacement of potato-blight strain populations taking place in Ireland at the present time. Speaking on a recent edition of the Tillage Edge podcast.
Joint industry project in the United Kingdom to tackle wireworm damage
Junio 15, 2022

Joint industry project in the United Kingdom to tackle wireworm damage

Following an upward trend in wireworm damage in root vegetable and cereal crops throughout the UK, industry leaders have joined forces to co-fund a Fera-led R&D project to find an end-to-end solution
WPC: Teagasc discussed breeding new potato varieties.
Junio 06, 2022

WPC: Teagasc discussed breeding new potato varieties

Teagasc used its presence at this week’s World Potato Congress (WPC) to network with comparable organisations, in particular those undertaking similar projects regarding breeding new potato varieties.
Granada, España: Prohíben regar cultivos de patatas con aguas procedentes del río Velillos afectadas por una bacteria en Moclín.
Mayo 25, 2022

Granada, España: Prohíben regar cultivos de patatas con aguas procedentes del río Velillos afectadas por una bacteria en Moclín

La Dirección General de la Producción Agrícola y Ganadera de la Junta ha detectado un brote de bacteria 'Ralstonia solanacearum' en las aguas superficiales del río Velillos, en Moclín, Granada.
Ellips highlights the top challenges in potato grading and how to tackle them
Febrero 24, 2022

Ellips highlights the top challenges in potato grading and how to tackle them

Ellips, a manufacturer of optical grader equipment for individual potatoes, highlights the top challenges in potato grading and how to tackle them.
Proposed potato organisation sets out funding plans
Febrero 18, 2022

Proposed Great Britain potato organisation sets out funding plans

Potato industry leaders in Great Britain who are driving forward proposals for a new representative organization funded by voluntary subscriptions say they have a 'clear mandate' to make plans for the next stage.
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Eric Vos, gerente de exportación de patatas de siembra en Agrico.
Febrero 09, 2022

Agrico: 'La calidad debe ser buena, pero los rendimientos siguen siendo más importantes'

La empresa holandesa Agrico es un actor global en el campo de las variedades de patatas de siembra y de consumo. El desarrollo de variedades innovadoras que se adapten a varios climas y mercados constituye una parte esencial de la empresa.
Smart soil bugs offer farmers an ecofriendly route to controlling crop diseases
Enero 21, 2022

Smart soil bugs offer farmers an ecofriendly route to controlling crop diseases

An innovative method of controlling a range of damaging crop diseases using native, beneficial soil bacteria has emerged from a research-industry collaboration.
Liam Glennon, Chairperson of the Local Organising Committee, Irish Potato Federation.
Enero 04, 2022

World Potato Congress Webinar - 'Introducing the World Potato Congress in Ireland' presented by Liam Glennon

In preparation for the World Potato Congress being held from May 30 to June 2, 2022 in Dublin, Ireland, Liam Glennon, Chairperson of the Local Organising Committee, Irish Potato Federation.
The Crop Trust and CIP Announce New Disease-Proof Potato.
Diciembre 01, 2021

The Crop Trust and CIP Announce New Disease-Proof Potato

The Crop Trust and the International Potato Center (CIP) are announcing the release of a new disease-resistant potato called CIP-Matilde.
Agrico presents new potato varieties during Meet and Greet event
Noviembre 08, 2021

Agrico presents new potato varieties during Meet and Greet event

Agrico presented two new varieties during an intimate Meet and Greet at its breeding and research farm, Agrico Research in Bant.
Potato innovations in the fight against hunger and climate change at HZPC's Potato Days 2021
Noviembre 07, 2021

Potato innovations in the fight against hunger and climate change at HZPC's Potato Days 2021

The Potato Days of HZPC are dedicated to the future of the potato. A future in which the potato provides an important contribution to the food security in the world and helps to combat climate change.


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