Comercio de la Papa

 South Africa
Julio 31, 2013

Frozen Potato Chips (French Fries) trade war between South Africa and the European Union

South Africa and the European Union (EU) are headed for another bruising dispute over trade access. At issue this time around are frozen potato chips (frozen french fries) from the EU.
Septiembre 11, 2012

Algeria considers importing potatoes

Algeria is considering to import potatoes in face of a possible shortage in the market, Agriculture Minister Rachid Benaissa said Sunday.
 Potatoes South Africa
Abril 30, 2012

Imported French fries – a hot potato topic for the South African economy

Potatoes South Africa (PSA) has recently turned to the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries, as well as the Minister of Trade & Industry, in order to address the influx of frozen French fries into South Africa.
 Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI)
Abril 21, 2012

Potato farmers in Kenya oppose the import of seed potatoes

Potato Farmers in Kenya have opposed a decision by the government to import seed from the Netherlands, insisting that the move will kill the little but growing initiative to produce clean planting seed potato and will expose the country to potato disea...
Abril 11, 2012

Egypt threatens retaliation over Russia's potato import ban

Egypt threatened on Tuesday to take retaliatory measures against Russia if it keeps a ban on Egyptian potato imports.
Febrero 20, 2012

Kenya: Row over government plan to import potato seed from the Netherlands

A major controversy has broken out over government plan to import seed potato favoured for the production of high quality crisps and chips.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Febrero 14, 2012

Kenyan farmers set to reap big from quality potato seed imports from the Netherlands

Kenya will start importing high quality potato seeds following the signing of bilateral agreement with the Netherlands government.
Logo of The Potato Company
Octubre 29, 2007

TPC exporteert ruim 15.000 ton consumptieaardappelen naar Algerije

Woensdagmiddag 24 oktober is de vijfde koelboot met 3600 ton consumptieaardappelen vertrokken van Vlissingen naar Mostaganem in Algerije.


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