Cultivo de Papas Criticizes Unilateral Contract Reductions in Belgian Potato Sector
Marzo 06, 2025 calls for signed potato contracts to be correctly executed is surprised to learn of the proposals from some potato buyers, whereby they unilaterally reduce the contracted quantities from the buyer without any form of consultation in already signed contracts. This is unacceptable.
Official opening - Stefan Top, Managing Director of AVR & Kris Declercq, Mayor of Roeselar
Diciembre 08, 2024

AVR opens revamped head office at the conclusion of 175th anniversary year

AVR, manufacturer of a full range of potato harvesting machines and a world player in that market segment, is concluding its 175th anniversary year with the festive opening of its revamped head office.
Como socio mediático de Interpom, PotatoPro estuvo presente en la feria, contribuyendo a la presencia internacional. Representando a la empresa estuvieron Paul Van Eijck y Marja Kuijsten desde Canadá, así como Nipun Krishnan y Bhavya Shree desde India.
Noviembre 29, 2024

Interpom 2024: Más internacional y un récord de 24,000 visitantes

¡INTERPOM ha batido todos los récords con la impresionante cifra de 23,998 visitantes! En los últimos días, la industria de la papa se reunió desde todos los rincones del mundo en Kortrijk Xpo.
Dewulf Enduro, second-generation 4-row sieving harvester
Noviembre 17, 2024

Dewulf showcases new and proven technology at Interpom 2024

Dewulf, a leading manufacturer of agricultural machinery for the cultivation of potatoes and root crops, will also be exhibiting at Interpom this year, the premier European indoor trade fair for the potato sector in Kortrijk.
Calibration on AVR Puma 4.0
Octubre 31, 2024

AVR launches size measurement on its Puma 4.0 potato harvester

AVR is presenting its latest innovation at the Interpom fair: the size measuring system on the Puma 4.0 potato harvester. Thanks to the camera system on the bunker filling web, growers get more accurate insight than ever into yields.
INTERPOM 2024: Impulso energético para un sector de la patata en transición acelerada
Octubre 28, 2024

INTERPOM 2024: Impulso energético para un sector de la patata en transición acelerada

INTERPOM es la feria comercial bajo techo más especializada de Europa para toda la cadena de la patata. Del 24 al 26 de noviembre de 2024, 330 expositores de 15 países darán la bienvenida a productores, contratistas, procesadores, empacadores, compradores y comerciantes de patatas frescas y procesadas en sus stands en Kortrijk Xpo.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Interpom 2022
Septiembre 09, 2024

INTERPOM 2024: Energizing a potato industry in transition

INTERPOM, the leading trade fair for the entire potato chain, will take place November 24, 25 and 26, 2024 at Kortrijk Xpo in Belgium. Having already reached full capacity, INTERPOM is the go-to trade platform for all professionals wishing to follow the latest market trends
AVR Spirit 9200i
Agosto 25, 2024

AVR launces the Spirit 9200i potato harvester, the ultimate version of a pioneering machine

The AVR Spirit 9200 potato harvester had already established a new standard for 2-row offset bunker harvester. AVR had improved its well-known Spirit line even further to accommodate the highest segment in potato harvesting. 
Never had Western-European potato growers such a difficult planting season. Never has a future harvest seen so many uncertainties!
Julio 02, 2024

North-western European potato growers: Never such a difficult planting season, never so much uncertainties about the harvest!

Very late and difficult planting conditions and emergence problems on a large scale are cause of concern in some of the main production regions in North-western Europe.
Europatat and other Stakeholders raise concerns over proposed plant reproductive material amendments
Abril 17, 2024

Europatat and other Stakeholders raise concerns over proposed plant reproductive material amendments

Europatat is raising concerns about the draft report on Plant Reproductive Material (PRM) which is set for a vote in the European Parliament’s Plenary during the week of 22 April.
AVR celebrates 175th birthday with limited edition Puma 4.0
Abril 15, 2024

AVR celebrates 175th birthday with limited edition Puma 4.0 Potato harvester

In short, a family business that developed from a producer of hand tools into a manufacturer of high-tech machines for every stage of the potato growing process. A history of transformation and specialisation.
Brand new website about sustainable fertilization of potatoes.
Abril 02, 2024

Belfertil and Belgapom promote the sustainable fertilization of potatoes with a new website for growers

BELFertil and Belgapom collaborate to offer growers, crop supervisors, and advisors a new website dedicated to sustainable fertilization practices for potatoes.
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Dewulf Enduro Self-propelled 4-row sieving harvester
Noviembre 22, 2023

Potato harvester Enduro Generation 1 - It's a wrap! Generation 2 is here!

Dewulf's 4-row sieving harvester Enduro has become more than an established player in the self-propelled harvester landscape in recent years.
Campos de papa cultivados
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Temporada difícil para los productores de semilla en Europa afectará la disponibilidad para los mercados de exportación

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Seed potatoes with small green sprouts
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Challenging 2023 Season for European Seed Potatoes

The European seed potato industry has a long history of producing and supplying high-quality planting material to European and overseas growers.
Potato Europe 2023
Septiembre 19, 2023

Potato Europe 2023 attracts increasingly international crowd

Potato Europe 2023, recently held in Tournai, Belgium, became more international than we saw in the past years. Visitors from all around the world visited the event to see the latest European potato technologies.
Potato harvest August 2023 in the Netherlands (Courtesy: Dewulf)
Septiembre 14, 2023

Average potato production in North-western-Europe threatened by quality issues

The last 4 months was not easy going for the potato production in the NEPG region. But despite the difficult weather conditions, first yield estimates suggest a return to multi-year averages, with an estimated harvest of around 23 million tonnes of potatoes.
Dewulf Certa 40 Integral
Septiembre 12, 2023

Looking back at Potato Europe 2023: Dewulf unveils Certa 40 Integral and MH 24x series with Scotts Evolution

The 2023 edition of Potato Europe took place in Kain (Doornik), Belgium, last week. There, the full-liner in potato cultivation machines unveiled innovations in its product lines for both planting and storage.


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