Noticias sobre la Cadena de Suministro de Papas de La República Checa

CultiWise Now Uses Drone Images for Precise Agricultural Mapping
Marzo 20, 2025

CultiWise Enhances Potato Farming with Drone Maps for Significant Cost and Time Savings

Potato growers now have a more reliable overview of their spray maps for fungicide, fertilizers and product growth regulators – even when conventional satellite images fail due to cloud cover.
Europatat elects Vlastimil Rasocha as its new Vice-President
Mayo 27, 2024

Europatat elects Vlastimil Rasocha as its new Vice-President

Europatat’s members have elected a new Board to lead the association for the coming year and welcome Vlastimil Rasocha as Vice-president.
Marzo 08, 2023

Noticias de ADAPT: Próxima ronda de aclimatación al estrés de la patata de fenotipado en líneas de enfoque

El proyecto europeo Horizon 2020 Accelerated Development of multiple-stress tolerAnt PoTato (ADAPT), en el que participa Europatat, tiene como objetivo desarrollar nuevas estrategias para hacer que las patatas se adapten a las desafiantes condiciones de crecimiento del futuro.
HZPC names Dr Marie Rasochová Potato Woman of the Year 2018
Noviembre 13, 2018

HZPC names Dr Marie Rasochová Potato Woman of the Year 2018

Potato company HZPC has named Dr. Marie Rasochová (80) as Potato Woman of the Year 2018. She is a great promotor of potatoes in the Czech Republic.
Czech Potato Research Institute announces a new blue-purple potato variety 'Val-Blue'
Octubre 05, 2017

Czech Potato Research Institute breeds a new blue-purple potato variety 'Val-Blue'

The Czech Potato Research Institute in Havlíčkův Brod has announced that it has bred a new potato variety they named “Val Blue”. And yes! It has a striking blue-purple colour.
La nueva papa checo-latinoamericana será más sabrosa y resistente
Agosto 30, 2016

La nueva papa checo-latinoamericana será más sabrosa y resistente

Científicos checos están examinando patatas traídas de América Latina con el fin de ennoblecer la especie centroeuropea. La nueva variedad, que debería ser más sabrosa y resistente, podría deleitar el paladar de los checos dentro de unos 10 años.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
 Europatat icons
Febrero 28, 2013

Europatat and the Czech Potato Association announce Europatat Congress 2013

Europatat and the Czech Potato Association (UBS) are pleased to announce the opening for registrations for the annual Europatat Congress, taking place in Carlsbad (Czech Republic) from 30 May 2013 till 1 June 2013.
Medipo Agras
Agosto 01, 2012

New Herbert intake grading systems brings benefits to Czech potato packer Medipo Agras

Medipo Agras in the Czech Republic, are potato packers who have recently replaced their old Herbert line with a larger intake grading system.
 Breeders Trust
Junio 18, 2010

Breeders Trust sluit overeenkomst voor pootgoed licenties in Tsjechië

Breeders Trust heeft een overeenkomst gesloten voor de inning van licenties op aardappelrassen in Tsjechië. De Tsjechische organisatie Druvod gaat gegevens verzamelen over het gebruik van zelf geteeld pootgoed en zorgt dat de kweekbedrijven hun licent...
Marzo 03, 2008

New GM potatoes to be planted by Czech farmers soon

Czech farmers could be reaping a new specie of the genetically modified (GM) potatoes with superior starch more befitting the human organism next year. Experts agree that this would broaden the possibilities of Czech potato producers. However, in spi...


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