Cadena de Suministro de Papas

Award winning Europlant potato variety Elfe, offering excellent suitability for washing and pre-packing
Enero 30, 2015

Europlant invites you to discuss seed potatoes at FruitLogistica

The very high harvest yields and drop in fresh potato consumption will, EUROPLANT Pflanzenzucht GmbH believes, be one of the dominant themes at this year’s Fruit Logistica, where you can visit the company in a completely revamped stand
Agrico celebrating worldwide choice in seed and table potatoes at Fruit Logistica.
Enero 29, 2015

Agrico celebrating worldwide choice in seed and table potatoes at Fruit Logistica

Agrico will be participating in Fruit Logistica, held from Wednesday 4 until Friday 6 February in Berlin. At this leading international fair Agrico will present its worldwide choice in the fields of seed and table potatoes.
Het aardappelras Carolus
Enero 25, 2015

Agrico-ras Carolus smaakmaker tijdens Biobeurs

Vorige week nam Agrico deel aan de vernieuwde Biobeurs die plaats vond in het IJsselhallencomplex te Zwolle. Tijdens deze beurs zette Agrico haar bijzonder resistente en zeer smaakvolle biologische aardappelras Carolus in de spotlight
National Farmers Union (NFU) of Scotland
Enero 20, 2015

NFU Scotland urges shift from Potato R&D to Potato Promotion

To combat tumbling potato consumption, NFU Scotland has urged the industry’s statutory levy body to consider shifting its funding emphasis from research and development to more promotion.
Irish Organic Farmers protest over delayed payments
Enero 20, 2015

Irish Organic Farmers protest over delayed payments

Several dozen organic farmers have been protesting outside Department of Agriculture offices in Athenry, Co Galway (Ireland) over delayed farm payments
AHDB Chairman Peter Kendall with Food and Farming Minister George Eustice in 2014
Enero 17, 2015

'Potato Council' to become 'AHDB Potatoes'

'Potato Council' will become 'AHDB Potatoes' later this year as the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board’s (AHDB) operating divisions will be rebranded to create a simplified family of levy-payer facing brands under the AHDB name.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Heyvaert happy with Dewulf Kwatro harvester
Enero 16, 2015

Heyvaert happy with Dewulf Kwatro harvester

Belgian contract farmer Heyvaert reflects on the investment in a Dewulf Kwatro self-propelled harvester for their 200 ha chicory and 200 ha potatoes operation.
potatoes damaged by the Guatemalan potato moth
Enero 14, 2015

Cómo eliminar la polilla gutemalteca de la papa durante la poscosecha

Resumen de la ponencia que sobre el tema se presentó en el XXVI Congreso bienal de la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP), celebrado recientemente en Bogotá.
Tong Peal Caretaker 2015
Enero 11, 2015

Tong Peal launches new version of its Caretaker mobile grader

Tong Peal Engineering has announced it is launching an upgraded version of its market-leading Caretaker mobile grader for 2015.
International Potato Sales Albert Bartlett taking off.
Enero 04, 2015

International Potato Sales Albert Bartlett taking off.

The company which owns the Albert Bartlett potato brand has increased its profits by more than 31 per cent in spite of small fall in turnover. The company shows remarkable growth in international sales and 40% growth in its Scotty Brand business.
Romain Cools during the Interpom-Primeurs at the Inno Potato Award Ceremonies
Enero 04, 2015

Romain Cools (Belgapom) sees bright spots in the potato market

Romain Cools, secretary of the Belgian Potato Processors Association Belgapom expresses his views on the free potato market.
Potato Cooperative Agrico presents its members excellent results
Diciembre 16, 2014

Potato Cooperative Agrico presents its members excellent results

Potato cooperative Agrico reported that its 2013/2014 financial year was a good potato year, in which Agrico made good payments to its members for both seed and table potatoes.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Agrico presenteert uitstekende resultaten aan haar leden
Diciembre 15, 2014

Agrico presenteert uitstekende resultaten aan haar leden

Vorige week werd tijdens de ledenraad van Agrico de jaarrekening voor 2013-2014 vastgesteld. Dit aansluitend aan de centrale ledenvergadering, die als voortvloeisel van het nieuwe bestuursmodel voor het eerst in deze vorm is gehouden.
AVR puma 3 self propelled 4 row potato harverster
Diciembre 15, 2014

AVR showcases its new potato harvesters at Lamma

At Lamma 2015 - UK's largest farm machinery, equipment and agricultural services show - visitors to the AVR booth can get intimately acquainted with AVR's new potato harvesters.
Herbert Contractor II 2400
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Herbert to showcase latest handling systems at Lamma 2015

Herbert Engineering, the leader in agricultural handling systems, will be attending LAMMA 2015, to showcase its latest grading technology.
Despite large potato crop in North-Western Europe, producers are finding opportunities
Diciembre 07, 2014

Despite large potato crop in North-Western Europe, producers are finding opportunities

The total ware potato harvest in the five North-Western European Potato growers (NEPG) countries - Belgium, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Great Britain - in 2014 is estimated at more than 28 million tons.
España: Tenerife avanza en nuevas investigaciones sobre la polilla de la papa
Diciembre 03, 2014

España: Tenerife avanza en nuevas investigaciones sobre la polilla de la papa

Una de las líneas de trabajo es el control biológico de la plaga con la suelta de una pequeña avispa que parasita en los huevos e impide su ciclo natural.
GreenVale All Rounders have Christmas in the Bag!
Noviembre 30, 2014

GreenVale All Rounders have Christmas in the Bag!

Greenvale, one of the UK’s leading suppliers of fresh potatoes, offers a festive Christmas version of its 2kg bags of GreenVale All Rounder Potatoes.


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