Cadena de Suministro de Papas

UK Food Industry responds to Brexit vote
Junio 26, 2016

UK Food Industry response to Brexit vote: a disappointing result

Ian Wright CBE, Director General at the Food and Drink Federation, the voice of the UK's largest manufacturing sector - food and drink, responds to the vote to leave in the UK's EU Referendum.
GMO Labeling Compromise ready for US Senate to consider
Junio 25, 2016

GMO Labeling Compromise ready for US Senate to consider

A landmark Senate agreement on national disclosure standards for genetically engineered foods would allow companies to disclose GMO ingredients through digital codes rather than on-package langcode or symbols.
Países de Latinoamérica analizan en Lima proyectos de tecnología agropecuaria
Junio 24, 2016

Países de Latinoamérica analizan en Lima proyectos de tecnología agropecuaria

Representantes de 17 países latinoamericanos participaron esta semana en Lima en el XI Taller de seguimiento técnico de proyectos del Fondo Regional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Fontagro), mecanismo para la innovación de la agricultura familiar en la región.
AHDB CEO Jane King comments on Brexit vote
Junio 24, 2016

AHDB CEO Jane King comments on Brexit vote

The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board’s Chief Executive, Jane King, comments on the Brexit vote earlier today.
Adrie Vermeulen appointed as new Chairman of Agrico Potato Cooperative
Junio 24, 2016

Adrie Vermeulen appointed as new Chairman of Agrico Potato Cooperative

Last week Board of Members of the Agrico potato cooperative appointed Mr Adrie Vermeulen as chairman of the board commencing on December 20, 12016.
The Potato Company (TPC) buys a new lot in Emmeloord for expansion
Junio 22, 2016

The Potato Company (TPC) buys new lot in Emmeloord for expansion

The Potato Company (TPC) is expanding. Owner and founder of the company Gaby Stet and the Municipality Noordoostpolder have signed an agreement for the sale of a 4633 m<sup>2</sup> sized lot in the new business park 'De Munt' in Emmeloord.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
McCain Foods Limited now a strategic partner and investor in Resson
Junio 22, 2016

McCain Foods Limited now a strategic partner and investor in agricultural data specialist Resson

Resson, a fast-growing data-driven agriculture technology company, today announced that McCain Foods Limited is now a strategic partner and is part of a $US 11 million (about $CDN 14 million) Series B investment round in the company.
Tolsma-Grisnich Group acquires majority share in Farm Electronics Limited
Junio 22, 2016

Tolsma-Grisnich Group acquires majority share in Farm Electronics Limited

Farm Electronics Limited, a UK based potato storage specialist has become part of the Tolsma-Grisnich group. The company will continue to trade and manufacture crop storage systems as Farm Electronics Limited
Biological control of Potato Psyllids by Parasitic Wasp approved by New Zealand Authority
Junio 20, 2016

Biological control of Potato Psyllids by Parasitic Wasp approved by New Zealand Authority

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) of New Zealand has approved a type of parasitic wasp as a biological control agent to combat the tomato potato psyllid (a plant louse), which attacks tomatoes, potatoes, capsicums and tamarillos in the country.
A la papa se la pelean en Cuba: sólo se ha vendido en abril y junio
Junio 19, 2016

A la papa se la pelean en Cuba: sólo se ha vendido en abril y junio

A más de dos meses de la primera gran venta anual -y poco después, la mágica evaporación- de la papa, este año en los agros de La Habana vuelve por segunda vez el preciadísimo tubérculo a poner a correr a más de una familia.
Seed Potato Price paid to Dutch HZPC farmers exceeds 30 euros
Junio 19, 2016

Seed Potato Price paid to Dutch HZPC farmers exceeds 30 euros

HZPC Holland B.V., a leading potato breeding company sets the final price for harvest 2015 for its Dutch seed potato pool at € 30,28 per 100 kilo.
Kenya, Netherlands in deal to boost potato yield
Junio 19, 2016

Kenya, Netherlands in deal to boost potato yield

Kenya is set to launch new varieties of potatoes that will boost quality and yield.
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Prijs pootaardappel-pool HZPC Nederland boven 30 Euro door record afzet en hoge opbrengsten
Junio 19, 2016

Prijs pootaardappel-pool HZPC Nederland boven 30 Euro door record afzet en hoge opbrengsten

HZPC Holland bv, wereldleider in aardappelveredeling, stelt de definitieve uitbetalingsprijs voor zijn Nederlandse pootaardappel-pool over Oogst 2015 vast op € 30,28 per 100 kilo.
United States Potato Stocks Down 7 Percent From June 2015
Junio 18, 2016

United States Potato Stocks Down 7 Percent From June 2015

In the United States, the 13 major potato producing states held 52.2 million cwt of potatoes in storage June 1, 2016, down 7 percent from June 1, 2015.
Delayed monsoon trouble for potato growers in Hassan, Karnataka
Junio 18, 2016

Delayed monsoon spells trouble for potato growers in Hassan, Karnataka

Lack of rain has left potato growers of Hassan - a district in the Southern Indian state of Karnataka in distress.
Tanzania signs agreement with The Netherlands to boost Potato Production
Junio 18, 2016

Tanzania signs agreement with The Netherlands to boost Potato Production

Potato growers in Tanzania stand to benefit from a new agreement between Netherlands and Tanzania, targeting to help farmers in the country boost the tubers production as well as being provided with potential market outlets abroad.
Paperos de Venezuela piden autorización para importar semillas
Junio 16, 2016

Paperos de Venezuela piden autorización para importar semillas

Para garantizar el abastecimiento de este importante rubro agrícola, la Federación Nacional de Productores de Papa y Hortalizas (Fenaphort) entregará un documento a Agropatria y a los ministerios con competencia alimentaria para pedir autorización e importar las semillas.
Potato Farming on Prince Edward Island: Trying Something New
Junio 16, 2016

Potato Farming on Prince Edward Island: Trying Something New

For years, PEI potato farmer Robert Green has been growing barley and canola in rotation with potatoes. This season, he’s decided to try something new.


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