Cadena de Suministro de Papas

Inicia la cosecha de papa en Sinaloa
Febrero 03, 2020

Inicia la cosecha de papa en Sinaloa

Con expectativas de aportar al mercado de consumo fresco y a la industria papera mexicana una producción del producto alimenticio que fluctuará entre las 300 mil y las 400 mil toneladas, arrancó en Sinaloa la cosecha de papa ciclo otoño-invierno.
Wolrld Potato Congress Webinar: What's all this talk about Hybrid breeding and Hybrid True Potato Seeds (HTPS) revolutionizing the potato industry?
Enero 31, 2020

World Potato Congress Webinar: What's all this talk about Hybrid breeding and Hybrid True Potato Seeds (HTPS) revolutionizing the potato industry?

The World Potato Congress (WPC) is extremely pleased to be offering this second webinar in its 2020 series featuring Mr. Hein Kruyt, CEO of Solynta.
Agrico shows 'Next Generation' potato varieties at Fruit Logistica
Enero 30, 2020

Agrico shows 'Next Generation' potato varieties at Fruit Logistica

Agrico will be exhibiting at Fruit Logistica in Berlin from Wednesday 5 to Friday 7 February 2020. At this leading international trade event, Agrico will demonstrate its contribution to sustainable potato cultivation for the ‘Next Generation’.
Gujarat gets lion’s share of almost 27% in potato exports
Enero 28, 2020

Gujarat gets lion's share of almost 27% in potato exports

The state ranked fourth in the production of potatoes after Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Bihar with a share of 30%, 22% and 10%, respectively, in India’s total potato production.
Cuba: Concluyó Cienfuegos la mayor siembra de patata en los últimos años
Enero 27, 2020

Cuba: Concluyó Cienfuegos la mayor siembra de patata en los últimos años

Acaba de concluir en Cienfuegos, Cuba, la más grande campaña de siembra de papa de los últimos años, al quedar bajo tierra la simiente en 500 hectáreas —120 ha más que la precedente— en la Empresa Agropecuaria Horquita...
India's Prime minister Narendra Modi to address the Global Potato Conclave at Gandhinagar, Gujarat
Enero 27, 2020

India's Prime minister Narendra Modi to address the Global Potato Conclave at Gandhinagar, Gujarat

India's Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi announced today that he will be addressing the 3rd Global Potato Conclave at Gandhinagar, Gujarat through remote video conferencing tomorrow i.e 28th of January 2020.
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Side Delights Launches The 'Journey of a Potato' Educational Video at SEPC Southern Exposure 2020
Enero 24, 2020

Side Delights Launches The 'Journey of a Potato' Educational Video at SEPC Southern Exposure 2020

Side Delights® announced it will launch the 'Journey of a Potato' video in Tampa February 27-29, during Southern Exposure 2020: Produce on Parade!. Under the 'Grown Where it Matters' campaign, this video is an educational piece for both consumers ...
Bayer Velum Prime and Movento manage Nematodes for better yields and plant health in Pacific Northwest
Enero 23, 2020

Bayer Velum Prime and Movento manage Nematodes for better yields and plant health in Pacific Northwest

With the potential to cause up to 90 percent annual yield loss, nematodes can be a key threat to a potato crop. Nematodes affect potatoes directly by feeding on roots and tubers and indirectly through transmission of diseases. Interbranch organization takes off in Belgium
Enero 23, 2020 to become the single voice of the entire potato industry in Belgium

On January 20, the foundation deed of was officially signed in Huldenberg. The composition of the Executive Board ensures that there are balances between growers, traders and processors, and between Dutch and French speakers.
In Jharkhand, a homegrown innovation is driving up potato farmers' incomes
Enero 21, 2020

In Jharkhand, India a homegrown innovation is driving up potato farmers' incomes

An easy to build structure helps farmers in Jharkhand to store their potatoes much longer
Idaho Potato Conference to include technology training
Enero 21, 2020

Idaho Potato Conference to include technology training

Understanding soil health is a central theme of the 52nd annual Idaho Potato Conference and Trade Show, scheduled for Jan. 22-23 at Idaho State University’s Pond Student Union Building.
Argentina (Buenos Aires): Costo de Producción de Papa Spunta. Enero 2020
Enero 20, 2020

Argentina (Buenos Aires): Costo de Producción de Papa Spunta. Enero 2020

La producción de papa es una actividad intensiva que requiere de una importante inversión por unidad de superficie y que tiene un impacto significativo en las economías regionales donde se produce.
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Colombia: Productores de papa inician censo para determinar daños por heladas
Enero 20, 2020

Colombia: Productores de papa inician censo para determinar daños por heladas

El presidente de Fedepapa, Germán Palacio, reportó que las heladas que desde finales de diciembre de 2019 y en los primeros días de enero de 2020 han causado daños en las zonas productoras del alimento en Boyacá, Cundinamarca, Santander y otros.
Record Breaking Potato Expo 2020 Focuses Industry on the Future
Enero 17, 2020

Record Breaking Potato Expo 2020 Focuses Industry on the Future

From Jan. 14 through 15, more than 2,000 U.S. potato growers and industry members from a dozen countries turned out for Potato Expo 2020 at The Mirage Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nev., to do business and prepare their operations for the future.
Gowan acquires late blight, rhizoctonia protection agents from Bayer
Enero 17, 2020

Gowan acquires late blight, rhizoctonia protection agents from Bayer

Gowan Crop Protection Limited, an affiliate of Gowan Co. LLC., has entered into agreements with Bayer AG to acquire rights to the active ingredients fenamidone and pencycuron.
Potato Growers Select 2020 NPC Leadership
Enero 17, 2020

US Potato Growers Select 2020 NPC Leadership

Today at the National Potato Council’s (NPC) 2020 Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Britt Raybould of Rexburg, Idaho was elected to serve as NPC’s 2020 President. She is the first female president in NPC’s 72-year history.
Potato Industry to be Highlighted at Charlottetown Trade Event & Conference Next Month
Enero 16, 2020

Potato Industry to be Highlighted at Charlottetown Trade Event & Conference Next Month

The International Potato Technology Expo and conference returns to the Eastlink Centre in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island next month, February 21 & 22. The event welcomes those who grow and package potatoes...
Agrico presents annual figures 2018/2019 paying its farmers the highest price for potatoes ever
Enero 16, 2020

Agrico presents annual figures 2018/2019 paying its farmers the highest price for potatoes ever

Last December, Agrico held its annual central members' meeting. The annual figures 2018/2019 were discussed in this well-attended meeting.


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