Cadena de Suministro de Papas

PotatoEurope vuelve a Francia donde este año espera reunir a 15.000 visitantes
Abril 20, 2020

PotatoEurope vuelve a Francia donde este año espera reunir a 15.000 visitantes

La décimoquinta edición de la feria PotatoEurope se va a celebrar este año el 2 y 3 de septiembre en la localidad francesa de Villers-Saint-Christophe. El evento se organiza cada año de forma rotatoria en Francia, Bélgica, Holanda y Alemania.
Arranca la campaña de la patata
Abril 20, 2020

Arranca la campaña de la patata

Aunque los profesionales aún esperarán dos semanas, los pequeños agricultores ya han comenzado a preparar la tierra para la campaña de la patata, que ya se han plantado en algunos municipios de la costa.
¿7 millones de kilos de patata a la basura?
Abril 20, 2020

¿7 millones de kilos de patata a la basura?

Consecuencia del Coronavirus: Los productores del Norte de Burgos y Palencia urgen al Ministerio a buscar ya una vía, porque se han cerrado restaurantes, hoteles y colegios, pero se han olvidado de otras consecuencias de la pandemia, como es ésta.
Cultivar papas en tu huerto: Cuándo y cómo sembrar y cosechar
Abril 20, 2020

Cultivar papas en tu huerto: Cuándo y cómo sembrar y cosechar

Si te has decidido a cultivar patatas o papas en tu terreno, huerto o jardín, seguramente te estarás informando al máximo para hacerlo lo mejor posible y conseguir un cultivo exitoso.
An Idaho farm is giving away 2 million potatoes because coronavirus has hurt demand
Abril 17, 2020

An Idaho farm is giving away 2 million potatoes because coronavirus has hurt demand

With coronavirus severely affecting the potato supply chain, a farm in Idaho is giving away about 2 million potatoes so they don't go to waste. First come, first served.
MSU study focuses on controlling volunteer potatoes
Abril 16, 2020

MSU study focuses on controlling volunteer potatoes

Volunteer potatoes are difficult to control. Currently, there are no herbicides available that will completely control volunteer potatoes and significantly reduce the number of daughter tubers produced per plant.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
World Potato Congress Webinar: Dr. Monica Parker present 'Diversified Use of Apical Cuttings to Boost Potato Seed Systems'
Abril 16, 2020

World Potato Congress Webinar: Dr. Monica Parker present 'Diversified Use of Apical Cuttings to Boost Potato Seed Systems'

Addressing seed shortages for potato is a perennial challenge in many potato-producing countries. Potato seed systems rely on several successive generations of bulking seed tubers to produce commercial seed.
Lively demand for Cypriot early potatoes in Germany
Abril 15, 2020

Lively demand for Cypriot early potatoes in Germany

The sunny weather and the early start of the domestic asparagus season are particularly advantageous for potato imports. We are now hoping for a successful continuation of the campaign after Easter.
Layoffs expected at P.E.I.'s Cavendish Farms because of coronavirus
Abril 14, 2020

Layoffs expected at Cavendish Farms on Prince Edward Island because of coronavirus

Cavendish farms haven’t laid off any staff yet because of the coronavirus (COVID-19), but a spokeswoman for the company says short-term layoffs are expected.
The harvest of new potato in Portugal started two weeks earlier
Abril 14, 2020

Harvest of new potato in Portugal starts two weeks early

New potato harvest started in last week, in Portugal. Due to the higher temperatures recorded in February and March, compared to last years, the earliest varieties reached the commercial size in advance.
Belgian potato sector grows again in 2019
Abril 13, 2020

Belgian potato processing sector continues growth in 2019

Last year, despite the difficult growing conditions as a result of the extreme heat and drought during both the 2018-2019 and the 2019-2020 seasons, the Belgian potato-processing industry once again improved the record for processed potatoes.
La Municipalidad Ortigueira de la provicia española A Coruña, pide a la Xunta poder plantar patatas tras el confinamiento
Abril 13, 2020

La Municipalidad Ortigueira de la provicia española A Coruña, pide a la Xunta poder plantar patatas tras el confinamiento

El Ayuntamiento de la Municipalidad Ortigueira de la provicia española A Coruña, ha solicitado a la Xunta que excluya al municipio como zona infestada por la plaga de la colza guatemalteca.
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A Limia inicia la siembra del cereal y patata en pleno estado de alarma
Abril 13, 2020

La Comarca A Limia, de la Provicia Gallega Ourense, inicia la siembra del cereal y patata en pleno estado de alarma

Labradores antelanos activan estos días las labores en más de 15.000 hectáreas de terreno en la Comarca A Limia, de la Provicia Gallega Ourense.
Cuba: El municipio Pinareño Los Palacios se esmera en la Recolección de Papas
Abril 13, 2020

Cuba: El municipio Pinareño Los Palacios se esmera en la Recolección de Papas

La Empresa Agropecuaria Cubaquivir, del municipio Los Palacios, se sumó a la cosecha de papas correspondiente a la campaña de frío 2019-2020 en Pinar del Río, provincia que reincorporó el cultivo a sus campos tras una década de ausencia.
Perthshire farmer wins £1m bank backing for new potato sorting machine
Abril 09, 2020

Perthshire farmer wins £1m bank backing for new potato sorting machine

A PERTHSHIRE farming business which supplies table and seed potatoes to the UK, Europe, North Africa and Middle East will increase throughput by up to 100 percent by modernizing operating processes after securing £1 million in support from banking giant
Coronavirus: Belgian fries begin to suffer
Abril 08, 2020

Coronavirus: Belgian fries begin to suffer

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has dealt a blow to a, particularly Belgian market, as the country begins to see declining sales of the humble fries.
Potato price surges by 28%-38% in UP, West Bengal as demand rises in the lockdown period
Abril 08, 2020

Potato price surges by 28%-38% in UP, West Bengal as demand rises in the lockdown period

Potato prices have surged 28-38% in Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, the top two producers of the tuber which has become the staple across India during the COVID-19-induced lockdown.
2019 a Banner Year for Potato Sales – 2020 Very Concerning
Abril 08, 2020

2019 a Banner Year for Potato Sales - 2020 Very Concerning

The utilization of U.S. grown potatoes increased by 3.3% in volume in 2019 compared to 2018, an increase of 1,183 million pounds.


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