Defectos y Enfermedades de la Papa

Luis da Silva
Septiembre 01, 2014

NPC Academic Scholarship awarded to Cornell Grad Luis da Silva

The National Potato Council (NPC) is pleased to award Washington Luis da Silva, a plant pathology Ph.D. student at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y., its 2014-15 Academic Scholarship.
Infected tip of a potato stem, with necrosis and sporulation on the stem, petioles and leaves.(Cornell University)
Julio 28, 2014

Late blight reappears in Long Island potato, tomato fields

Late blight, a fungal-like pathogen that affects potato and tomato crops, has been confirmed on Long Island for the sixth consecutive year.
Wisconsin Potato Field in bloom
Julio 24, 2014

Late Blight threatens Wisconsin Potato Fields

A potato disease known as Late blight is threatening some Wisconsin potato fields, but growers are well aware and making strides to prevent it from spreading.
Warmer winters linked to increased pesticide use
Junio 26, 2014

Warmer winters linked to increased pesticide use

In this USDA research on soybean crops, researchers find a link between minimum winter temperature and pesticide use.
Mike Thornton, Ph.D. Professor Parma Research and Extension Center University of Idaho
Junio 13, 2014

Focus on Potato: Factors that cause Sugar Ends in Potatoes

Whether you call them glassy ends, translucent ends, dark ends, jelly ends, or something even less flattering, sugar ends are a significant issue.
Potato and Tomato affected by late blight
Junio 09, 2014

Univ. Florida Research: Late blight pathogen originates from Mexico

A University of Florida scientist has pinpointed Mexico as the origin of the pathogen that caused the 1840s Irish Potato Famine, a finding that may help researchers solve the $6 billion-a-year disease that continues to evolve and torment potato and tomato growers around the world.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Hairy Nightshade, a weed that has the potential to be problematic in potato cultivation
Mayo 28, 2014

New 'Focus on Potato' Webcasts Tackle Hairy Nightshade, Potato Tuber Moth

Hairy nightshade and potato tuberworm (or potato tuber moth) are two economically important inhibitors to potato production. Two of the latest ‘Focus on Potato’ webcasts focus on these economically important potato pests.
zebrachip symptoms in fried potatoes
Mayo 01, 2014

ARS: Potato Psyllids dissected for clues to better controlling it

Researchers at USDA's Agricultural Research Service are leaving no stone unturned when it comes to finding new ways of managing zebra chip disease and the insect that can spread it to potato crops.
El cambio climático no aumentaría el riesgo de diseminación del tizón tardío
Abril 19, 2014

El cambio climático no aumentaría el riesgo de diseminación del tizón tardío

Según una reciente investigación de las Universidades de Kansas y California-Davis, el Centro Internacional de la Papa y el Instituto Internacional de Investigación del Arroz.
Estimulando las defensas naturales de plantas con una sustancia semejante a la aspirina
Febrero 17, 2014

Estimulan las defensas naturales de plantas con una sustancia semejante a la aspirina

Resultados de nuevos estudios por científicos con el ARS sugieren que un tratamiento con el ácido salicílico podría prevenir o reducir la infección de plantas de cultivos por el fitoplasma de la punta morada de la papa, el cual es una bacteria sin paredes celulares.
Professor Jenifer Huang McBeath is pictured in a rice field in China.
Enero 13, 2014

UAF scientist veers toward potato research when life brings a detour

Jenifer Huang McBeath of the University of Alaska Fairbanks has been researching biological controls and developing environmentally friendly methods for farmers to combat plant diseases since 1985. She never intended to switch her focus to potatoes...
Bayer CropScience survey at Potato Expo digs up Potato Industry needs for 2014
Enero 13, 2014

Bayer CropScience survey at Potato Expo digs up Potato Industry needs for 2014

According to United States Department of Agriculture’s crop production predictions, average potato yield per acre increased during the 2013 season.

In an effort to propel this upward trend into the New Year, Bayer CropScience launched its Potato Perspectives Survey during Potato Expo in San Antonio, Texas, Jan. 8-10, 2014.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Potato Psyllid Trapping and Management - Focus on Potato webcast
Agosto 21, 2013

Potato Psyllid Trapping and Management - Focus on Potato webcast

This webcast by the Plant Management Network on Potato Psyllids, responsible for the transfer of the Zebra chip disease consists of two parts:
 Late blight on a potato leaf
Agosto 21, 2013

Wisconsin potato growers stay ahead of blight

Although late blight has been confirmed in 12% of Wisconsin’s counties, growers took aggressive action to control the disease and are predicting full yields and high quality potatoes of all varieties this season.
 Potato Psyllid
Agosto 07, 2013

Potato psyllids in Pacific North West show far less zebra chip disease this year

About the same number of potato psyllids have been caught on sticky traps in Idaho fields this season as by this time last summer, but far fewer of the tiny, winged insects have tested positive for the Liberibacter bacterium, which causes the crop dise...
 hyperspectral image of potato strips
Julio 25, 2013

Key Technology Signs Agreement to Deploy Chemical Imaging Technology (CIT®) for Potato Processors

Key Technology announces that it has signed an exclusive licensing agreement with EVK DI Kerschhaggl GmbH and Insort GmbH to deploy Chemical Imaging Technology (CIT®), an advanced value-added hyperspectral solution, in Key’s products, further enhancing...
 Oregon State University
Junio 05, 2013

Research: Infected volunteer potato plants unlikely to spread zebra chip disease

Volunteer potato plants growing from seed infected with zebra chip are likely too few in number and survive too briefly to contribute to the spread of the crop disease, according to new Oregon State University research findings.
 Washington State Potatoes
Mayo 07, 2013

Washington State Potato Commission helps Potato Growers apply Integrated Pest Management

As the potato growing season begins, The Washington State Potato Commission (WSPC) will provide free Integrated Pest Management (IPM) supplies for Washington’s potato growers.


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