Cadena de Suministro de Papas

How Colorado Potato Beetles Beat Pesticides
Diciembre 29, 2020

How Colorado Potato Beetles Beat Pesticides

Native to the Rocky Mountains, the Colorado potato beetle has now spread to many parts of the world and quickly overcoming almost every pesticide thrown in its way. A new UVM study sheds light on how these insects become resistant so fast.
Pandemic impact: Foodservice losses reduce total potato sales in the US
Diciembre 29, 2020

Pandemic impact: Foodservice losses reduce total potato sales in the United States

There was a 5% decline in the utilization of potatoes grown in the United States during the July 2019 – June 2020 marketing year (MY20).
A Crop Pandemic Would Be as Devastating for Biodiversity and Food Security as COVID-19
Diciembre 29, 2020

A Crop Pandemic Would Be as Devastating for Biodiversity and Food Security as COVID-19

Biodiversity loss threatens national security. We need to invest in technologies to preserve our vital food varieties.
Chemical composition of wild potato relative contributes to its resistance to pathogen
Diciembre 29, 2020

Chemical composition of wild potato relative contributes to its resistance to pathogen

In a recent study published in the MPMI journal, scientists from CSU revealed that metabolites from S. chacoense contribute to disease resistance by altering the pathogenic behavior of Pectobacterium brasiliense, rather than inhibiting its growth or killing it.
Smart Big Bags for seed potatoes keep track of temperature during transport
Diciembre 29, 2020

Smart Big Bags for seed potatoes keep track of temperature during transport

With the pilot, 'smart big bags' HZPC uses the internet of things to share knowledge and get a better grip on the delivery process of seed potatoes.
Grandes preocupaciones en el sector de la patata holandesa
Diciembre 28, 2020

Grandes preocupaciones en el sector de la patata holandesa

Según Adrie Kleinjan, de la empresa holandesa Kleinjan's Aardappelhandel, el mercado de las patatas no pinta muy bien en este momento.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
The National Potato Council reviews the impact of the COVID Relief and FY21 Funding Bills
Diciembre 22, 2020

The National Potato Council reviews the impact of the COVID Relief and FY21 Funding Bills

In the United States, House and Senate just approved COVID Relief and FY21 Funding Bills. The National Potato Council reviews what these bills mean for the US Potato Sector.
Previously unknown variant of potato wart disease discovered in the Netherlands
Diciembre 22, 2020

Previously unknown variant of potato wart disease discovered in the Netherlands

According to a report by the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA), an unknown variant of wart disease was discovered in agricultural fields in the municipality of Stadskanaal in the north-east of the country.
Diciembre 21, 2020

INIA y Rustikas.Uy firmaron convenio para el desarrollo de nuevos cultivares de papa de origen Uruguayo

​El Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA) firmó un convenio con la empresa local de agrobiotecnología Rustikas.Uy mediante el cual trabajarán conjuntamente.
La experiencia de Abiomed en el tratamiento antigerminante de patata almacenada en España
Diciembre 21, 2020

La experiencia de Abiomed en el tratamiento antigerminante de patata almacenada en España

Abiomed Higiene es una empresa puntera en el sector de los tratamientos antigerminantes en patata, con una fuerte presencia en las zonas de producción de este cultivo y un gran reconocimiento por las empresas del sector.
Bangladesh targets potato production of over 4 million tons just for the Rangpur division
Diciembre 21, 2020

Bangladesh targets potato production of over 4 million tons for the Rangpur division

Bangladesh targets potato production of over 4 million tons just for the Rangpur division

En busca de nuevos mercados, Colombia inicia exportación de batata a Holanda
Diciembre 21, 2020

En busca de nuevos mercados, Colombia inicia exportación de batata a Holanda

La Corporación colombiana de investigación Agropecuaria (Agrosavia), estableció una alianza con la empresa Frutas Comerciales S.A para la producción de la variedad de batata aurora con fines de exportación al mercado europeo.
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World Potato Congress January 14, 2021 Webinar with Todd Forbush
Diciembre 21, 2020

World Potato Congress January 14, 2021 Webinar with Todd Forbush

The World Potato Congress has announced its next webinar for Thursday, January 14, 2021 with Todd Forbush, Engineer with Techmark, Inc.
Llega al mercado la patata Beltza, obtenida por Neiker
Diciembre 18, 2020

Llega al mercado la patata Beltza, obtenida por Neiker

Es una variedad registrada por Neiker para ayudar al sector agrario con productos novedosos con los que diversificarse y adaptarse a las demandas de los consumidores.
La crisis de los paperos continúa en el Oriente Colombiano
Diciembre 18, 2020

La crisis de los paperos continúa en el Oriente Colombiano

Pese a los múltiples esfuerzos que se han realizado hace varios meses en la región, la situación de los paperos en el Oriente colombiano no ha mejorado y temen que la crisis no cese.
Dutch potato cooperation Agrico reviews the year positively despite turbulent times
Diciembre 18, 2020

Potato coop Agrico reviews the year positively despite turbulent times

Potato coop Agrico held its annual central general members' meeting last week. During this online meeting, the annual figures for 2019/2020 were discussed and Agrico's digital transformation was addressed.
Great Britain potato production increased by 4.1% compared to last season
Diciembre 17, 2020

Great Britain potato production increased by 4.1% compared to last season

The GB potato industry accounts for over 117.46Kha of planted area this year, and is represented by 1,611 growers in 2020. Growers have faced difficult seasons of late.
Why a new potato variety could be a game-changer for farmers in East Africa
Diciembre 17, 2020

Why a new potato variety could be a game-changer for farmers in East Africa

Imagine being a potato farmer in Ethiopia, Kenya, or Nigeria. On a small piece of land, which you depend on for food and income, you have spent months planting, weeding, and watering.


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